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Her Darkest world

Her Darkest world

Golden write


This is a story of a high school teenage girl, who is a loner and found to be strange and distant among peers in school. Many called her a nerd, some tagged her an ugly idiot and none wanted to relate with her. Everyone looks down on her including her own family and she is suffering from emotional abuse, no one understands her and she is left in the world of her own at the corner of the class. Things changed suddenly as a new stunning and charming male student got transferred to their school and became interested in her, right in her eyes he could see a strange girl filled with puzzles and the darkest secret, he wants to unravel. Find out what happened, when the new hot blonde guy Jace Gilbert choose to seat with no other girl in the class but the weirdest girl Lily Winter.

Chapter 1 All I crave for is peace

This life is filled with ups and downs,I know am never perfect, am never the golden girl born with beauty and brain, just a plain idiot unlike Jade my younger sister,she got everything but me it's quite the opposite,even my own dad's hate me and look down on me,it's not like mum got high hopes on me either.

The question on what life is and why does it treat people differently is what I still ask myself, it's not like what everyone wants in life is the same ,for some is wealth, while to another set of people is fame ,to others it's love and happiness but what someone like me could think of is peace and a state where people can accept me for who I am,Guess that only a dream right? Halirious.

I am sure today is packed with series of events that are waiting to unfold. I just witnessed episode one, that my Dad's scolding and tongue lashing,words indeed strong enough to make you climb the rooftop and just jump down since your existence is of no value.

I bet I might end up doing that this days cause his words are chattering me and driving me crazy.Now that my head are filled with echoes of give up,just end the damn life maybe everyone would be happy then"

These were the thoughts that race through my mind as I walk to school. "I am sure those school bitches can't wait for Lilly Winter to get to school,so they can start a new episode of bullying, What a day".

An absent minded highschool girl with a pale skin and sickly looking body crossed the street with her head hung down sadly .Sure the young lady has a lot on her mind but whatever it's, I hope she finds happiness to light her world.

***********At exactly 7:36am******

The school hallway was crowded as usual,she walked quietly as she can to her locker ,praying internally for the students not to detect her present especially mean people like Jessia and her friends,

"It too early for more drama, I already had one today ,just wishing that would be all for the day" she prayed silently and sighed, this has become daily prayer for Lily Winter.

Immediately she got her books from the locker she quickly hide herself under her large hood and continue to walk briskly through the quiet corner, praying inwardly not to bump into Jessica and her worker bees since she is the queen and they are the followers or someone like Ian Grayson and his gang they are the worst people you could ever wish to meet on a good day.

Ian seems like a good person from afar judging from his goodlooks and warm smile ,he is even the School Sports president and the leader of blue Ice basketball team ,with all these qualifications one would think he is responsible and warm-hearted guy, that was what Winter thought about him until he tried to drug her and rape her during last the school prom after she had trusted him blindly thinking he was a saint with angel heart not knowing that he was an evil snake.

" I am really a fool, I can't believe I had crush on that monster,Him and his girlfriend Jessica Bane really deserve one another,bunch of heartless people!"she cursed loudly, just as she was about to turn the last corner, she began to tremble in fear

"Hey look what we got here " a red-head girl called out and the other girls turned towards Lily Winter's direction.

"Wow Miss ugly you really look suck in that 90's outfit you wearing" another girl mocked .

"If you ask me that fit an ugly duck like her, she won't look any better even if she is wearing the nicest dress in Vogue ,a duck can't turn into Swan overnight" the meanest looking girl with heavy make up and thick mascara on commented dryly and turned back her attention to her phone.

" You're right Branda,she is just a disease to my goodsight .Hey fool ,where is my English assignment that I asked you to do for me" a blonde girl in ripped jean fired.

"It he.r..e"she stuttered and stretched the book to her.

" Get lost before your cursed face make me puke"she yelled.

Lily immediately disappeared through the corridor and ran towards the toilet with tears streaming down her face.

" Hey Jessica that girl in your class is so ugly and she wears old outfit , she is really wierd and ugly looks like a frog recantion, how Halirious" she could hear the redhead girl jeered and her friend's laughters as she walked away .

Inside the toilet ,she turned the tap on and washed her face before wiping it furiously with tissue, staring at the mirror she cried harder,

"I hate being a pushover who everyone treat like rags ,I want peace that all I creave for. It so fustrating" she wiped harder.

"I hate myself for being this way",she rammed her fist in anger into the mirror,which made it crack leaving her hand bleeding.

Few minutes after the first lesson bell had been rung she stepped out of the washroom and headed to Biology class.

"Miss Winter , you are Five minutes lates to my class. You got yourself a detention class" the female teacher in miniskirt yelled harshly.

" Yes ma'am" , she said quietly and left for her seat .

"What's up with Yuck face,she is really a pathetic loser" the ponytail girl that sat behind her whispered to her friend .

"I rather prefer to take poison rather be with that ugly cursed face,she shouldn't have been born in the first place,her existence irk me"the ponytail girl's friend replied harshly.

"Ewww she disgust me too,I can't wait for us to leave the sophomore year so I can stopping sitting anywhere near her,she makes you think of vomit or poop" the ponytail girl muttered in detest.

"You're right, I can't wait too"the ponytail girl's friend agreed.

Lily who had being listening to their conversation tried hard to focus on the what the teacher was saying and not their words but it keep echoing

"Alright, Class be quiet. Our lesson is Vertebrate , what do we understand by that word ,what does it mean" she inquired as she made a quick search through the class the whole class became deafening quiet and none was able to reply her.

"Wow are you telling me that ,there are no Vertebrate in this class" she chuckled at her own joke.

"Hi ma'am" ,a round face girl with double lens glasses stood up at the front.

"Yes Nelia" the teacher replied.

"Vertebrate are subphylum of Vertebrata under phylum chordata . Kingdom Animalia is divided into Vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrate are animals that have backbone inside their body example are; fishes, amphibians,birds ,mammals and reptiles" she finished explaining and sat down.

" Wow , that was amazing cutie. I love how you defined it ,it shows your clear understanding on Vertebrates, Good Job Nelia", the teacher praised.

"Who can tell us what other characteristics Vertebrates has,Apart from the ones Nelia mentioned"the teacher asked and once again the class was dead quiet.

"No one?"she asked in shocked before a hand was shyly raised from the back.

"Yes Lily" the teacher urged her to speak.

"Umm....ummmm,Vertbr...ates have notochord, dorsal hollow, nerve chord, pharyngeal slits ,post anal tail" she said quietly trying hard not to stuttered.

"That was great Lily", the teacher commented dryly.

"Of course she needs to work hard and be great in studies since her appearance sucks ,she can't be unfortunate all round" Jessica rolled her eyes in disgust and the whole class roared in laughter.

This made the standing girl to tremble in shame as her palms became sweaty.

"You are a mischievous brat, Jessica but that is a sad truth anyway", the teacher chuckled.

" Please have your seat Miss Winter"the teacher said.

"Yes ma'am",she sat down with glassy eyes ,tears threatened to pour but she managed to hold them in, what she could wish for now is a place to hide but there was none.She bowed and fidget with her fingers as she cried inwardly.

"That good for her,just because she a bit good at studies can't make her any prettier, Halirious" she could hear the students mummuring

"People like her should never be reminded to know their place,she is nothing but an eyesore",a girl scoffed and rolled her eyes at her.

"What is the noise about, what going on here", the principal asked sternly , while entering the class suddenly with a handsome blonde guy behind her.

"Oh it nothing ma'am" the teacher replied quickly, the students could not help but to stare and be curious about the boy.

"Who is that handsome boy behind the principal ?, he is so cute? ,Is he a new student" they asked one another.

"That boy behind the principal is so handsome,his face is so pretty for a guy ,how cute" Branda told Jessica,who was busy staring at the new boy hungrily.

She tried to seduce the guy flashing him ,her sexiest smile but he didn't even look at her way.

"Miss Walter your job is to keep the class in order" , the principal scolded the teacher.

"I am sorry ma'am" the teacher apologized .

"It okay Miss Walter,a new student will be joining your class" she explained and turned towards the boy.

"Jace,why don't you introduce yourself to the class" the principal said and left the class.

"Hi mates, am Jace Gilbert a new student that would be joining your class.That all I like to share " he announced

"Awnnnnnn, hey handsome tell us more about yourself like,what your hobbies are?, what your favorite snacks are?, do you have a girlfriend " the girls shouted coyingly.

"That all for now ,Jace please take a seat next to Branda" she said pointing at the empty seat.Branda couldn't hide her exicitment as she grinned widely.

The boy didn't budge as his gaze was fixed at a girl who was putting on an over - over size hood,which made her look cute.

"She is so cute",he muttered staring at her.

"Excuse me ,I didn't get that" the teacher questioned raising her eyebrows

"I said I am going to be seating next to that cute bear at the corner of the class" he said smiling, both the teacher and students went pale with shock.

"What is wrong with him,is he even in his right state of mind?, Who is he referring to as cute ?,Yuck face,huh!"they were all baffled.

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