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The beauty of the cursed love

The beauty of the cursed love

mystical pen


What happens when the nudes of the most popular girl is leaked? Kiana is a teenager from a rich family. She is ill-mannered but has alot of worshippers. It's been recently found out that her boyfriend has been cheating on her with her bestfriend. Her nudes gets leaked a day before her birthday and the day she meets a new cute boy at school. Who leaked her nudes? Who is this weird guy making moves at her? What are the consequences she gets to face as a result of her leaked nudes? Why were her nudes leaked? Read more to find out.....

Chapter 1 The untold news

Kiana walks into her school's building annoyed, her mom is always nagging about one thing or the other. She stares down at her trousers and shoes to ensure they're still neat. She loves wearing baggy jeans and croptops and she is definitely wearing that today.She uses her hand to arrange her brown hair and removes the crumb of bread that has been on her full,pink and brown ( at the edges) lips. She walks into the building,hoping no one notices she has been crying from yesterday's event.

" What's up girls ?" She asks as her squad approaches her. There are three girls, Ruby who is a blonde,Emily and kia.

" We're good. Someone is turning sixteen tomorrow.... " Ruby,replies smiling,while trying to search for traces of tears on her face. Ruby has been trying to be really close to Kiana for numerous reasons. She wants Kiana's brother's bestfriend to notice her and this is the last way available. She once went to his house in a revealing dress but he chased her out,saying that she was not his type plus who wouldn't want to be friends with the most popular girl in school.

" Let's just head to class. I'm not in the mood to speak today after yesterday's event " she says to them and sighs.

" Sure " they reply,knowing what had happened the previous day. The queen of blue high, Kiana,got her heart broken by her lover, David. Rumors which are not wrong says he was cheating on her with her bestfriend, Kyra. Kiana stops abruptly as a voice calls out and everyone turns to stare at the source of the voice.

" Kiana " Mia,a weird looking girl with glasses,a sweatshirt and black joggers calls out,running towards Kiana. She trips as she hits the Janitor's bucket and falls as everyone laughs, especially Kiana. She gets up and walks to Kiana with a book in her hand.

" Here's your assignment. All done " she says to Kiana,giving her the book. Kiana receives it and stares at it in disgust.

" It better be correct"she says,stares at the almost wet book and turns around to walk to her class.

" Wait...can I be in your group now?" Mia asks.

" I'll think about it " Kiana replies,not staring at her. She has given Mia that answer thrice.

Kiana hurriedly walks to her class as her group trail after her.

She stands at the door staring at the person sitting on her seat.

" He is new " she concludes staring at his back. " That doesn't give him the right to sit on my seat anyways. He should ask questions " she says to herself,still staring at him. He is wearing a hoodie though she can tell it's a guy due to his structure.

She walks to him,ignoring David and Kyra,making glances at her.

" Get off my seat " she says to him but he ignores her,not lifting his head from the desk. She repeats her sentence thrice and he still ignores her. Fuming with anger,she hits the locker hard and he stares at her.

" Get off my seat right now " she says, drowning in more anger as everyone is staring at her. Her face becomes red. He takes off his ear pods and clears his throat.

" Sorry,I didn't get what you said " he says to her and she stares at him furious.

" Get off my seat " she says and takes a deep breath,not wanting to explode as her face is already red. He gets up,leaving a notebook on the desk. She flings it to the floor and he turns around to pick it up. He picks it up and smiles at her before walking to a different sear.She sits on her seat,not feeling better as everyone just wants to annoy her and ruin her week.

" Here's your bag " Ruby days,placing the bag on her desk. Kiana ignores her and she walks away. Kiana takes out her phone,connects it to her ear pods and plays "that way" by Tate McRae. She places her head on the locker and gets lost in the song. She is really heartbroken about the last day's experience but cannot show her emotions as she doesn't want to give David the satisfaction of seeing her down.

" How dare he say he was just using me to get Kyra? How dare he say he did all this just to ensure he dealt with me same way his sister was dealt with by my brother "she asks herself,her anger increasing by the moment.

The bell rings,signalling the beginning of classes and she raises her head up.

" Good morning " her teacher says out loud,walking to the front of her class.

" Morning ma " they all reply,bringing out their chemistry textbooks.

"Hey,we have a new student. Let's give this dashing young man a chance to introduce himself " she says out loud smiling and Kiana turns around to see the new guy properly as he stands up. She never got to see his face properly,due to her anger. He smiles,showing everyone his perfect dentition. He has a slightly long black hair,styled perfectly,a strong jawline and thick lashes ,though not long and brows,just like a girl.

He clears his throat and all the students turn around to see him at the back of the class,the girls give him their keen attention,waiting for him to start his sentence.

" I am Ryan Daniels by name,I love basketball and reading novels. I also dance and I'm aspiring to be a petrochemical engineer. That's all for now " he says and sits as everyone claps.

Kiana stares at him,wondering how she didn't notice how cute the new guy is and he also has a husky voice.

" You forgot to add that you're handsome and you have an amazing voice " a girl adds and everyone laughs,excluding Kiana who is still staring at him. She turns around,not wanting to get distracted. She has to plot her revenge for David and Kyra carefully.

*. *. *. *. *. *. *

The bell rings for recess and the mathematics teacher walks out.

Kiana's squad hurriedly walks to her,all smiles.

" Girl,you're not going to tell me that you don't regret talking to Ryan that way. He is so handsome!!" Ruby says,excited as she sits on Kiana's desk.

" He is not that cute. He is not worth the hype you're giving him " Kiana replies and they stare at her. Ryan walks out and all the girls stare at him until he is gone.

" Let's go out for recess,I'm starving " Kiana says,trying to avoid more conversations about Ryan. She wants to see him and she doesn't know why.

They walk to the cafeteria and Kiana hisses as she sees David and Kyra there. "If they were so much in love with each other then why don't they date now that you're out of their way?" Ruby asks,staring at Kiana who ignores her and walks to get food from the caterers.she is a very big snub. She receives her food and stares at Ryan walking to her table.

" He better not dare " she says to herself,walking through the seats there,towards her seat.

She sits opposite Ryan and they both stare at each other for three seconds. Ruby,Emily and Kia sit on the other side of the table,eating in silence,while watching Kiana and Ryan,stare at each other. Ryan uses his foot to tap Kiana and she stares at him. He smiles and she ignores him,not wanting to talk to a boy.

Mia walks up to her with her tray in hand.

" Can I sit with you?" Mia asks,smiling.

" No " Kiana replies.

" Why?"

" I don't do nerds " Kiana replies and a hurt Mia stares at her.

" There is space for one more and I'll sit as this table isn't meant for you alone " Mia says and sits next to Kiana. Kiana gets up,picks the plate of hot chocolate and pours it on Mia. She screams.

" Next time,you stay on your lame and avoid me " Kiana says and Mia runs out in tears to the toilet. Ryan gets up and leaves the table for her and her friends.

" What the heck!!!!!" Ruby says out loud immediately after everyone gets a notification on their phones.

" Kiana,you might want to check your notification" Ruby says as everyone stares at Kiana.

" Why is everyone staring at me?" Kiana asks,her mouth full of chips.

" Just check your phone,sweetie " Ruby says,her face totally frowning. Kiana opens her phone and drops it immediately she opens her Instagram app. Kiana runs out to the restroom,bumping into Mia on the way. She ignores Mia and runs into the toilet.

" Kiana,you can't cry forever. You better get your ass out and be the badass you've been all these while." Ruby says,trying to stop Kiana from crying.

" I'm already dead. My dad's coming back today from a business trip and there is no way he won't kill me . This post already has fifteen thousand likes in less than five minutes. I'm ruined. " kiana explains,staring at the exact nudes of her she sent to Kyra and David. This might seem weird but she sends her nudes to Kyra to check them and give her thoughts before before she sends them to David.

" Kiana Thompson. Report to my office now " the principal's voice is heard through a speaker and Kiana shrieks in fear. " I'm definitely going to get expelled " she says to Ruby,her eyes red.

" Just take three deep breaths and go there. Nothing bad will happen" Ruby assures her.

" I've been suspended twice. This is the end for me " she complains and the principal repeats her statement again through the speaker.

" I'll watch out for you. Your dad will make sure nothing happens" Ruby says and Kiana walks out. The moment she steps out of the door,everyone stares at her. She notices Ryan staring at her emotionless and she feels embarrassed though she feels she doesn't like him. She walks up to David and hits him hard on the face.

" You'll pay " she says and walks out, silently thanking God that David didn't react on time because he can be bloody. She takes a deep breath and walks towards the principal's office as more people stare at her and some even laugh.

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