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Untamed Emotions

Untamed Emotions

Summer Love


Have you ever fallen in love with the wrong person? Or,,have you ever liked someone you shouldn't even have gotten close to? This story is about two teenagers who fell in love with each other even though they shouldn't. Why??? . . . Gray Connor a 18_years old teenager in his final grade in high school,the last son of president Connor who have been betrothed to Emma from birth. It's an agreement between both families that these two are going to get married when they are old enough. It went like that for years,,Gray and Emma are best friends from childhood. And as they grow up their love continue to grow along with them,but the problem is Gray doesn't love Emma more than a friend. He doesn't feel anything for her than just best friends,whereas Emma can die for Gray's love. A very protective girlfriend no other girl want to ever mess with her boyfriend. Gray doesn't have a choice than to just give in,,he already made up his mind to try his best in loving Emma back,does he have a choice? It continued this way until a strange girl came to their school,,and then the story changed. Who is this girl? Meet Quinn Spencer,,she's pretty,no,she's hot,cat eyes,plump lips,average in height,long and straight legs,long curly black hair,16,never had a boyfriend and never thinking of having one,just here to study and leave. You can describe her attitude as smart and gentle at the same time,,meeting new people is one of the things she hates. A normal guy will fall in love with her at first sight She's not rude,she's so cool but isn't clumsy either ,she's someone you will love without her trying to impress you,she's so lively,lovely and damn beautiful like the stars Her mom is a very disciplined woman,she already Gave her the rules And the top list is " No dating until you're eighteen " Which she's not ready to break any moment from now to avoid her mom's anger,, 'I have two more years to go,,and I will be free' She had said to herself when she clocked 16 few months ago Only if she knew things are about changing, . . . So what do you think happened when she joined the school??

Chapter 1 How It Starts..

# ITALY_(10:10am)


As Quinn took a step down from the car,the atmosphere did some magic in her Flawless skin and no one had to inform her that her life is about to change for the best.

This new school,she's going to try making a good vibe,no matter what.

" Quinn,what are you thinking about? Come on we need to get to the school principal immediately" A woman who dressed so elegantly spoke up to her daughter

" Sorry mom,was lost. The school is amazing" Quinn made a silly smirk

" It's the best school here girl,I told you" The woman smiled

" Yeah you did,Mrs Spencer " Quinn grinned and moved closer to her mom who gave her a gentle slap on her cheek

" Come on mom,,that's your name. Why slapping me" She teased

The two keep on talking until they got to the principal's office as directed by a teacher.


" Bye sweetheart,enjoy your first day. I love you " Mrs Spencer waved

" Thanks mom,I love you more " Quinn replied walking away with a teacher who will be showing her to her new class.

Mrs Spencer,a very popular and competent lawyer known all over the world for her charisma. That's Quinn's mom.


As Quinn followed the teacher,she couldn't help but to admire the school, FOCUS HIGH.

Okay another introduction,Focus high school is the biggest school in Italy,this school is meant for only the rich and it is owned by the President,,

President Connor.

This school is only filled with students from a well affluence family,no poor student is allowed here.

Even the president last child,attends this school.

They keep on walking for seconds which felt like hours to Quinn.

But as they walked she saw something which caught her attention,,,it's a boy obviously a student even though the school doesn't deal with uniforms,,all students are allowed to dress the way they want, but she could sense it,He's a student,,

Two other men in suits were behind him and beside him was another girl walking with him.

But Quinn focus was mainly on the boy

'Is he an Angel' she thought staring at him

He look so breathtaking,Those f**king sexy adams apple,pink lips,brown eyes,even his outfit is hot,he have an ear piercing too? Wow,

" Damn,who is this guy?" She didn't know when she said that loud

" It's the president son,,Gray Connor,He's a final grade student,your senior" The teacher beside her answered and she nodded still not taking her eyes from him

But something made her heart skip a beat,the boy also turned toward her direction and their eyes met.

She was suppose to remove her gaze from him but she didn't,she was able to see him more,,He's an Angel on earth.

She was even more surprised that he didn't look away either,the same way she focused her gaze on him,just the same way he was staring at her. He couldn't take his eyes away from her...

But their moment was shortlived when the girl beside him tapped him and he looked away.

'Bitch' Quinn cursed inwardly and also looked away.

Finally they got to the class,,the noisy class became silent the moment they stepped in and all the eyes came directly on her. She's not surprised,she's used to the gazes even though she doesn't appreciate it. She can't pray to become invisible right?

" So students,,here is a new student. She will be joining you,,and I want you all to make her feel welcome." The teacher spoke gently to the students

The teacher faced her and she knew the sign

" Hi guys,,I am Quinn Spencer. Nice meeting you all " She said simply with a blank expression

The students all clapped

" Anyone without a seat partner??" The teacher asked and five students raised their hands

" I will sit with her,,I love her face " Quinn said pointing at a girl with glasses on from the back.

" Good,,go sit with her. If you are comfortable" The teacher said and left the class

Quinn nodded without waiting,she started walking toward her,,

The class became noisy again but this time it was about her

👥 Damn,,where did she come from?

👥She's hot

👥F**k,,,those hips. Am sure gonna f**king get into her pant

👥Her legs drives me crazy

Quinn scoffed inwardly as she heard those silly comments about her,,she let out a smile immediately she got to her new seat partner

" Hi,,It's Quinn,hope we become friends" She said before sitting down

" I will love to,I don't have any friends anyway" The girl replied with a cute smile

" Wow,,why?" Quinn asked

"We had a silly misunderstanding and we broke up,,don't worry. I've gotten over her already" She replied and Quinn smiled

As she sat down close to her,Quinn noticed the girl is so pretty. She dressed so cutely and to think she doesn't have a friend seems funny to her.

" What's your name?"

" Cecelia "

" Nice name "

The two new friends were still chatting when some strong murmurs from the students hit them and they looked up

" It's Senior Gray and his friends" Cecelia said smiling

Quinn saw him,,,it's the same guy she stared at,the same angel,her new founded Angel,but this time he was with three other boys who looked handsome too,but Gray beauty is so ethereal,He's like a sunshine among them. She noticed the girl was still beside him,even now she's holding his hand.

And again their eyes met,, this time Quinn looked away,,but Gray's eyes didn't leave her.

'Who is she' he wondered

👥Gosh,,they are so handsome

Some girls even took their pictures

"Why is he here?? I thought he's a Senior student" Quinn asked Cecelia

"Of course,maybe they have a business with a student here " She replied

They stopped in front of a boy and talked for few seconds before leaving the class.

" You have any idea who she is?,the girl you caught me staring at?" Gray asked the moment Emma left with her friends

" She's a new student obviously" Alan replied with a smile

" She's cute " Tony blurted

Gray took another glance at her,

" Why are you staring at her that way? You want Emma to shout?" Alan asked and he scoffed

" Emma has nothing to do with this" Gray replied


" Who was the girl beside him?" Quinn asked Cecelia silently

" His betrothed girlfriend" She replied and Quinn let out a gasp

" Be,,,trothed?" She asked and Cecelia nodded

Immediately Quinn let her hope down,,she looked back at Gray with a sad face,their eyes met again,,it's obvious he have been staring at her all through.

She stared at him for some seconds and looked away,,,

Feeling so Down

'Well it's good anyway,,what's the essence of crushing when you can't even date? Can't wait to be 18' Quinn sighed and concluded in her mind to take him off her mind

'I only like his Face because he's handsome,,its normal'

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