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A Second Chance at Love (A Woman Scorned, Part 1)

A Second Chance at Love (A Woman Scorned, Part 1)



Part 1 - A Second Chance at Love (Chapters 1-10 and Epilogue) From the outside looking in, accountant Jared, and his beautiful wife, doctor Keyairah seem to be a loving power couple, but it isn't long before a terrible secret causes Keyairah to run away from Jared straight into the arms of a handsome stranger. Part 2 - A Lesson Learned (Chapters 11 to close) After Jared realizes that his wife has fled their marriage and life, he is determined to get her back, but will it be too late?

Chapter 1 Enough is Enough

It’s been over two months since I left my husband of six years, Jared. I left after I found him, the accountant turned plumber, laying pipe to my best friend, Angel, on our bathroom floor. Now, I know you probably think it’s my fault because I introduced them or let them hang out, but that’s not the case. I am a true sister. So, she was only in his presence if I was there. There were no side trips, no going to the movies, no going to the grocery store, not even up the street without me because I knew how my girl was. She is and always has been an opportunist.

She was always ready and waiting, like a cheetah in the brush, to pounce on any unsuspecting man that a woman was giving too much freedom, but she had been my friend since we were knee-high to Betsy bugs. So, I never thought she would cross the line. Was I wrong or what? Since we had been friends for so long, I eventually forgave her, but not until after I had treated her to a nice, piping hot serving of ass whipping. Yes, that sister got her ass snatched off the floor by her 16” weave and skull dragged down through my house butt-naked, and Mr. Jared eventually caught his, too.

I let Jared go to work for a few days thinking that all was well because it was. Although what he did with Angel was terrible, I was actually willing to forgive his transgression because I really did love him, and I was never the type to hold grudges anyway. Besides, I had always believed that marriage is sacred and wanted to keep the vows that I spoke. This was not Jared’s first affair, but I was also convinced Angel did her best to seduce and coax him into it. Now that I am reminiscing about it, I do remember her mentioning something about him being a flirting dog in the past. I never thought about it because I trusted my husband would not be that stupid. I knew he had his shortcomings, but he would not do me that wrong. Besides, Angel thought that every man wanted her. I didn’t decide to leave until two weeks after the incident. Something that day made me know for sure that I was leaving, but before I did, I was going to mess him up for messing my life up.

Now that I think about it, it’s all kind of funny. I left Jared after he left for his last two-week “business trip.” I politely went into his closet, cut up all his expensive suits and shoes, and scattered the remains on the bathroom floor where I previously found him and Angel. The remaining clothes and materials I had not destroyed were given to the homeless people who slept in front of his accounting firm. I could only imagine the look on his face when he realized that these people were wearing his clothes and warming up under his extremely expensive bed linen. By the time he came home, I was long gone. I had packed up my crimson SUV with my clothes and was on my way to settle into the townhouse that I had purchased across the country. Don’t you just love the Internet? Anyway…in the short span of a few months, I had arranged to have my medical practice moved, property purchased, and divorce papers drafted. I was certainly busy, wasn’t I?

Although I planned to buy a new life when I got to Georgia, the entire house had been completely stripped, except the bed in our room to leave an obvious message. “You made your bed, and now you have to lie in it,” and yeah, there was also that little brown envelope that I left in the center of the remnants of his shredded clothing enclosing my request for a divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. I didn’t want any money or anything else from him. To be completely honest, all of the expensive furniture I U-hauled from the house had been sold to the thrift shop up the street for next to nothing. I mean, I wasn’t exactly pressed for money. Hello, I’m a very sought-after physician! I knew that Jared would grant the request because he had never seen me react this way, and he didn’t want to infuriate me any more than I obviously was. Besides, I knew he would try to use it as a ploy to locate me, but my good friend and sorority sister was the attorney handling my case. She had specific instructions to forward the information directly to my new office, and under no circumstances could she disclose the knowledge of my whereabouts to anyone, especially Jared. I knew that she would hold to it because she was someone who understood how I felt, having gone through a similar situation two years earlier. I made sure that I covered all of my bases before I left because I never wanted to see him again.

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