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Hot Romance

Derek Flames a 19 years old middle class boy, whose parents seperated at his tender age yet reason unknown, happens to gain admission into school... Derek and Crystal hates the sight of each other, but happens when their hat turns to a hot Romance? In a twist the reason for Derek's parents seperation got reveild, while the family ever be whole again? Warning:matured content in some chapters🔞

Chapter 1 Hot Romance (starlight high school )

You change me why the betrayal

Chapter 1

writers Point of view

The weather is so cool, the amazing breeze blowing in the street, doors making noise.

The time is 6:O'clock in the morning

A boy is seen sleeping in a medium, well arranged room, not bordering to adhere to the sound of his alarm

In his sweet sleep he forgot today is the day he is starting his new school.

A young beautiful girl of around 16 years old is seen dressed for school,going into the guys room

A tap woke him up from is fantasy

The boy is No other than DEREK FLAMES

the lady who woke him up is his sister AMELIA FLAMES.

Today's weather is doing wonders to him,he was sleeping so soundly,while the breeze blow touching my body,making him feel like a baby

he was enjoying his sleep when his sister Amelia woke him up from sleep

Wakey wakey,"she chorused removing his blanket from his body",

What is it Amelia,why disturbing my precious sleep" he grumbled about to go back to bed"

Will you get your ass out of that bed

Have you forgotten today is your first day at school,do u want to be late?,take this uniform "she said throwing a uniform at him,mom said u should dress up and come down stairs "with that she walked out of his room slamming the door.

He came to realisation that he won a scholarship to study at one of the best school is America by name Starlight high school.


How can I be so stupid to forget,have I suddenly become dumb"he said touching his temples.

Without wasting much time he wore his flip flops rushed to the bathroom,the time is 6: O'clock so if I am to be fast I will get to school early.

he brushed his teeth properly,I hate mouth odour "gross" did everything needed to be done in the bathroom wore the school uniform .

he was about heading downstairs when he glanced at me Mini mirror


I'm cute"he praised him self"

"At the dining room"

Is my mom, Amelia and I eating breakfast of toasted bread and tea,with my mom giving me series of advice on how to be a good boy.

Oh my I forgot to introduce my self.

I'm Derek Flames the only son of Mrs Flames,I was told my dad died mmm,which I believed after all I have never seen him before.

I live in a three bedroom flat with my family

I'm an average boy neither rich nor poor, Because we can afford three square meal a day

My mom owned a tea/coffee shop tho

As u can see am about to go to my new school

My mom Couldn't afford the bill for the school,that's the reason while I decided to be a scholar, because we relocated from our formal house to another house.

I'm cute and attractive very brilliant,I respect my self alot,I appear quiet but mind you

I am very naughty,I have fucked many girls

After all they throws them selves on me

We are done eating,well my school is kinda trekkable so Amelia and I will be trekking to school,you will see her school before mine.

Bye mom,"we bid our mom good bye, before storming out of the compound",

Many students of different schools were passing going to their different schools both the students of the school Amelia attends,but I have never seen a student of Starlight high trekking,what else do I expect when students goes to school with their flashy cars

We got to the entrance of Amelia school,we exchanged goodbyes

Now is remaining only me

After minutes of trekking I could see the gate of the Almighty Starlight high school .

When I got to the gate,I was stopped by a security,whom I greeted,he requested for my ID which I showed him before entering the school premises

That is it, my life in star light high school .

He brought out the school map,but he wasn't understanding anything..

He could see many student loitering about,some where laughing in groups,,but no body paid attention to him...

Derek kept on looking at the map,

"I don't understand a thing here,I think I will have to asked someone..

He walked upto some group of guys..

"Hi,am Derek please can you help me with the direction of the principal's office?"He asked politely...

They looked at him, disgustingly,making him check himself up,if he in any way urinated on his body...

He heard a row of laughter,he became embarrassed,he couldn't stand the embarrassment any longer to he walked out on them still contemplating on the map...

His lucked shine when he saw a door"Principal's office" boldly written on it...

"pheew "he heaved a sign of relieve

he started taking slow steps towards the door

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