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Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Authoress sweetheart


" Get out of my sight you lowlife, you disgust me to the core,I can never fall in love with you, you are not my class, you are not even my spec so stop trying to win my heart because it will not work, you won't even have a little bit of my heart" Adriel shouted. Meet Ariana Gabriel, she is the true definition of beauty, she is crazy, sexy, curvy but not too curvy and men can easily be attracted to her. Her dream is to attend SASCON HIGH. She is caring when it comes to her mom and can go crazy when she is been provoked, though she doesn't attend high school but she spends her leisure time reading and daydreaming about her childhood crush. While Adriel Scott, he is a model with charming looks, nice vocals and girls easily drool over him. He is really wealthy and was born with a silver spoon. Quite and rude is what I can classify him as,he spends his leisure time writing songs and playing piano. And now who is Ariana's crush??? Will she ever meet him??? If yes then how will they meet??? What does life have in stock for this two people??? What will happen if Adriel's father is the founder of the school but Adriel have the final say??? Grab your popcorn and let's read together as we unveil some secrets.

Chapter 1 Meeting the leads

"Awwn"' Ariana blushed in her sleep while stirring and eventually woke up.

"not again'' she mumbled and smiled still blushing with her cheeks fluttered, she just dreamt about her childhood crush who she has grown still crushing on but haven't met yet.

She always follow him on social media and some television shows, she is among the top 10 people who first view his posts,

she started crushing on him when she was twelve and now she's nineteen.

Meet Ariana Gabriel average in height, chubby,light skinned, she is the true definition of beauty, almond shaped eyes with grey eye balls which looks charming, shoulder length hair, curvy but not too curvy and crazy too.

Her mom Anna Gabriel an elegant woman who owns a restaurant, though the restaurant is a small and local one but it's known for its rich and tasty foods and delicacies.

Mrs Anna frowned as the thought of not raising enough money for her daughter's education fee breaks her heart,

she felt guilty, guilty that she isn't able to grant Ariana her right to education.

'"mom what is going on??? Ariana angelic voice brought her mom out of her thoughts.

She just finished dressing up, cleaned the house before coming to her mom's restaurant which was just some miles away from the apartment, only to find her mom sitted in the kitchen of the restaurant looking worried and lost in her own thought.

''why is your face like this??? Ariana asked again

'"child !!!! Mrs Anna, Ariana's mom called jerking out of her thoughts

''mom I asked you a question,why is your face like this?

you are still thinking about my education aren't you??? Ariana asked

"'Ariana!!! her mom called holding her hands

"'i feel guilty Ariana, you are supposed to be in school with your mates but you aren't, you only come to this little restaurant of mine to work your ass out but still there isn't enough money to send you to SASCON HIGH.

It hurt me alot when I see other kids go to school while you work your ass out in my shop, i feel am not capable, i feel like the worst mother ever, I just feel horrible and I hate my self for it'" Ariana mom said crying profusely.

"But Mum I'm not complaining, I know our condition and I'm really comfortable with it, you should stop crying unnecessarily and cheer up'' Ariana said trying to console her mum

''mom quit crying or I will cry too you know you

look old and look ugly up"what can I ever do without you my baby" Mrs Anna replied while smiling

"virtually everything mum, you are a strong woman with a big heart and I will always be with you and support your decisions" Ariana said as if taking a vow.

"thank you baby" her mum replied smiling brightly

"perfect I love that smile now let that smile remain on your face and never forget that your baby loves you alot"Ariana said stressing the word "ALOT " while cupping her mum cheeks with her little palms ,

and they finally left the kitchen to take their customers orders.


................ No matter what they call us 🎼🎶

what so ever they do 🎶🎼

no matter how they hurt us 🎼🎶

I'll still stand by you 🎼🎶

my love for you is unconditional 🎶

till I take my last breath 🎼🎶

I'm still in my 🎶🎼

I'll keep on loving you 🎼.🎶..................

Adriel kept singing and playing his piano with his eyes closed, he was in his favourite white shirt and white short pants with a pair of blue flip flop on his foots,

seated in his room he was perfecting one of his recent songs he just wrote.

" Bang bang " a maid knocked softly on his door

"what do you want" he asked grumpily

"ump sir, dinner is ready"the maid said from outside Adriel's room

"And so?? he asked again

"you should come outside for dinner sir" she replied humbly and calmly

"what" Adriel half yelled opening the door to face the maid properly,

"did you just command me??? adriel asked with raised brows

"N.....no s.....sir i dare not" the maid replied stuttering and shivering in fright ,

"But I feel you just commanded me'" adriel replied with his head tilted to the left

" No sir I didn't " the maid tried justifying herself but Adriel was so bent on frustrating her.

"First you commanded me and now you are indirectly calling me a liar uhn??? Adriel asked

"No Sir I'm not I'm really sorry but I can't call you a liar" she replied already crying,

" and what if I decide to sack you??? Adriel asked with sarcasm a little noticeable in his voice,

and As if the word "SACK" broke the bones in her body, she immediately knelt down begging and pleading for mercy

"please sir I'm sorry, I'm really sorry it won't happen again, never, it won't '" she pleaded with tears falling freely from her eyes and down to her jawline before trailing down her neck

Adriel only smirked cause he was enjoying how the poor maid was on her knees begging and pleading for his mercy.

"get the f*** out of my sight" he half yelled and the poor maid ran away quickly while using her dress to wipe away her tears.

"Hello kid bro" peculiar Adriel sister called immediately she sighted Adriel on the stairs

"here she goes again" he mumbled and walked to the dining table.

"I heard some noises upstairs I hope you didn't sack any staff again" peculiar said

while adriel walked past her to seat at the other end of the dining table

"they are my staffs and employees, no I mean they are my maids and........

"And I placed the job notice outside the house interviewed them and employed them" peculiar interrupted him

"But i pay there freaking salary and I have the right to sack them whenever and however I want to" Adriel defended

"Adriel" she said softly this time around

"can you just let me eat in peace" Adriel demanded

"you are a rude jerk"peculiar said to Adriel's hearing

"whatever, but I'm still your brother" he replied rolling his eye balls.

He dished out his own food and continued eating without acknowledging the presence of his sister

"Oh my goodness don't tell me it's that innocent

poor little girl you scolded or rather you intimidated her" Peculiar asked in realization

"Adriel when will stop Being a jerk and less intimidating to other people

they are humans too" Peculiar said trying to make him feel guilty but it wasn't working at all

"can you just let me eat in peace?? Adriel asked feeling frustrated already

"No you should admit that you are wrong I mean very wrong" she said

"hell No,I can't " Adriel said in disbelief

"you won't or you can't ??? peculiar asked just to be sure she heard right

"yeah I won't and i can't " adriel said again

"if you won't then I will frustrate you till you finally admit that you are wrong"Peculiar said

"Well suit yourself " he said already tired of the issue.

"Oh Adriel there is this new guy in school he's so cute I mean cuter than you are...... ................... Peculiar kept on talking and blabbering just to frustrate Adriel and it seems to work because he was wincing in frustration

"Gross Adriel I f****** hate noodles and Bethel is an annoying girl, she's just so full of herself she's proud and she's also a bitch,

I can't believe we were once friends..... ....... peculiar kept on talking while Adriel couldn't take it anymore so he decided to leave the dining table for his room but stopped right on his track when he heard what peculiar said.

"Nicole, miquel and Mikel are coming over tomorrow to finally live with us and the good news is that they will be attending SASCON HIGH and also our special lectures,

finally this boring house will be lively again............

"wait ,what!!! Adriel shouted in disbelief

"you mean Nicole and her Brothers will be joining us tomorrow??? he asked

"yes baby bro, I'm so happy, at least

I won't shop alone" she said giggling loudly

"ohh No God I don't wanna die yet, please don't punish me this way" Adriel said with his face crumbled

"what are you saying?? this boring home will be lively again

"No peculiar, my once heaven on Earth home will be hell on Earth, I mean the Logan's are one hell of a trouble" Adriel cried out.

yeah the Logan's are troublesome,

Nicole, Miquel and Mikel Logan are peculiar and Adriel's maternal cousins.

Nichol is the eldest and the first child of the Logan's while Miquel and Mikel are twins

troublesome twins,

they can tease someone till there's no more space for teasing

they are very silly and troublesome.

"I hope they've changed their silly attitudes'" he mumbled angrily and walked upstairs to sleep over everything.

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