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The only daughter of the most wanted drug dealer on the East Coast, Bri spends her days twiddling her thumbs and spending her father's money. She has always known this routine in addition to the absence of her mother in her life. Her mother will suddenly appear in her life to the point of putting her trust in her father to the test. Marco, her father's new recruit, is very attractive. As usual, she will not hesitate to put him in her bed. By surprise, the two lovers are going to start to develop feelings of love. Marco hides nevertheless a heavy secret. Bri will be confronted with terrible revelations. Will love take over or will it disappear like a straw castle in front of a flood?

Chapter 1 The immersion


My name is Bri, only daughter of Tony SMITH, the redoubtable Tony, the one who reigns over the entire East Coast.

My father is in business. Yes, he is in business, but he also runs a lot of other businesses.

"Bri, how many times have I told you not to set foot on my desk again," my father tells me.

"I answered with an annoyed look on my face.

I get up and look out the window.

I have always known this life. This monotonous life with my father at my side. He's like my best friend. No, he is my best friend.

Of course there is Ramona there but dad and I are a whole different matter.

He stares at his latest phone in amazement.

"Wait, why am I looking at an overdraft of over two hundred thousand dollars..." he asks, looking dumbfounded.

I quickly dial up my little girl face, the one I use to coax him.

"But Daddy, it was you who gave me your card the other day, did you forget?" I say with round eyes.

"No I didn't forget, but a bill for almost five hundred and ninety thousand dollars?"

"I went shopping," I argued.

"You know money is no object. You can afford it, but that's no reason to abuse it...I want to instill good values in you. And stop giving me that look... Screw it, who cares?" he said, swinging his hand in the air.

We burst out laughing.

The door of his office has just opened. It is Marco, the new recruit.

He is walking towards dad. I look at this handsome athletic body and I have some not healthy thoughts at all.

He's wearing jeans and a simple tee shirt but one that molds his torso perfectly.

I go into bitch in heat mode.

"Is the recipe any good?" questions my dad.

"Yes, very good boss." he says with a closed face.

My father examines the envelope he gave him back.

"Indeed. Take your share son. "he concludes

This last pockets his pactole.

"Stay to drink with me... Bri serves us please." proposes my father.

I head towards the row of alcohol. There are all kinds but I know my dad's favorites.

A few ice cubes in both glasses and I add some dry whiskey.

I hand Dad his glass.

"Thank you, honey," he says.

I walk over to the beautiful stallion. I look him straight in the eye and run my tongue over my lips.

I pass my fingers with the hyper long manicure on his hand. He is receptive, I feel it.

So I turn around and turn my hips tirelessly, just to give him a magnificent view of my backside.

He's going to crack I can feel it. They all crack.

Once turned over, I smile at him.

He continues the discussion with Marco.

"So are you getting your bearings?"

"Yes boss I'm starting to fit in.Everything is going well."

"The old-timers, they don't bother you too much I hope." said my father.

"No boss, I'm fine."

"If someone is bothering you you talk to me, I'm here for you."

"Thanks boss."

The glance on his lips, I observe him swallowing little by little his glass of whisky.

I surf the net a bit.

I turn to my father

"Dad, I'm leaving" I say smiling.

I kiss him.

"Ok, see you later sweetie" he answers me.

I go out of dad's office. His office is on the third floor.

It's a casino that serves as a cover.

I go through the back to avoid the crazy crowd at the entrance.

I stop just outside.

With one foot resting on the wall, I light a cigarette.

Nearly ten minutes later, I see that he comes out, the new recruit: Marco!

I call out to him.


"Ah ... Bri, hi."

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, and you?" he answered

"Good...working with my dad isn't too much of a burden?"

"But no, I'm getting my bearings."

"And you're doing great by the way. This is the first time we've had someone so quick to learn." I said, complimenting him.

He just nods his head.

I offer him a smoke with me.

He refuses.

"No, I don't smoke thanks."

"Okay, how about we go for a walk together? I ask

He didn't answer.

I burst out laughing.

"What? I don't bite... or maybe I do, when I get into bitch-in-heat mode." I say, running my tongue over my lips in a teasing gesture.

He smiles.

He seems to like what he hears.

"Alright, let's go!" he replies.

We walk into the alleys. I don't really intend to go back or else I would have taken my car that was left at the entrance of the casino. I have something else in mind.

It is nine o'clock in the evening. It is a little dark.

We are near an alley without the shadow of a human.

I take the first step. I hold him up against the wall and start kissing him. I do not deprive myself. I pass my long thin hands on his chest and I go down much lower.

At the beginning he is reluctant but ends up letting go....

A few minutes later


I take down my skirt and he closes the zipper of his pants.

We engage again on the way as if nothing was.

He whistles.

"Ufh, you are still unpredictable"

"Not that unpredictable" I say with a smirk.

"...I liked it." he says to me with a shifty look.

"I liked it too!" I replied.

We walk silently.

And he proposes that I take a cab.

"Thanks, that's nice. How do you do it?"

"I'll manage, don't worry."

We say goodbye.

Another one on my roster. They don't resist me.

From the first second I saw him in my father's office, I was immediately drawn to him physically.

That's how I work. I like a man, I get him into bed. It's fun up to a point.

Still, I'm not going to deny that this life can get drunk.


I watch her go away in that cab.

I turn around and head for home. I won't take a cab. I'll walk home.

While walking, I observe all these homeless people piled up in the alleys filling themselves with food that they surely collected in garbage cans. I don't understand why this life is so unfair. While there are some who suffer martyrdom before putting something in their bellies, others have plenty on the table and throw themselves into it.

I continue walking when I see a girl struggling.

She is pressed against the wall in front of a trio of scatterbrains who take pleasure in seeing her cry.

I approach them and shout in a voice tinged with anger.

"Let her go" I shouted.

The one holding her turns to me and drops her on the ground.

He walks over to me and starts laughing with his two other buddies.

"Otherwise what are you going to do?"

"I said drop it." I repeated

The girl had already taken the opportunity to run and get away.

He resumed.

"Who are you to make me lose such good flesh tonight?"

"You don't have the right." I answer.

He runs towards me and makes a jump.

A battle of strength has just begun.

A few minutes later, I watch him panting on the ground, his mouth full of blood, holding his stomach with his hand not knowing how to get up and walk.

His buddies ran away and left him.

"This is what you get when you treat a woman like that. The woman is respected," I said, turning around and walking back.

I never understood those men who couldn't worship, adore women. The woman is a divinity. A woman is respected until her last breath.

I never knew my parents, but I had the chance to live in foster families where respect for women was one of the most important rules.

I leave him on the floor and step onto the track.

He keeps hiccupping and asking me for help. Well, well, the girl from earlier was asking him for help too but he didn't deign to leave her.

I'm going to have dinner in a small restaurant that is not very noisy.

I take some chicken and a little alcohol.

After eating, there is a pool table just next door.

I play with some strangers and go to my apartment.

I live in a remote area, not noisy at all. I don't like noise.

Here I am.

The concierge, Gilles , is dozing, ah but why do we pay him at all ? He's still a good gentleman. He has been working here for several years. Maybe it's because he's related to the owner of the place that he's left with so much largesse. The latter is almost always on a trip. He is never here, well yes just once a month to collect the rent.

I just moved here three months ago.


Our housekeeper Angela has been at our service for the past 15 years.

I run to my room to avoid her questioning me. She seems to think she is my mother.

I climb the stairs two by two.

Once the door of my room is closed, I run to the bathroom to take a shower.

Then I fall on my bed.

I read my notifications. No, Karlo is still stalking me.

He's left me a ton of messages and lots of missed calls. I open them.

Baby, .... How are you, where are you... see you?...

I don't even read the rest anymore.

It's true we slept together once or twice but it was nothing serious for me. Just one of those guys I have a good time with and now he's all piqued.

I'm talking to myself in my room.

"Ah no no, sweetie, you have a nice body yes but it doesn't do the trick."

I would have liked to talk to Ramona on the phone for a bit but she is really busy with the tons of classes she is taking at the University.

Ramona is the daughter of one of my dad's business partners. She's been my greatest friend for as long as I can remember.

We spent a lot of time together before she went to college. Even in the early days we still managed to find time for each other by going to restaurants, my dad's club, but since she started her major she's been all business.

I turn off my phone and start thinking

My mother, I never knew her.

Well, maybe when I was very little. I have snippets of memories of a beautiful, overly sweet-smelling young woman who used to play with me.

But I never really knew him. My father never talks about her.

I always asked questions but he was always evasive, never giving clear answers.

I often resent him for that but at the same time I am very grateful to him for taking care of me and staying by my side. I thank God that I could have grown up in an orphanage like my father and gone from foster home to foster home. But I have my father by my side who has fought all these years to give me the dizzying life I lead today.

I wonder if she is still living, if she has remarried, if she has children. I wonder what she looks like, what she sounds like and what she is doing with her life today.

My father told me that she has decided to serve God, that she would not want to lead the kind of life that he leads.

I don't judge my father, no. He had a very difficult childhood and had to build his empire with sacrifices and failures, eternal beginnings.

I am proud to be his daughter. I am proud to be the daughter of someone who has so much courage and self-sacrifice.

Knock, knock, knock on my door.

The course of my thoughts is thus interrupted.

"Miss, it's Angela.

Dinner is served and your father is waiting for you."

"Okay thank you. I'll be right down." I replied.

Suddenly I receive a text message.

It's definitely Karlo.

I take a furtive look at the phone.

It's an unknown number.

"Hi Bri, it's mom..."

I don't read the rest of the message. My hands get sweaty.

My heart skips a beat and I slump into bed.

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