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Undercover Alpha King And his Omega

Undercover Alpha King And his Omega



'the unknown might be beautiful and scary sometimes. never be scared to dream.' She was nothing but an Omega when he showed up at her doorstep. he was wounded. and he needed help. Bella did not know who the werewolf was, but she had taken a liking to becoming an apprentice of medicine. That night, her pack was on fire. There was an intruder. And Bella harbored him. She took care of him, nursed his injuries, and brought him back to full health. But he disappeared. and she was left to return to her abnormal life of treachery and suffering. And now she meets him again when she needs him the most. Facing murder charges and being sentenced to death by her Pack, Bella runs when the pack is ambushed. And he saves her, just like he did her. Sparks begin to fly. She finds purpose in his eyes. A second chance to live life to the fullest. With his adventures. Beside him. Walking the journey, one step at a time. But the life between the stranger werewolf and Bella cannot move as smoothly as she would expect. He had a secret. a fat juicy secret. One that no one knew.

Chapter 1 taking his stand

Adonis walked into the living room,his parents were having a conversation with each other,they seem deeply into what ever they were discussing.

He was the only child of his parents after his mother suffered fertility issues for years before birthing him. Adonis, a graduate of business management from the prestigious Oxford University. His parents ,the sole owner of Kings Enterprise and top billionaires, retired from office 3 years ago after which he took over the family business. Aside from being a business magnet ,he was the Alpha and things get messy when he fails to balance his job and his duty as an alpha wolf.

He walked in ,his mom looked at him." Adonis anything the matter, you look sad" she freed herself from her husband's embrace.

" Mom, dad I'd love to discuss something with you" he said

" Go on son,what's the matter?" Mr. Elroy sat up.

" I want to leave the country" he dropped the bombshell his parents stared at each other then at their son.

". We don't understand what you mean by leave this country, Adonis make it clearer for your mom and I" Mr Elroy says looking all confused.

" Dad, can a king rule over a kingdom without knowing the nooks and crannies of the kingdom,their culture and beliefs? He asked his father.

" No it's not possible, but how has that got to do with your leaving the country?" He asked.

" Dad as you know the monk who visited us last night said I was the new Alpha wolf after Deca died" he continued

" Yes I remember".

" All my life,you and mom had always hid me and even though fate had another plans for me,i ve been tied to my destiny. I want to leave to learn and pursue my strength"he said.

" You'll do no such thing , do you know how dangerous it is out there!" His father yelled.

" I do dad,that's is why I want to go undercover. I want to be in their midst , what they think like or act like" he pressed on.

" Do you hear him? " He turned to his wife

" Adonis,why do you want to take such drastic decision" his Mom who had been quiet all this while.

" Mom, I want to understand the people I'm rule. And it's better now when nobody knows who the new Alpha is" he sat close to his mom.

" The very place we are avoiding ,our son wants to go there" Mr Elroy stomped into his room. His mom ran after his father to calm him down.

Adonis sighed softly he knew this was going to be hard and difficult to convince his father to let him go. Adonis was 28 and has since followed and respected his father's decisions above his own . Even running the business was never his thing but the responsibilities were much as the pressure. He got no time for himself too. His parents as usual had arranged a wife for him and she was coming over tonight for dinner that was another problem he had to deal with. He was not ready to commit to someone he does not love especially a beautiful soul like Adrea.

He stayed all day in his room ,it was close to evening when the maid came Knocking

" Come in" he gestured

" Your bride,your highness has arrived …"Adonis frowns gesturing her to leave….like always he had to marry from a kingdom to keep the clan more powerful,his grandparents lycaon and Rue have so far been the highest clan so far and the bloodline of the alpha power continuously flows through them ..his maids walked in with his clothes and other things he needed for the dinner,his heart was not connecting with Adrea he needed to find himself first and that was not any time soon ,he could percieve her from a distance and knew she was not his mate and fated Luna but she wasn't of Royalty so his true intentions of going undercover were kept hidden…

He got dressed and came down to meet Adrea with both their parents seated together on the couch. He greeted them sitting down next to his mother.

" I received the message from the council,a new Alpha has been chosen." Adrea's Father aaid the discomfort between his parents was pretty obvious.

" Yes we did too" his mother smiled

" Dinner is ready, sir" the maid announced

" Let's go for dinner. Food's more important than anything, you know?" They all laughed

Adrea saw the striking resemblance between Adonis and Mr. Elroy his father one would mistake them both to be twins just the white strands on Mr Elroy's head made the difference,he had a innocent face Just like his mother,they both had the silkiest skin she had ever seen, well streamlined lips and his golden brown eyes were all his mom's but he had his father's grace and personality,spoke like him,walked like him,sat like him too she was definitely in love with this demi god in front of her. The food was served and they all dig in ,in absolute quietness only the sound of the spoons hitting against the plates was heard

"So Adonis,how well are you preparing for your wedding" Mr Walker her father asked , Adonis shot him a respectful glare his mom squeezed his palms his face instantly softened

"It's going well I guess" he said not looking at him

" You know,my daughter is very much excited for the wedding"he smiled looking at Adrea

" I suppose,she has too after all she's the reason we're gathered here" he replied curtly

"Adonis!!"his father scolded

" What dad???let me make this clear to everyone,I am not interested in this wedding arrangements,and no body can forced me into it, excuse me I've lost my appetite" he stood up and left for his room. Since his father don't want to agree to his demands he too would harmlessly do the same.

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