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Sold to the billionaire

Sold to the billionaire



She was just a normal law school student striving to pay for education and work two jobs. He was the most handsome billionaire in the state and he was tired of having the media assume about his love life. He needed to put the rumors to rest, to give the matter a permanent solution. As for Elizabeth Richards, she did not know that her parents had sold her for marriage to a famous wealthy billionaire actor. She was prepared to fight the Union with all she had, but she understood that she had to fight it from the inside. She accepted the marriage in hopes that her family would finally stay away. Elliot Anderson Needed to put the rumours to rest. To turn the attention of the media elsewhere. He was the extremly handsome billionaire, he was known for his genius notion. What else could be said for a smocking hot man who wears glasses. The marriage was a fake, everyone obtained something from it. Elizabeth got her education paid and the billionaire got the press to quiet down. But what happens when strings get attached? What happens when a marriage that started out as a fake develops into a masterpiece?

Chapter 1 in the name of family

I felt muzzled, utterly left speechless by the scenario now playing in front of me. When my parents sat me down this morning, I had expected to talk about the plans for my future knowing that I was almost done with college. I however did not look forward to the disheartening news that they bore for me, especially in accordance with their greed and inhumanity. What more would be said to parents who are willing to sell their children for money?

"He is very handsome. You will love him. '' Were the words that she repeated again.

"Love?'' I asked, breath catching in my throat at the tainted mention of that word. Love is supposed to be pure, something beautiful, not forced.

"Yes, of course, you never know, you might fall in love with him, honey.'' She responded again.

" Doesn't that have to happen naturally? Does it not happen at its own course of nature? How would you ever relate this circumstance with love?'' I am lost in thought. A thousand questions plague my mind. I cannot fully fathom how I found myself in this situation. How the tables have turned so badly.

Mother seems to be tense, growing uncomfortable with every passing second. There is more to it, more than she is telling me.

"He will be coming to pick you up on Monday.'' My mother speaks softly, still holding the same strict tone as she looked at me expectantly. Was she really expecting me to go along with this absurd behavior? Did she really think that doing something as obnoxious and disgusting as this would make her more respectable? Money was just an item and in this case, it was the very item that was used to buy my value.

"What?'' I asked again for what seemed like the fifth time. I was in a state of disbelief, the sight of my parents passing such unbelievable information almost sent me to a catatonic state. This can't be real. I cannot possibly be hearing this. The shock that is registered on my face acts as a constant reminder that my parents are indeed seated in front of me telling me something that I will use all my mental strength to deny.

" Honey, we understand that this might come as a shock to you, but there is no time. There is nothing we can do.'' my mother queried, reaching forward to grip my hand. I stood up abruptly, tired of hearing this nonsense.

"I will not marry a man I know nothing of. I have a life ahead of me. '' I make sure that my voice displays confidence, that I am not letting in the hurt. How can they do this? My heart beats drastically, I feel disappointed in a family that ought to take care of me and protect me. My brother isn't here, but even if they were, they would obviously side with father and mother.

"Ela! This matter was not discussed, honey. Arrangements have already been done.'' my mother says again. Up until now, my dad has not said anything. He is simply quiet, reading a newspaper.

"Discussion? You dare call it a matter of discussion. How can you sit there and plan how you are going to destroy my life? MARRIAGE!. That is not what I want!'' I speak in a low tone, my heart breaking over and over again.

"It's not about what you want, it's about what's best for you. Your future is secure now. You will have a lot of money at your disposal. You will be honored and respected in our family for lifting us up, giving all of us a better life.'' my mother explains. There is no guilt in her face, no disgust for the words she is uttering. She seems completely positive that what she is doing is the best thing.

'This is not for me. This is for you. For your greed, your hunger for money. I have put myself through college without your help, where is the honor of sacrificing my life for a family I can't be proud of. You should be protecting me, treasuring me for the hard work I am always putting in. I am always top of my class, soon to graduate, I know things have always been tough. But did it not occur to you that I might help. I might lift us up once I become a lawyer." my voice is breaking, I am almost on the verge of tears.

"School can always wait, money won't wait for you, your father and I have made the best decision for you!''

Had they been hearing themselves right. Today marked the day my parents changed. The way I knew them was definitely not who they truly were. They sat me down before my final exams of the year to tell me that I am expected to be married to some billionaire by the coming Monday.

Wasn't there a thing like humanity, to put a person's own needs before others? Could they not think about me, about how I would feel.

"I know. I know that you want to do a lot with your life. This marriage has to happen, it is the only way we can pull ourselves out of this poverty Elizabeth.." mother calls out, causing me to stop in my tracks and turn to look at her. I could not believe this. I was unable to fathom anything she was saying.

"Money! That is all it has ever been about.''I speak in a low tone, facing the door. I can't look them in the eye. They are selling me. Not caring about me, or my future. Did it not matter where my priorities stood? Whether I even wanted to get married right now? Being twenty-four did not give them an adamant right to sell me off for marriage just so they can fish some riches for themselves.

"Daughter!'' came the harsh voice of my father. The same that made cold chills run through my spine. He was in a rush, demanding us to follow his every command. He always called us by the relation we held to each other. He called my mom wife, not honey or whatever other words husbands called their wives.

Suddenly, my father got up. I knew that whenever this happened, he was prepared to discipline. I felt a cold shiver run down my back. Turning around, i headed for the door, hoping i could elope before chaos erupted.

Nommater how much i would have loved to run away, my father, had different plans for me.

What plans?

I would soon come to find out.

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