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Immortal King wants me

Immortal King wants me



The Immortal king wants you as a mate when you already have one who do you choose?

Chapter 1 Meeting the King

Mythea POV***

(Chapter 1)

So I'm dating a wolf I don't see why I'm look down on. I go to a public school so anything could be there human to giants to fairies. The Fairies are annoying, they have a lot of drama. The humans are next, they don't shut up. The giants, wolves and the vampires tend to stick to their own kind. Well unless you're in a class with three vampires four humans two fairies and two wolves will talk to other kind. We all have our own cities. For vampires it's Walleyes. For giants its Creeks Dale, for Wolves its Sugar town, (which in my opinion it should be the fairies to live in that town) For fairies it Riffle Water yes all towns live around each other. We have a king he is all immortal and nothing can kill him. He is part every thing immortal. He knows prophecies. And he will tell our town if one of them involves that town. His name is Jasper Allen Nightshade. King Nightshade has been ruling ever since the Salem Witch Trials. (Witches got bored decided to harm the humans or make them go insane. King NightShade had them banished from America.)

"Walleye city students you are dismissed to go to your town hall." the loud speaker said we all walked out and went to our buses/cars and we headed to our town hall when we arrived we all gasped King Nightshade was here.

"I wonder what it's about."

"Could be about that girl who's dating the wolf." they all glared at me I sighed and found my parents King Nightshade looked at me and went to shake hands with my parents. Then me

"You my dear Mythea are about to be really popular." then he walks away not even saying why just that. When the last vampire finally comes in King Jasper started to speak. I was shocked

"No one but a witch knows how I was created she said that my father was vampire and my mother was witch Strange right? Well apparently my mother has made me what I am. So I thank her in her grave. My Father who is still alive and lives in this community should notice the signs of a new queen. My Darling Mythea comeķup here." I did as I was told to I bowed to him

"She is the carrier of the next king like me. But instead of part Witch part vampire it's part Wolf and Part Vamp. Now the witch can cast that same spell on him or her to make them like me. But I banned Witches from here. I hope you all treat my darling Mythea with respect. If I find out you aren't respecting her. You won't like me. That is all." then he walks me to my family and leaves all of us vampires were shocked. They hated me for talking to the wolf now they are forced to like me? When we got home King NightShade was in our home he looked at us

"I'm going to stay here for awhile." my parents nodded knowing they can't do anything about it. I on the other hand can and will do something.

"What happens if we say no?" I asked he got up and tilted my head up

"That my girl should be classified." Why does he keep calling me his girl? I'm not his mate!

"If you can't answer that at least tell me why you keep calling me your dear. We aren't mates." I told him he smirked

"We aren't, you will carry the next king." he told me

"How!! my mate is wolf! Usually kings have to have a blood relative! Last time I checked you and I have no relation." I told him with attitude I might add.

"Mythea! You respect him!" my dad yelled at me. then King Nightshade clicked his fingers and pointed to me his guards came to me and restrained me.

"The next king will, be my blood." he cut his wrist and since he is everything he smells good. On top of that it's been three days since I haven't fed.

"When I had enough to your standards pull away." I told him he laughed

"I may smell good but once you taste me your not gonna want more." he shoved his bleeding hand in my mouth. He was right I didn't want it. He had to use his other hand and hold my jaw open. When he was done he smirked and kissed me.

"I will give you a choice me or your mate." then he walks away his guards followed I got on my Face-book hoping my boyfriend is on. Only to find out that King Nightshade changed my password.

"Oh don't think about telling your mate the choice I'm giving you." I glared at him!

"Who do you think you are? You come into my house demanding I give you my freaking life! That's not how it goes!” I told him he is so freaking stubborn he really will stop at nothing to be with me. I can already tell

“My dear Mya, you know better in fighting me. I'm just as powerful as the witches are. I Also have fairy dust. Don't make me use either on you.” he told me

“I want to take a shower can you please get out of my room.” I told him he nods and walk out I get my stuff and head to the shower. My mom came in and hugged me

“Oh sweetie everything will be OK I promise.” she tell me

“When? Jasper is telling me to choose him or my mate and I can't even tell him about it. Nightshade wants me to be submissive towards him. I don't want to be. I'm not that far under him. “ I tell my mom she bites her lip

“Make a deal with Nightshade.” she tells me then she walks out I get dressed and there is Nightshade on my bed as a turn around.

“I gotta hand it to you. Your body is well fit. Perfect for a queen.” I huffed and ignored him

“Leave me alone. I can't be your queen. I have a mate.” he smirked

“But if the king wants you for his mate. It's legal to leave him. And be with said king.” he told me I still wasn't phased by him and his words

“Mythea, mark my words you will be mine.” then he walks out I sighed if only I could talk to Kaeson. I got ready for my date with my mate

“Kaeson what brings you here?” My father asked I went down stairs and I looked at my dad

“He and I are going on a date.” I told him as Nightshade walks in the room he smirks

“Oh, do you mind if I join?” I sighed and looked at Kaeson and hoping he says no

“My, king I didn't know you 9 held my mate at killing point.

“Dare yell at me again! I am the king of all things immortal! Your mates life could be very well in danger! As king I could kill him right now! If I do on Vampire lands then it starts a war between your community and the wolfs! Leave, Keason and don't return for you will be in danger for a grave while!” he told my mate I broke down and sobbed I knew I wasn't so powerful as I thought. When Kaeson left I looked at the Nightshade

“You, should be punished by death. But because I want you for a mate that excuses your punishment. So your father will punish you.” just as he said that a black and red fur wolf was here

“Kaeson, I told you to leave! LISTEN TO ME!” he yelled at Kaeson. The wolf growled at him but knew he had to submit to him. In wolf terms King Nightshade is the true alpha there could be many wolves alphas but they all bow to one true wolf and that is King Jasper Nightshade. In truth Nightshade is actually called a true immortal. One of the first ones to be around and his parents were somehow given the immortal life without anyone around. Nightshade's dad had created the vampires. His mom created the witches. Wolfs were after the vampires. Then the fairies were next after the witches. It went like that for awhile until all immortals were created. No we aren't related to them at all whatever the main thing that the immortal needs they used that and multiplied it with some type of tool. Why King Jasper Nightshade can't do that for the ruler? I have no freaking clue!

“Prince, Keason. You are needed.” a wolf guard walks in bows to nightshade

“He's not a prince.” of course that upsets the king.

“My apologies Your honor but his parents were the first wolves we have claimed them to be our king and queen.” Nightshade was very confused

“What the hell? You're a prince?” Nightshade

“They just say that because we were the first wolf family.” Nightshade nodded Keason and the wolf guard left. Nightshade turned to me

“Is that the way with your first vampire family?” we nodded

“That family is a real bitch.” I stated Nightshade just looked at me

“What would you like to do to them? Your family is like the very ending of vampires. So you wouldn't be able to do anything.” I smirked

“Right but I have your blood in me. I can provoke the witch part of your blood and I can overthrow them!” I told him he shook his head.

“One day Mya you will be mine.” he told me I rolled my eyes and I could care less. I won't be his and if he wants me that bad he will have to fight for me because I'm not wavering away from my mate. My mate will fight for me I know he will. Sure, the person he is fighting is stronger and all immortal. But I know he can't fight him. I have faith in my mate.

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