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In love with a criminal.

In love with a criminal.

Plume d'une vie


Isn't it said that those who want our misfortune contribute to our happiness without knowing it? After the magnigances of her best friend, Irene found herself at the side of Rayan, a mafioso who saw that she resembled a very dear person he had lost a few years earlier... Rayan took her under his influence and decided to make her his private property... Will they love each other? How will Irene's best friend react?

Chapter 1 épisode 1

A few days earlier.

"Where has Irene gone again!!!"

A woman stormed into the room.

She looked angry and then a young girl followed, beautiful and thin white with brown hair; she too was confused.

"I have no idea where she went" she replied nervously.

"I know you know where she is, you're her best friend and you better tell Lisa Maria".

"S... she... she's at a... a party auntie".

"A what? Where?" Swinging the glasses on the table with fury "when she gets home she'll hear me this rude little girl".

"Don't do anything, Auntie, you know how Irene is".

"Oh she can do what she wants I don't care. Is it so hard for her to be a little more like you?"

"I don't know".


A very eventful box where we see a girl dancing to have fun.


One could see a young, light-skinned mixed-race girl with silky black curly hair tied back in a simple ponytail, deep, simple emerald brown eyes. Of a fascinating beauty and to no other similar in this blue dress with provocative neckline on top of fine and refined heels which dressed the set. It is besides hardly if she held upright in sight of all the alcohol which did not cease turning over it.

While she laughed completely drunk, a young man approached her.

"Irene..." he said.

"What Eddy?"

"there's your mother and Lysa who have tried to reach you several times."

"Let them cry I don't want to answer" taking another drink.

The young man hastened to snatch the glass from his hand.

"You've celebrated enough for today, let's go home now".

"Ah Eddy what are you doing I want to stay and party".

"let's go!!!"

He carried it like a sack of potatoes out of the box.

"EDDY MAKE ME COME DOWN!!!" as he struggled with all his might.

Without listening to her, he threw her in the car outside; completely drunk she couldn't do anything about it since she could barely feel herself.

Irene is a vulnerable little girl who has really lost her taste for life and sees herself instead letting off steam to forget everything.


A jet of cold water landed on her face with her eyes still open.

"I hope that with this you will learn young girl!" said her mother with the bucket in her hand.

"You're sick or something, old girl! Rubbing her face all wet".

"She understood, Auntie, please leave her alone" defended Lysa.

"No, she must learn! What will her father say if he comes home now? And what will Eddy's parents think? And himself?"

"I don't give a damn about your husband he can go fuck himself!" she replied annoyed.

"The best thing to do is to soak her in hot water so that this crazy girl will sober up".

"No, Auntie, she understood, I'm sure".

"Leave her Lysa I don't care about them. I'm sick of you, sick of your power, sick of your money and everything you are and since you don't have enough time for me, let me live my life as I want! If you could disappear..."

She stood up to walk but in two steps she collapsed to the ground directly, Lysa rushed to get her up while her mother boiled with anger.

Lysa said: "Let her go to bed, it's much better".

"My dear mom if you worry about Eddy do not worry he was with me. It would not be necessary that my attitude cut you the grass under the feet".

With great difficulty, Lysa took him to a pretty and perfectly decorated room that looked like his bedroom.

Lysa deposited her on the bed out of breath "you are heavy".

"I know sorry..." she said drunk.

"Why such a scene towards your mother Irene?"

"That materialistic, p***y woman can't be a mother".

She looked more upset than drunk but Lysa tried to calm her down so she could fall asleep after all these emotions.

... Irene ...

The skull heavy as a jackhammer and I notice by my position that I fell asleep involuntarily with the same clothes of the day before.

My name is Irene Rosard, the daughter of Laurette Rosard and Georges Rosard. I live in Lyon, France with my two parents and although difficult, my mother being Angolan and my father French, I was born mixed race.

Mr. Georges-Louis Rosard, my father, the ex-senator has always been an inveterate ambitious man, I know him like that since my childhood when he was moving towards his political dream. I have to admit that my life has only been a profit in their eyes and nothing more, an investment in fact, for that they dislike me because I do everything to make them love me at least as my mother loves Lysa who is only her goddaughter. To attract their attention I was even ready to marry Eddy, the son of the president of the party, so that my "father" could be presented as a candidate for the presidency.

For me, marrying him is not an ordeal since he has always been my best friend since childhood, I could point out that this almost contractual marriage is only beneficial to them but what can I do?

My phone rings, pulling me out of my temporary reverie. I retrieve it from the dresser and notice that it's the news, more kidnapped girls; I really have the rage of these men taking other people's children to do who knows what. If I get to be the president's daughter I will hunt them all down from the source.

I get out of bed and rush to the bathroom to shower as well as change to be more comfortable.

Once finished, I head to the living room where I see my mother giving orders to one of our maids... pfft... I pass.

She stops me.

"where are you going young lady?"

"What's it to you?" I replied aggressively.

"Not even a hello to your mother? After your disastrous scene yesterday" She moves closer to me, "Thank God I didn't have to breathe a word of this to your father".

"Talk to him or not, I don't give a shit frankly".

"You'd better pay Eddy a visit".

"No, but you're getting on my nerves, Laurette! If you want this marriage so much, go and settle down with him...".

"Are you forgetting who you are talking to, young lady?"

"Are you done? I'm going to take Mrs. Rosard out".

I could see the anger of this woman in her dark eyes but I didn't care, this so-called mother is only a mother when it suits her, just for the political ambitions of her husband. As far as he is concerned, it's hardly possible to see him, a man who has always aimed only at money.

I took my bag from the chair and left without listening to him. I had a driver and my own car so it was easier for me to get out and get out of this place.


Lysa was at home, in a big, beautiful, super luxurious house like a princess'. She was on the phone apparently.

"Yes, I want the job done on the evening of the party (...) I'll send you the picture, you'll make it look like an abduction, a kidnapping as you want but she has to disappear that night (...) She is beautiful yes not more than me but she is all the same" she said.

He, at the other end of the phone, "I can't believe it, so much hypocrisy as a friend, you are supposed to be her friend".

"It's none of your business! Just do what I asked you to do, execute the plan and I'll handle the rest. After all, no one is going to miss her here".

She was handling a pink envelope on the table next to her.

The door opened suddenly on Irene's voice.

Surprised, Lysa turned around nervously.

"I... Irene?"

"What's not to like about seeing me?"

Immediately, she hung up and put her phone in her pocket.

"No, no, I'm not bothered at all. How are you today?"

"Well, I came to see you to apologize for yesterday, I guess you were here..."

"Yes, but don't worry, it's forgotten. By the way, you know that my birthday is in two days?"

"Yes, Lys, I know it, how can I forget it?"

Lysa took out with joy the envelope, the same one that was lying on the table near her.

Irene looked at the object with great enthusiasm before she said, "Talk to your godmother yourself, you know that when it comes to me she doesn't believe it.

"Don't worry".

After a few minutes, they ate together, each one looking at her cell phone.

"you know about the kidnapping of the girls?"


"Yes, it's getting very recent now, if I had the opportunity I would hunt down all these assholes so they would learn to respect a woman".

"You think you can take them all?"

"and why not? If my George becomes president, these men should all be arrested just because they are hogging all these women and girls and making them go through the horror."

"it's not always the case I've read plenty of novels the two end up together".

"hahaha I don't believe in all this how can I be in love with a criminal? Since yes they are criminals, killers and I hate them for the simple fact that they take these girls from their families".

"Life is full of surprises my dear..."

To be continued…

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