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Eagle is a bounty hunter, originally his nickname Eagle came from when he was a mercenary in the mercenary association. But because Eagle's ability and strength were not recognized by the mercenary leader, Eagle broke away from the association and went his own way and Eagle made money from the blood of others. Eagle once thought he would make a huge amount of money and then retire early. But things don't go as well as his plan, making money from other people's blood has never been a good thing. Eagle is a very smart and clever person, but during the hunt, Eagle killed a very powerful person and Eagle turned from a professional bounty hunter to an S-class criminal and had to run away. Next, how does Eagle have to live, when his status as a bounty hunter is not accepted?

Chapter 1 Information about a B-level criminal

Chapter 1: Information about a B-level criminal

In the town of Weeds, in a bustling and crowded pub. Every night this place is always remembered and attracts a lot of men, who come here to drink alcohol and talk about the stories around them that they know. Most of the men's money in this town goes here. Simply because this place has good wine and beautiful girls serving wine and most importantly, reasonable prices.

And an invisible issue that is equally attractive and important is the news, where many people gather and talk is where the most information is available. Pubs do not simply sell alcohol and food, but they also sell important and highly confidential information to guests in need.

Eagle wears a hat that covers most of his face, he drinks alone in the bar, it is very crowded until late at night. Eagle shakes his wine glass looking very depressed and sad. The owner named Nana is a beautiful and attractive middle-aged woman, the men in town are all enamored with her and want to be with her.

Nana looked at the man who was drinking sadly, she had never seen him before, but Nana was attracted to Eagle's good looks. Nana looked at Eagle with her chin on her chin and said, her sweet and seductive voice attracted Eagle:

“Handsome man, what's your name? It's your first time here, isn't it?"

Eagle smiled friendly, his smile Nana enchanted

"Yes, some friends recommended this pub to me, my name is Rox."

Nana is attracted to Eagle, it's been a long time since she's seen a man as beautiful and smiling as Eagle, Nana bit her lip and asked him at the same time her finger caressed Eagle's strong arm:

“I find you so sad, why isn't the wine at my bar good? Or are you sad about something else, do you want to talk to me? I'll gladly do that, Rox"

Eagle said sadly, he said:

"The wine is very good, it's just that I've just arrived in this town so I haven't found a cheap motel room to rent, so I'm quite upset."

Nana looked surprised but she was very excited inside, she said:

"Oh, if you don't have a place to stay or go to..."

Before Nana could finish her sentence, suddenly a fat man was talking. Something so big that Eagle and Nana couldn't help but notice, the man talked to his tablemates about the wanted criminal in the town of Bong Lau.

“I mean it! That criminal is very dangerous, he has been wanted for five years now, many bounty hunters have come to Bong Lau town to hunt for that criminal but have not received any good news.”

That town was far away from the town of Weeds, the words that the man was saying must have come from word of mouth.

Crime stories are familiar to everyone here, no one is new to those things, and they are not too interested in wanted criminals. The things this man was talking about made Eagle very interested.

"I tell you, this criminal's name is Modi, the wanted level is B."

"What is he wanted for?" - asked another.

The fat man continued:

“Ah… hm… I don't know, it seems to be murder and rape of women and children. But the important problem here is that this dangerous criminal named Modi is a B-level criminal… Currently, there are many bounty hunters who don't mind losing their lives but come to Bong Lau town to hunt for Modi.”

Eagle has hunted a lot of criminals but has never seen a class B criminal.

It is true that rumors spread, information from that man-made Eagle bored and excited, coincidentally he was running out of money. And in Weed Town, Eagle is bored too.

Eagle has never wanted to stay in one place, God has ordained that his whole life is a long-distance adventure, each place Eagle does not stay more than a week. And besides the food, he didn't have to spend any money on accommodation because he often spent the night at widows' houses in the places he went.

Before becoming a bounty hunter he was a mercenary in the mercenary association, but because Eagle's strength and abilities were not recognized by the crew leader, he left the association and became a bounty hunter. And as long as it's money, I'll do it regardless of the consequences. The job that Eagle is doing is making money from the blood of others.

With a background as a mercenary and now a bounty hunter, Eagle has a very muscular, tall, and strong body that makes women interested and automatically falls into his lap. His handsome and romantic face is the same, so the places he goes through are full of enchanted women who find ways to hold him back.

Eagle sipped the wine in his hand while listening carefully to the man's words. That man was drunk, the words were more and more spoken, in which the exaggerated and informative statements about the criminal also began to be unrealistic and not logical at all.

It's true that "Don't listen to the slut tell the story, don't listen to the drug addict."; When the wine comes in, the words come out, but for the drunk man who waits all day until the evening to be able to hang out, the accuracy of the story will not be high.

Eagle turned to look at her innkeeper's name Nana, he asked her:

"Is the information about the wanted dangerous criminal named Modi according to that man's word accurate?"

Nana smiled seductively, she said:

“You want to know? If you want to know, spend the night at my house, and then I will tell you more information like that. What do you think, Rox?"

This is an invitation as well as a joke, Nana just wanted to tease Eagle a bit because he looked so tired but in her heart, she really wanted to spend a sleepless night with him, Nana knew he was new to this Weed town and based on her long experience working in a pub, she also knew for sure that the person in front of her was not an ordinary man who only knew how to accept wages.

Before Nana's invitation, Eagle was used to the enthusiasm of women towards him. If he is to blame, then blame him for being too attractive to women. Eagle slightly rose up to lean close to Nana, the breath of a mature man on Nana's neck made her shy but did not dodge.

Eagle with a seductive voice said:

"Oh my beautiful, it is a pleasure to serve a beautiful and charming woman like Nana tonight."

This compliment Nana has heard a lot, most of the men go to this pub because of Nana's charming beauty, but this is the first time she's been complimented and touched by a guy. a romantic child.

Eagle was glad in his heart, he finally didn't have to spend money to rent a room and had another enjoyable night. Eagle looked at Nana and continued,

"So how long does my girl want me to wait?"

Nana said:

"Keep your word, I'll take you when I'm done."

Nana is a smart and crafty woman, she always has a way to get what she wants but not today.

Eagle happily agreed with Nana, from the moment he entered the pub he noticed the beautiful owner, not because of her beauty but because he thought he could get a lot of information from Nana. Pubs have always been in the same business as alcohol and food, they are also in the news business.

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