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Dyeeda Safari


"No, you can't leave me, Herman! I'll die without you!" "You can't date a dead man, Belle! I came here with a purpose, now my purpose is over, I have to go back where I belong. I'm now tired living in this body I don't even know whom it belongs to!" "You're being selfish, Herman! I swear to you if you leave I'm going to stab myself to death!" "Belle! Remember what I told you the first day in the note? 'Don't trust, don't get yourself attached with someone because one day they're going to leave as though they never existed!" "But I love you, Herman!" " I'm sorry, I can't love you back because I don't have power over that! Goodbye Belle!"

Chapter 1 First meeting

Belle Charlotte

I was about to drink the juice my cousin Hannah gave me, when suddenly someone hit the glass. Ie glass shattering on the floor with my dress stained with the juice.

"What the...!!" I wanted to scold the man infront of me but I chocked in my words as I raised my eyes to meet his. His domineering eyes were staring at me. He was deadly handsome. Have you ever met a beautiful man? The one infront of me was a result of him.

I shamelessly stared at him.The aquiline nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders spoke of strength. He possessed a latent, leonine power. He seemed moulded from a different cast as he had an androgynous look uncommon to most people.

He had almond shaped eyes and had a sea rover-blue eyes. His earthy scent swirled around him. His height must be a 6'2 because I felt shorter than him with my 5'6 height, thanks to the heels I wore. I looked up at him with no intentions of lowering my gaze.

I didn't realize that everyone at the party was looking at us until my cousin held my hand. "Belle!" Hannah called me louder in my ear. " Huh?" I finally came to my senses and moved a few inches away from him.

"Hey mister! What do you think you were doing? You just spoiled her dress!" Hannah shouted at him. He didn't even bother to look at her since he still had his gaze on me. I was all over again feeling embarrassed because it was obvious everyone was looking at us.

"I should be asking you why you added botulinum in her drink!" The guy spoke with a devil-may-care attitude.

Hannah turned pale within seconds. She looked at the man with a confused look. She looked scared. How could anyone have seen her? She was sure no one had seen her, she confirmed that there was no one around, how did he even know that it was botulinum? Hannah lips trembled.

"Believe me Belle, I didn't put that in your drink!" Hannah said tugging my arm. I turned to look at her. I know she didn't like me at the first place, she keeps on wearing a mask around me all the time. I even saw her fake tears. I almost believed her again but not this time.

A few months back, my mother was in the hospital fighting for her life because someone has poisoned her. I only had my mother and an elder brother who was the CEO of my late father's designer shoes company. My brother James died in a mysterious car accident. Then it was now my mom's turn. Before she died she pointed at Hannah and said,"don't you dare move even a kilometer near my grave, you're a snake in disguise!" Then she died.

Hannah cried out a lot. I don't know why my mom didn't like her. Now I know. Her crocodile tears won't save her this time!

"You are the one behind my mother's death too, right?" I asked her calmly but anger was killing me inside. I didn't want to believe she did it.

"What! Now you're listening to this psychopath! I don't even know where he came from! You're siding with a stranger against me, Belle?" Hannah said acting hurt.

If it was days before, I would have believed her but not anymore. Now I know why my mom called her a snake in disguise before she died. "Get out of my house now! And don't you ever show your face to me because I'll destroy it until frogs would look more beautiful than you!" I said with anger.

She left to her room which she stayed in. She lived with me because I didn't want to be alone after my mother's death.

I looked at my birthday cake. I moved to the table and with my finger I scooped some cream and lick it." Everyone, thank you for coming, I'm sorry you had to see such a scene. The party is over, you can now leave!" I said with a domineering tone. The invited guests started leaving one after the other. The last person to leave was Hannah with her suitcase. All this time the guy who saved me was standing by the entrance.

I started walking slowly towards him but he smiled and started to take a step back. I hasten my pace because I could see he wanted to leave. He swiftly left the entrance. I ran quickly and by the time I crossed the entrance he was gone!

I checked all the sides but didn't see him. The last car which was almost at the gate was Hannah's. The watchman closed the automatic gate. I ran to the watchman to ask if he had seen a man leaving.

"Adam, did you see a man leaving a while ago? He wore a grey suit and a maroon overcoat?" I gave him the few descriptions but he still nodded side ways. "Check the surveillance cameras!" I commanded. We walked into his cabin, into the control room with a number of computers. I checked the surveillance footage several times, still I didn't see him coming in or leaving.

"Weird!" I said as I walked back to my house. My heels were killing me so I pulled them off and throw them away. My house help, Stacy came to me when I slammed on the sofa. She was holding a red rose with a note stuck on it. "Ma'am, there is this man with a maroon overcoat, he left this for you a while ago." She said and I looked at her confused.

"Did you say, a man with a maroon overcoat? Where is he?" I asked my eyes darting around.

"He just left a few seconds before you walked in, didn't you bump into each other at the door way?"

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