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Outrageous Addiction

Outrageous Addiction



How hard can two people who were so into each other fight against their own feelings? For Scarlett Haynes who achieved her dream of becoming Mrs Scarlett Harvey, there was only one man for her. But when the hot blade of betrayal was shoved right into her heart in the hardest and unchangeable way people, she was left with nothing but a bittersweet memory, his child and a growing How hard can two people who were so into each other fight against their own feelings? For Scarlett Haynes who achieved her dream of becoming Mrs Scarlett Harvey, there was only one man for her. But when the hot blade of betrayal was shoved right into her heart in the hardest and unchangeable way people, she was left with nothing but a bittersweet memory, his child and a growing desire to shut her sexual life out of her life. What happened when she couldn’t hold on anymore? Did she succeed or did she give up? Ryan Randall had thought he had it all together with his lover. He had wanted to seal the relationship forever but when he attempted to, he realized that he had been living in a world of his own. He was determined to get his lover back but life had an an entirely different plan for Ryan Randall and his soon to be boss, Mrs Scarlett Harvey. It was a battle between the past life they were holding onto and an outrageous Addiction they couldn’t ignore. desire to shut her sexual life out of her life. What happened when she couldn’t hold on anymore? Did she succeed or did she give up? Ryan Randall had thought he had it all together with his lover. He had wanted to seal the relationship forever but when he attempted to, he realized that he had been living in a world of his own. He was determined to get his lover back but life had an an entirely different plan for Ryan Randall and his soon to be boss, Mrs Scarlett Harvey. It was a battle between the past life they were holding onto and an outrageous Addiction they couldn’t ignore.

Chapter 1 SNIPPET

I was trembling with anxiety. My blood was pumping loudly with a thump as my heart beat rapidly with the same sound.

“You….you should leave…”

I said forcefully as my throat had become sticky. I tried to swallow my saliva in order to clear my throat but I found out that my mouth was as dry as a desert.

He strode fiercely and confidently towards me like a hungry lion seeking its prey. I was the prey.

“I guess I should but I can’t, Scarlett.

You shouldn’t have invited me in here in the first place.”

His words came out firmly and clearly which made me assume I was the only one affected by whatever was flowing between us at that moment. I envy his composure.

His black orbs were shining with a flame of fire that I had never seen in them before as they stared intently into my brown ones. I kept backing away from his touch while he kept walking toward me.

“You can’t run anymore Scar.”

He grinned triumphantly when he finally touched my cheeks. I suck in the warm breath he released on my face as he invaded my personal space.

“Ryan….you shouldn’t…we can’t let this go on.”

I said, shaking like a water lily and my lips trembled with the same effect when Ryan absentmindedly ran his fingers over them. The guy was building an uncontrollable fire within me. I could feel it from the strong mushy feeling growing in the depth of my belly.

Like he knew what was going on, he went behind me and placed his large hands on my belly while he rubbed his shaved face against mine.

“We shouldn’t. But I can’t stop, baby and it feels so right with you in my arms.”

His voice had become thick with an emotion I knew too well because I was feeling that same emotion. I couldn’t argue with him because it felt so damn right to be in his arms.

He used his hand to brush my brown hair to the side and dropped his hot mouth to my neck and all I could do was release another shaky breath.

“Do you feel what I’m feeling?…”

He detached his mouth from my skin and I almost let out a whim of protest but as if he had forced himself to stop in the first place, he soon returned his mouth to my collarbone.

If I was confused before his question, the confusion disappeared completely as I turned toward him and circled my arms around his neck.

“Dammit Ryan…. I feel more than I should be letting myself.”

And just like that, he covered my arms with wet kisses and encircled his around my lower waist as he pulled me closer. There was zero space between the both of us.

Fuck I feel so damn hot….too hot…for him and like a trance, we both looked deeply into each other eyes. We knew there was no turning back but that didn’t stop us as he brushed his nose with mine.

His lips were inching closer to mine slowly… too slow. I covered the remaining space as I brought my lips to meet his. He responded like the hungry lion he was and kissed me savagely.

He was becoming my addiction and I was becoming outrageously Addicted to him.


The thought of proceeding vanished and just like it started, we both jolted away from each other suddenly, at the sound of Anna’s voice.

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