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Falling For The Married Billionaire

Falling For The Married Billionaire



Love has the power to make an individual powerful and this same emotion could break even the strongest man or woman whether they are determined to stay far away from it. Tiara Hale, a twenty-three years old woman that has never experienced true love and had given up on ever meeting the right man for her met the famous married billionaire, Enzo Wilson King; the chairman of the wildly known King’s industries but Tiara didn't know him and she didn't act like most women would around him. For Enzo Wilson, life had become even more difficult after getting married to the daughter of one of the biggest shareholders of his company. He didn't see a way out of the loveless and suffocating marriage and he never thought of escape until he met his perfect woman, Tiara Hale. When life brought them together coincidentally, life changed for these two emotionless individuals, or was it fate? Regardless of the odds against them and the blooming love, nothing could stop their passion except their greatest fears.

Chapter 1 Pulled The Trigger


Who said life gets better as we grow?

I really need to know the person because I needed to ask why life gets harder and more complicated as we grow physically and advance in age. Or was it just my life?

And to make matters worse history will always find a way to repeat itself… without filtering out the bad memories and occurrences. In fact, history always picks on one’s bad memories and makes them happen again and again.

I have a life filled with bad memories that I had chosen to forget and let go but life had to happen over and over.

This ache.

This pain.

This humiliation.

All of it. I have been through this before.

It wasn't new to me.

But that doesn't make it less painful. I could have avoided this if I had turned back and away from this office when I heard the moans and groans. The sounds of pleasure would have been appealing to me if I wasn't the one standing outside the door… if I was the one that was inside the office moaning, I wouldn't have felt this pain.

My heart constricted painfully not just because of the scene before me. The pain I was feeling at the moment was caused by the despair I had buried within me. The remembrance of my past, heartbreaking memories, and the accumulation of pains that I had pushed beyond the surface.

This pain was caused by the resurgence of my past which had now become my present… again.

And like always, this fresh wound was inflicted on my heart by that one person that I had believed was my person. Mine. My man. But like I said, history always repeats itself.

As I stood, shaking internally and trying not to crumble under the weight of my painful memories, two pairs of unapologetic eyes stared at me. Those eyes were even ridiculing me which may be because the owners knew that there was nothing I could do to either of them.

Not to my supposed man.

And definitely, not the chick he had chosen to cheat on me with.

“Have you ever been taught that it is rude to stare?”

The shameless blond that “my man” had sitting on his lower body as she rode him said to me, asking me to close the door so they could continue the action that was considered pleasurable to them but it was simply a heartbreaking sight for me.

To think that they were both still connected down there despite the fact that I had been standing here, by the door, for the past five minutes or so. They didn't scramble to get away from each other or hide their sinful acts from me.

it might be sinful to me since the man I had been seeing for the past eleven months had decided to cheat on me with the same girl that walked into our workplace eleven days ago but neither of them thought I had the right to be there, in my supposed man’s office at that moment.

Since I wasn't invited.

“You should listen to her, chef. You shouldn't invade others' private moments. I have every right to sue you and I’ll do that if you don't close the door and return to your post this instant.”

Those words that communicated nothing but displeasure to me were said to me by my supposed man. A man I thought I might have a chance with after so many heartbreaking relationships. A man that I had stupidly trusted and given my all for the past months. A man that I started working with a year ago and started dating eleven months ago.

I should have known he would do this or should I say I have seen the red flags yet I didn't run nor did I stop seeing him, giving my body and time to him.

I shouldn't have ignored the red flags and after experiencing this since I started dating like every other girl, I shouldn't have given him my heart. I shouldn't have opened up to him. Maybe if I had listened to those that warned me about him, I wouldn't be in the position at the moment.

Imagine. The same man that spent weeks chasing me was this man. The man that I thought would help me achieve my dreams of becoming the best chef and having my restaurant was the same man that just told me that he would sue me.

He was buried within another woman yet he didn't look fazed and he wasn't even drunk. As if that would have made me feel better. The thought of that didn't stop tears from rolling down my cheeks.

I couldn't boldly say I was crying because of the two disgusting animals that I was staring at but I could boldly say my tears were caused by the fact that life had always been like this to me. I have always loved only to get cheated on or abandoned.

This injustice started way before I started dating. I shouldn’t be surprised that I was getting dumbed by men when the man that was supposed to be with me for the rest or most parts of my life had left me when I was younger.

My dad left. He dumped my mom and me and never looked back to know how we were doing.

Maybe I had my mom's bad luck when it comes to finding love or getting loved.

“Isn't she the pastry chef? Why is she crying? Does she have virgin eyes? My granny wouldn't act like this if she walks in on me having sex…”

The blond girl whose name I had chosen to forget even had the audacity to move on slowly and sensually on my man… I mean on the head chef’s shaft. She didn't seem like the same girl I had been showing around and gilding since she was the newbie the head chef had placed in my section.

So she doesn't know me now? And was she comparing me to her granny or saying that her granny was better than me? She must be thinking that my tears were signs of weakness. Did she even know that the man she was riding had been my man for the past eleven months? Does she even know that I had been planning our first anniversary for the past two months?

I have bought gifts for fuck sake!

“Shouldn't you at least be sorry? If you aren't, you should at least pretend to be sorry, Jude. It’s me, Jude-”

“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me Jude? I’m the boss around here and you will call me by my title. Who the hell are you by the way? You are a girl that I had taken pity on and given a place in my kitchen despite your whack skills!”

His reaction made me wonder if the blond added sugar or honey or any kind of sweetener to her pussy. Was I getting cheated on because we never really went on a date? We have always been sneaking around the kitchen or this same office to have a quickie.

Jude, the head chef, had never been to my house since I stayed with my mom until last month. I had never taken him home but my mom knew him. Even Jayden knew Jude. Jayden didn't like him neither did my mom.

But I stupidly believed that they were judging our relationship because Jude and I worked in the same restaurant. Jude was the overall head chef while I was simply the patissier, the pastry chef or should I say the baker that loves playing around with flour and milk?

I wondered if he was acting like that because of his newfound chick or because he had never loved me. I asked myself if I would stand there and watch the man I had invested my time in cheat on me and go unpunished like the rest that had come before him.

“Whack skills? Huh, Jude? I thought I was the best baker in town and as you said during those days, no one can take my place but I see some chick had taken my place on your pea size penis. It is such a shame that I have to witness this day… again.”

I was pained that despite insinuating that he had a small penis, Jude had a massive tool between his legs and a big part of me knew that was one of the few reasons I stayed with him despite the red flags. That and the fact that my work didn't give me the time to meet other men.

Even if I had met them, it wouldn’t have lasted. It wouldn’t have ended like this or worse.

Maybe I fell in love with the convenience in our relationship or I was trying in love since my heart ached as he remained under and within the blond girl.

“You didn't tell me you were banging the patissier too, head chef.”

The blond girl exclaimed. I thought she would slap Jude and walk out of the office but her next choice of words shocked me and drove me to the breaking point. I was enraged.

“She could have been invited for a threesome. I like toned skin girls..”

Jude laughed and he held my gaze before slamming into her. He was clearly daring me to do my worst. That was enough to make me realize that he never loved me and that I have been played for a fool.

“Join us or leave us. You can either choose to have fun or be the granny that my granny isn't.”

The blond added, moaning and clinging to Jude. I was appalled. Sleeping with my man wasn't enough. She had the guts to insult me and Jude had the audacity to snicker. They would both pay even if I knew I would be the one paying with my employment status.

I left the office with the determination to make Jude pay. The cheating couple thought I had decided to be the granny as I walked away. My feets hurried to the chef’s changing room. I pulled my bag out of the locker I had kept it earlier this morning and walked back to Jude’s office, storming like a bull.

“Don't you ever give up? I thought my third leg was a peanut to you. Why are you so red over losing a peanut, Tiara.’

Jude yelled at me when I barged into his office again. I sure would miss his third legs and I wished I could chop it off and take it with me but I didn't want to ruin my clean criminal record because of a dickhead like him.

Yet my hand reached for the cold metal in my bag as the blond girl spoke to me again.

“Your time is over, granny. It’s my time with the-”

She couldn't finish uttering her meaningless words though because I pulled out the only weapon I had and pointed it at them; the cheaters. Jude and the blond girl finally released themselves when they saw the dark shiny weapon that I had with me.

“Tell me that’s a fake gun, Tia… babe. Y-you aren't a c-cr-minal, ba-baby…”

“I di-didn’t want to come here or do this. He forced me. Please don't pull the trigger..”

Jude spoke out first, making use of the sweet voice that had deceived me for eleven months and the blond girl also voiced out, clearly lying to save her head. They were both going to pay for the past.

They would be punished for past relationships that broke my heart and left without getting punished.

Jude would pay for the past cheaters he had made me remember. Someone has to pay to make sure such never happens again and I have chosen Jude because he got me wanting more from the fake relationship… more than ever.

“Baby, let's settle this without the gun. Please.”

Because I hadn't pulled the trigger, Jude must have thought that I was having second thoughts but I smirked evilly, walked closer to the couple, and pointed the gun directly at Jude’s eyes. It would have been more satisfying if I had pointed it at his massive third leg but I stayed put and without hesitation, I pulled the trigger.

Jude had never screamed so loud, not even during sex.

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