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The billionaire's betrothed

The billionaire's betrothed

Alpha writes


A 19years old college student Melissa Michael is betrothed to her longtime enemy, Jeremy Robinson a son to her parent's closest friends and business partner He's a billionaire businessman, actor, and Real Madrid player known all over the continent What happens when they finally got married and are forced to live in the same house? Will their marriage be toxic? Will they develop feelings for each other? Fasten your seatbelt and grab your popcorn, it's a fun ride

Chapter 1 You don't have choice.

'I gat you big time'.

'you know I mean it this time.'

'take my hands baby let's rhyme oh'.

I danced out of the bathroom singing happily to one of the songs written by me.

I smiled as I sighted my baggy denim jeans and shirt neatly arranged on my bed, together with my headphone and school.

on the glass center table lay a tray containing my breakfast of scrambled eggs and some slices of bread.

'I love you mom, but am not falling for your tricks',

my mom is one of the most cunning people I've ever known in all the years I have lived on this planet earth.

she's capable of tricking anyone into doing her bidding, and my dad and I have been her constant victims.

she has been extra sweet to me these few days because of this one thing that she's trying to blackmail me into.

you will get to know about that later.

I quickly changed into my clothes, hung my headphone around my neck, grabbed my bag walking towards the center table.

I stuffed my mouth with one full slice of bread, and some eggs then grabbed the teacup and bounced out of the room heading downstairs, while munching my mouthful of food.

'Bad eating manners' my mom has always told me.

This is me Melissa Michael, soon to be Melissa Robinson.

Confusing right?

You will get the full details later.

Am 19 years old and I will be done with college in a couple of months.

Am an undercover artiste, I write songs and record them but I never upload them online because of fear of being mocked.

I don't really think my song is good enough to go out there, maybe eventually but not yet.

Over to my baggy clothes tradition, I always rock them not by choice but my body structure is a heavy migraine to me.

People always compared my body to that of Nicki Minaj, all thanks to my fat ass and big boobs.

I can never walk past a place without people making silly jokes like,

"shake that ass baby"

"figure Nicki Minaj"

"A million dollars for a touch, and so on"

Some even went as far as attempting to grope me.

I always gave them the dosage of their own stupidity.

This earned me great enmity from ladies both home and school, not that I cared anyway, but I had to resort to baggy wears for my comfort and peace of mind.

So yeah this is me.


Climbing down the stairs, I sighted my parents on the couch engaged in a hot make-out session.

yeah that's how much they are so into each other, they literally make out everywhere.

"what's up people," I said out loud enough to make them disengage from their silly act.

yeah, silly act.

"baby, you are ready for school already"? my mom asked arranging her scattered hair.

"yes, morning dad, morning mom," I greeted, walking down the stairs towards them.

"morning princess, how was your night"? my dad asked.

"Superb," I replied gulping down the remaining tea and dropped the cup on the center table turning around to run out before they start their early morning nagging.

"baby, you haven't said anything about our last discussion," my mom's voice nearly choked life out of me.

'Great, just great, here goes another morning of nagging and forcing me into making one of the biggest decisions of my life.

this has been going on for the past month.

"Yes, baby, you promised us positive feedback, it's been weeks now, and yet nothing," my dad added

"Uhm can we talk about this later"? am late for school," I replied turning around to leave.

"Young lady turn around and sit down, it's high time we had a proper discussion," my dad said.

"But dad.......

"Now!!! he yelled and I quickly sat down.

Getting my dad angrier than he is right now is the last thing I want to do.

"Princess listen," his voice came out a little bit calmer.

"We are your parents and we love you, we want the best for you, please baby you have to understand that.......

"No dad, you both are the ones that need to understand me, you need to understand that I can't get married to Jeremy, no it's not happening," I cut him off angrily.

Now you understand why I said soon to be Melissa Robinson.

These two humans right in front of me got me betrothed to Jeremy Robinson all in the name of maintaining their friendship with the Robinsons.

Insane right?

I would have given it a thought if it was Alex, Jeremy's junior brother, he's everything Jeremy is not.

Cool, respectful, kind, and gentle.

But Jeremy? it's a No in block letters.

Jeremy Robinson, the popular billionaire businessman, actor, and Real Madrid player known and loved by all.

Well except me.

His cuteness and body structure is second to none, he's ranked in the top 2 in the list of the richest, most handsome, and most popular young bachelors in the country.

Did I mention that he's a big-time flirt? He practically follows everything called female, he buys them off with his money and fame and the ladies are more than willing to open up for him with or without money, they all want to have a taste of hot Jeremy.

I know all this because his parents are very close and trusted friends of my parents.

Despite our families being close, Jeremy and I hated each other, I hated his playboy ways, he once tried to grope my ass when I was like 15 or so, and I can still remember how his face turned red from the thunderous slap I landed on his cheeks.

Am certain that he's puking right now at the thought of getting married to me.

"Melissa, you are betrothed to him, that fact can't be changed," my mom's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"This is 21st-century mom, such things don't exist anymore, are you guys even considering the age difference? Am 19 and he's like what? 27? 28? 30......

"He's 26," my dad quickly cut me off.

"Exactly, he's in his mid twenties, we are not compatible," I said.

"Melissa's, you know we won't be pushing you this hard if it wasn't Cecile's last wish," my mom dropped the words that sent shivers down my spine.

Okay, deep breaths Melissa, deep breaths, it's done, you can't do anything about this, you are hooked.

Aunt Cecile, Jeremy's mom was very close to me, I shared lots of secrets with her, some that I couldn't even share with my mom, it's sad she had to pass away from a very deadly disease.

Before her demise, she always told me to take good care of her sons, I didn't know this was what she meant, now am deeply hooked.

"And quite frankly, you don't have a choice, the marriage is still going to happen anyway," my dad added making me stand and started heading out of the house.

"Melissa, where are you going? we are still discussing here," my dad scolded

What difference does it make, the marriage is still going to happen with or without my approval right? I stated, my voice coming so low and sad

Yes, but we need you to.....

"Am off to school," I cut him off and ran out of the house.

I quickly jumped into my car and drove off.

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