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Hell Rises - My Vampire Queen

Hell Rises - My Vampire Queen



Angelina Clark is an Indian girl who moves to New Orleans for future studies. She is seventeen years old. She makes new friends in her new university and also feels a strange connection with her math's teacher, Jacob, but slowly she finds New Orleans mysterious when the students at her university are getting murdered one after another and upon inspection. When she investigates, she finds monsters around her who are harming ordinary human beings. She investigates the case further; she finds unbelievable things: her female friend is a witch, her male friend is a royal wolf, and her crush is a vampire. How will Angelina survive in a supernatural world where she has never experienced any of it? *Glimpse* "You can't do that to me tha-thats against the human law" "Oh yes darling I surely can you are my love brought in this world only for me and now you will live with me till death make us apart" Saying this he sink his teeth into her neck making claiming his beloved.

Chapter 1 New Orleans.

Priya POV

I got off the flight and walked toward the airport.

I closed my eyes. However, the new Orleans' fresh air hit my face.

Wow, finally my dream has come true to study in a foreign city.

Not every Indian girl gets an opportunity to study abroad, but today I have finally gotten the freedom. My family has sent me alone to achieve my dreams.

My feet stopped themselves when my eyes found a banner where it was written, "Indian girl."

Yes, I can proudly say I am an Indian girl who came to achieve her dreams.

I have always dreamed of studying abroad, and today I am finally here. God, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

"Hey, this is me." I walked to the girl who was standing there grabbing the banner.

"Are you Priya Singhaniya?" The girl asked me about my identity.

"Yes, my name is Priya Singhaniya, daughter of the Singhaniya family," I told her proudly about my identity.

"Hey, this is Rosie." Your mother is my aunt. " She told her about it while hugging me.

"Hello, Rosie." I hugged her back.

"Welcome to New Orleans, Priya." She welcomed me to my dream of the city.

"Thank you so much."

"Huh, you don't look like an Indian; your English is perfect." Rosie compliments me.

"Hehe, English is our priority language." Maybe you don't, but now India is a developed country. "

"Hehe, I am not meaning to judge anything, but you look so cool." She corrected her words.

"Shall we go now?"

"Yes." She replied.

"Give me your luggage."

I gave her my luggage, and I took another piece of luggage in my hands. We walked ahead together to the entrance.

Rosie kept all my things on her car's dicky, and then we both sat inside the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked her while opening the windows of the car.

"Come to my house."

"Aren't I staying at my college hostel?" I questioned her.

"Relax, darling. I am staying here for the last next five years. That's why I have rented the house here and we have both got admission to the same college. "

"It means we are classmates." My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Yes dude, so why don't you have to join me? I also spoke to the aunt and she agreed. " She looked back at me

"Haven't you told her about this?" she questioned me while driving the car

"No! She just said, You will help me with every piece of equipment."

"Oh, then let me help you, honey." She winked

"Leave everything up to me." She chuckled.

"I was glad to hear that. I was scared to death about making friends with foreign guys, but now I am relieved!

We continued our discussion ahead.

Rosie is so friendly, and I like her.

I hope our friendship goes ahead. I am glad that I am going to start my new life here.

Our car balance slipped when someone bumped into the car. Rose stopped the car hurriedly

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I yelled at top of my lungs

"Who is he?"

My heart stopped for a minute as my eyes caught the person above in the car.

We get out of the car and run outside hurriedly.

I stepped back. However, I saw a dead body dumped by a car.

Rosie called the police and informed them about the dead boy.

They are investigating the case. As we were victims, they made us sit in the same place.

Anywhere Rosie does not let police investigate me, she explains to them the incident shelf.

Where my eyes capture the dead boy

What are those bites on his neck?

"Okay, guys, now go now." The cop's voice pulled me into reality

"Thank you, sir." Rosie thanked everyone and closed the conversation.

"Inspector, Do you find anything about how this boy died? And how did this boy come and fall over our car? " I asked the cops after losing my patience.

"The monster attacked him."

"What?" My jaw dropped and my eyes widened.

"Yes, our doctor team has concluded after checking everything that he has some monster bites on his neck and he is drained out of the blood." The cop explained about the dead.

"What do you mean by monsters?"


My heartbeat was beating faster every second. When I listen to vampires, do they exist?

"Yes, this is not the first time, New Orleans has common attacks from vampires and werewolves and we got some international reports that some group had landed here.

"We have to catch them."

"You will catch the evil monster, sir, and I wish you all the best." Rosie wished him.

Damn, she is so cool!

"Thank you, lady. Sorry for keeping you waiting here.

"You can leave now," the cops say as they approach the dead body.

"Shall we go, Priya?" She asked me

The dead body welcomed me to New Orleans.

This is not a good symbol to be ahead of the start of my life here.

Will I go back to India?

No! I can't leave this opportunity to study abroad.

The first time, my mind and heart went in two different directions.

I don't know how I am going to survive here.

Soon we reached Rosie's house, and when I looked around, it was not bad. She has maintained her house very well.

The double bedroom and the house are in a white and orange combination.

"Nice house, Rosie." I looked around the surroundings.

"Not only the house but also the inside is so neatly decorated."

"Hehe thanks, Priya. I don't like it when my surroundings are a mess. I don't feel like living in that place. I am a nature lover. "

"Aww, you are so cool, but I am not like you." I'm too lazy to keep my things clean. " I sighed.

She chuckled softly at my laziness.

"It's okay, honey, now you are going to be with me in three years. I will make you the perfect girl, and this is my promise. " She winked at me.

Now I'm excited to stay with Rosie. I've never stayed away from home, this is my first time staying without my family, so I am curious about my new journey.

"Let's go. "I will show you the bedroom." Rosie's voice pulled me into reality.

I followed her towards my new bedroom.

"So this is your bedroom from today." Rosie showed me the bedroom.

I walked inside while looking around the room.

When a cold wind touched my face, I stepped ahead in the direction of the cold wind.

I stopped in front of the beautiful balcony.

Wow, there is a beautiful balcony in the room. "From where I can see the whole of New Orleans," "

"Let's go, I will help you set up your things."


I kept the luggage on the bed, and Rosie helped me with it. She helped me with setting everything up.

"So you liked my house."

"Yeah, your house is very beautiful, but the balcony of this bedroom is the most beautiful," I replied to her while satisfying myself.

"This room's balcony is the best; you can see the whole New Orleans city from here."

"Hey, Rosie, may I ask you a question?" I asked, suddenly serious.

"Yes, sure."

"There are real monsters in this New Orleans city, like vampires and werewolves." I asked her with curiosity.

"Yes." She told me the truth.

This is unbelievable!

"Truly, vampires and werewolves do exist." My jaw dropped


"I can't believe that there are powers and supernatural species that exist." I shut my mouth when I remembered something.

"This means, The Vampire Diaries, the originals, Twilight, and supernatural series are true." My jaw dropped and my eyes widened

"Huh?" She rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean, Priya?" She questioned me

"Yes, I had seen the series, The Original, and there it was like shown that in New Orleans there were vampires and werewolves, but now it's reality and I am so surprised."

She just laughed.

"Why are you laughing now?" I looked at her back.

She laughed once more.

"Dude, I am serious. Some people in our country do not even know the meaning of vampires and werewolves, so we find it difficult to believe."I explained to her the situation."

"I agree!" She replied

"Today I tell you, not based on the Supernatural series but from my life experience. Let me tell you that vampires and werewolves do exist.

My body was still as my mind completely focused on registering her words.

"I am saying all this with a lot of confidence because my grandmother is a witch and she shared with me some of her life experiences with vampire werewolves."

"What your grandmother is a witch?" I paused for a minute.

She shook her head "YES"

"Then are you a witch too?" I asked her with a lot of curiosity.

"So far, I haven't felt anything like that." She chuckled, lightening up the situation

"Now get fresh, I am holding out the dinner for you."

"Hey, wait!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Rosie sat down on the bed, horrified.

"I don't know how to make food," I whispered slowly in her ear.

"Haha relax honey, but I know how to cook. I will make dinner for both of us. "

"Hehe, thanks a lot, but I promise that I will help you with the rest of the household work," I said while making a kiddo face.

I feel ashamed that I do not know how to cook food. It is all because of my mother. She has never allowed me to do any work. She always used to do my work and made me lazy. But I'm alone now. I have to learn how to do everything.

"Aww, the aunt was right, you're a jer but from now on, both of us will stay together in one house, and I believe sharing is caring.

"Never mind, we work together and dude, we are friends, so you don't need to follow any formalities." Rosie said and walked out of the room.

I got freshened up quickly and helped Rosie with the household things.

Rosie made the dinner, and we shared things and ate quietly.

Our bond is slowly going strong, and she is very kind and very lovable.

"Hey, I want to get out for a walk as I heard that the night view of the new work is too good."

"Yes, you heard right, but honey, I can't come with you right now." I want to send the documents to a friend."

"Yeah sure, no problem, Rosie. I'll leave you alone. "

"But going alone is not safe and you are new to New Orleans City."

"Hey relax, I am not a kid too afraid of everything and I have a map, so I'll take care."

"Okay, I won't stop you, but take care of yourself. If you need any help, call me immediately. "

"Yes, boss." I salute her. My actions made her laugh.

I walked outside to take a look around. Indeed, this place is very beautiful.

They still maintained their old traditional ways of life.

Some people are singing a song by the roadside. It seems like they are a music band and are performing here.

I clicked at each moment of the visual.

I walked around, and I came a long way from the house. I saw an old abandoned building and my legs automatically stopped looking at it. My whole interest shifted to the building.

"What is this place?" The building looks so old with dust.

I stepped into the building with a lot of excitement.

When I sneaked into the building, I noticed the moon was covered by some pretty solid clouds.

The freezing wind is now howling through the windows and broken glasses. Boooooo......

"What is this sound?" I looked

around the surroundings.

It looks like this place is not safe.

It's weirdly making a deep sound like sobbing.

"Geeez, it scares the crap out of me." I'd better be out of here! " I took my phone and turned on the flashlight.

As the flash lightened up all the moulds on the walls,

"It doesn't look like a place for humans or any living things; rather, all these rooms look like cells." I need to get out of here right now. "

I shut the shutter button on the screen in front of the gate, but with the flashing light, my eyes caught a familiar shadow standing next to the door.

"Who is there?"

Before I finished the sentences, a stranger in the darkness quickly staggered toward me!

Holy moly! His steps sounded like thunder, making my heart nearly explode!

I am terrified, stepping back with my shivering body.

My eyes widened as a familiar body came in front of me.

His face starts twisting with his arms, legs, and knuckles turning backwards into creepy, scary Angeles.

"What is your name?"I asked him to step backward.

"THE LORD OF HELL." He stepped ahead towards me with his scary eyes while opening his mouth like he was going to eat me.

He can't be a human being.

I can't die here! With that popping out in my mind, I cried out loudly and turned my heels to escape from him.

But suddenly, something hits me on the head and makes me fall.


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