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Alex Hartley has just moved to Saintwood. She is quiet and unassuming, but her mind speaks volumes. All Alex wants to do is get through her senior year. Ryan Jones, Jordan Shaw, and Dylan Frazier are the three most feared boys at Saintwood High. People cringe when they meet them. What happens when the quiet new girl meets the three most feared boys at Saintwood High? Will it become an everlasting friendship or disaster? Sometimes the most unexpected friendships come from the most unlikely places. Author: Johanna Delacruz Publisher:i&i Publisher

Chapter 1 No.1


Starting over is not the hard part. The hard part is leaving everyone and everything you know behind.

My dad got a new job after getting laid off for the past few months. He and my mom hated telling me we’re moving, but we didn’t have a choice. My parents fell behind because his unemployment ran out, and we needed the money.

Even though they were afraid to tell me when they did, I shrugged and agreed with their decision. I know it’s a shocker since I’m a teen girl. Most girls would throw a fit about leaving their friends. Unfortunately, I didn’t have friends.

It wasn’t because I was unpopular or anything like that. It was a whole other reason; I’m shy and quiet. I didn’t speak to people who I didn’t know. My parents thought I needed help, so they sent me to a therapist.

There was nothing wrong with me except that I’m awkward with people. I didn’t fall under the category of having Autism since they tested me. I was shy ever since I can remember.

It didn’t help that my classmates didn’t associate with me because I don’t think they knew how. It also didn’t help that I had a high IQ of 210 and a photographic memory, so I got straight A’s. I didn’t even have to study; I looked at the assignment once and remembered everything.

Besides my shyness, I was afraid people would treat me as someone who knew it all. Yes, I’m that insecure. I figured if I said nothing, then they wouldn’t judge me. I don’t like it when people assumed things about me. Assumptions always bothered me. I wanted people to accept me for who I am, a quiet girl who wanted nothing in return, except friendship.

We moved to the city of Saintwood, where someone offered my dad, a job working in a casino. I didn’t understand how he could work in one when he has a gambling problem; that’s how we’re in our current situation. A man came to our old house and explained that he set everything up for us. I didn’t know who he was and why he helped us?

Walking into the house, I made my way to my room to find a note with the letter M at the end. After skimming through the message, I set it down and looked around the room. They decorated it for a typical teen girl, but I’m anything but ordinary. I preferred books because they’re my escape from everything. My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen; it’s a romantic classic. I always envisioned having a Mr. Darcy to my Elizabeth Bennett. I would be lucky to make at least one friend.

I could hear my parents’ voices and other sounds as they brought our items into the house. I left my bedroom and came downstairs as I stood there and watched the movers bring in moving boxes. My parents were talking, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. They finally realized I was standing there.

“Hey, Honey,” my mom acknowledged me as I stood there.

“We ordered pizza for dinner since we’re getting settled,” my dad added as I looked at them, not saying a word.

I turned and went back upstairs.

“I told you she wouldn’t be happy,” my mom said to him.

“Once she settles into school, she’ll be fine. We have to have faith that she’ll adjust,” Dad reasoned as my mom gave him a concerned look.

I didn’t know what would happen tomorrow when I enrolled in a new high school. It’s hard to acclimate to an unknown place, let alone a new high school. I didn’t even know what the people are like there. It’ll be my luck that I would have to deal with some weirdos.

I didn’t realize any of this would matter until the day I met them, and my life would change forever. Who may you ask, they are? Well, I guess you must read to find out.

My name is Alex Hartley. It’s my story about how I met the three most feared boys of Saintwood and formed an intense bond with them. This meeting would also lead me to my Mr. Darcy.

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