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Alpha Adryan.

Alpha Adryan.

Naomi Jordan


"not all monsters do monstrous things" - Jade Estrada "What are you doing in my territory rogue?" He spits out the word rogue which makes me flinch back and causes my wolf to whine again. "I- I didn't-t kn-now tha-tt I-i wa-as tress-passing-g on you-r ter-ri-tory" I stutter out in fear. "What's your name mate?" He asked me. "J-Jade" I reply. "Look at me" he grits out and the sound of clenching of his jaw doesn't go unnoticed by me. I shake my head side to side as tears leave my eyes, trailing down my face in a fast motion. "Look at me when I talk to you mate" he growls out throatily. "I-i can-tt" I yet again stutter my words out and my words seem to anger him as his hold on my chin almost becomes painful to the extent of breaking the skin. I whimper out in pain. "Why" he viciously growls out and which almost makes me take a step back in fear but I stay rooted to the spot. "I'm b-blind" I say and his painful grip leaves my face. Jade has been blind since birth, surrounded by a loving pack and parents just happen to be the Alpha and Luna of The Evergreen Forest Pack. So what happens when a rogue attack kills her family and Jade escapes and accidentally crosses The Blood Moon Pack Territory known to be led by the cruel, vicious, and heartless Alpha Adryan Romano who just so happens to be her mate. What happens when Jade comes to know that her mate doesn't want her but doesn't reject her for his own selfish reasons, throwing into the mix a blonde-haired mistress. Enter Adryan's crazy half-brother who is obsessed with Jade and would do anything to make her his. A lot of drama unfolds, new enemies are made so are new friends, and new problems arise. A war is declared. Read and find out what happens to Jade and Adryan in 'Alpha Adryan'. Previously known as 'Alpha Romani' * Warning: contains some strong language and mature scenes * Author: Naomi Jordan Publisher: EasyReading

Chapter 1 No.1

The sound of her feet pounding against the wet forest floor resonates around the forest as she runs as fast as her legs could carry her, her bare feet sticks to the wet and damp ground, an aftermath of the heavy rain Forks receives throughout the year.

She clearly had no idea where she was headed, her sense of direction right now was purely dependent on which direction the wind blew and her wolf senses. She has been running aimlessly for the past hour.

Tears smear down her face as she thinks about her pack.

Terror fills her body as she feels them getting closer, and she wills herself to push her legs further so that she could run faster, her body is filled up with scratches and cuts from cutting herself while colliding on the trees and branches as her vision is of no help to her.

She could feel them breathing heavily as it hits the back of her shoulder for a second. But she doesn't stop running. Her lungs burned due to the effort of pushing herself beyond her limit.

She could feel the vibrations of their growls as annoyance took over their senses making her run faster, her feet ached and bled as they came in contact with sticks and hard rocks but at the moment she couldn't care less.

She didn't know how she could still keep running, she felt something inside herself pushing her. Maybe it might be the fear of death that was keeping her alive, ironically.

She blindly followed the wind as she felt them get closer. She moves towards the side just in time for one of the rogues to swipe a claw at her side and leave a big open wound, it stings instantly and tears fill her eyes immediately, but her steps doesn't falter.

The scent of blood overpowers, her blood.

She was so caught up in saving herself that she didn't feel herself crossing the pack territory line.

She runs a few more miles and stops immediately, when she doesn't hear their pounding footsteps behind her, her brows furrowed in confusion. That seemed odd to her, making her wonder why they suddenly stopped chasing her. She sticks her nose up and tries to smell the air for any possible threat, but the only thing that she could smell was the scent of rain and damp mud.

But the thing that had her stopping in her tracks was the power that was being excluded from where she stood, and it doesn't take a genius to know that she crossed the pack grounds. She gulps in fear, Pack wolves don't take gently to rogues or lone wolves trespassing into theirs, it's a crime and most of the packs serve harsh punishments like death.

She feared one pack in particular, The Blood Moon Pack.

The most feared pack in the world.

She may be a shy and socially awkward person, but that doesn't mean she's blind to things going around her, even though she was physically blind. The rumors have it that the Red Moon Pack loathes rogues with a burning passion. It's said that they either instantly kill them on the spot or torture them with wolfs bane and silver. Their pack members are said to be all well-trained warriors from the young age of eight, no matter the gender. They give equal importance to both the male and female wolves. Which she respected them for.

A chill runs down her spine when she thinks about their Alpha.

Alpha Adryan Romano. That was his name, at least that's what the rumors say.

No one has seen him, and the few that have lived to tell the tales about him are either too scared to speak or have gone crazy. It's said that he's the worst of them all. He's feared by all the other Alphas in the country as their power is nothing compared to his, she remembered once hearing a rumor that he alone could take out a hundred werewolves, and that's saying something.

Werewolves are strong creatures, who have a good sense of smell, taste and hearing. And fighting one off isn't easy.

He's known for his cruel and vicious ways, they say he's heartless.

Rumors also say that he killed his own mate, and that the rogues killed his parents, and it goes on and on... she mostly doesn't believe in these rumors because she's not someone who judges a person based on the silly rumors that goes around about them.

Yet thinking about him sends a weird sensation throughout her body.

Her thoughts are cut off when she hears a vicious growl, which echoes through out the dead and cold forest.

She's about to take off running again when she feels the presence of other wolves, her instinct tells her that there might be about five of them. Her fear comes back in full force knowing that there's no way she can fight them without her revealing her secret to the whole world, finding no way out she felt defeated. Her breath coming out of her lips in shallow puffs of air.

All of them growl at her, causing her to whimper in fear.

She could hear the sound of someone shifting and some ruffling of clothes, letting her know someone has shifted into their human form.

"What are you doing on our territory, rogue?" A male voice bits out in anger, and she feels herself flinching backwards. He excludes power, which means he's of higher rank.

Beta, a voice echoes in her head, and she knows it belongs to her wolf, Kira.

But her eyes widen like saucers when she hears him say territory. She had crossed a pack territory, and now she's going to get killed, how stupid can she be.

The same voice growls out in obvious anger, making her realize that she hasn't answered his previous question yet.

Brian, the Beta of the Blood Moon pack, was scouring the territory for rogues when he caught her scent. Upon arriving he found a short light red haired she-wolf, making him confused about what she was doing in their territory, but he felt threatened nonetheless.

"Ter-r-itory? W-what pack is th-is?" she stutters out with a squeak, fear coating her words.

This doesn't seem to sit well with the male, as he growls, and she shrinks back in fear. His next words are like a blow to her mind.

"The Blood Moon Pack." and all the color leaves her face.

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