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The Rise Of The Werewolf Priest

The Rise Of The Werewolf Priest



Drake Knight a handsome young man who works as a novelist is very disturbed by the nightmares he often experiences in his dreams he sees a demon who is chasing a pair of men and women who have a pair of Godwin diamond rings after investigating all the events that happened to him then he just found out that it turned out that the husband and wife were his ancestors. Based on a dream that he told his grandparents, they gave orders to his grandson to find another Godwin ring that his ancestors had hidden in the area of Ayton in North Yorkshire. With the help of his friend Pastor Flavius Valerius, they try to eradicate Lucifer who lives in the Skiddaw mountains north of the city of Keswick, Cumbria where Lucifer has sworn to pursue and kill the descendants of his ancestors while to subdue the demon Drake must take a demon ring called Dark Satan which very dangerous for the life of every human being that would make him a devotee of Lucifer. Will the efforts of Drake and Father Flavius succeed in defeating the demon? What will happen to the Dark Satan ring? Can Drake find Godwin's ring?

Chapter 1 The priest of the church of Saint Mikhail ensnares his prey



MARCH 10 1330

7.00 PM

Duke James, an English aristocrat, is entering a large cave which is a nest of demons led by Lucifer. He and his wife came to Skiddaw Mountain to retrieve the Dark Satan ring, which has always disturbed the residents around the castle area of Ayton, North Yorkshire, but suddenly Lucifer gave orders to his followers to attack James soon heard a heart-wrenching scream from the noble man heard the screams of his husband before he died who gave the order that he save himself so Callista immediately ran down the mountains by spurring her horse all the way down the mountain she cried sadly now she is alone back to the castle of Ayton. Two months later Callista Moore came to ask Pastor Ray Parker for help to eradicate Lucifer who often appeared suddenly and created a terrible terror in Ayton Castle.

Unexpectedly the priest had become a follower of the devil then everything that was witnessed in the church made him panic and fear then he ran out of the Ampleforth church screaming for help from anyone he ran in a panic because he was being chased by a demon cloaked by a priest. As long as the woman ran without stopping she screamed for help to the residents around her but her screams were in vain even when she heard Callista's screams, the houses of the residents who were there were instantly extinguished by them so that the woman seemed to panic even more when she was in a state of panic. In an emergency he saw a convent building not far from the village of Potto in the Hambleton district when Callista Moore had arrived at the gates of the Abbey of St. Cuthbert shouted hysterically as he hit the gate repeatedly. soon the door was opened by a priest named Oswald Smith he looked surprised by Callista's behavior who looked very panicked so he immediately gave orders to the woman to enter the monastery. Then the woman's face grew pale after the gate of the monastery opened wide in front of the door stood a demon demon in the form of a priest with both eye sockets and black holes Callista was surprised when she saw the demon then she pointed at the demon while Pastor Oswald laughed happily seeing Callista frightened when approached by the black blank-eyed demon. Callista panicked when she saw Pastor Oswald and all the monks all turned into the same as the demon demon and then they all devoured Callista's body, the poor young woman died before long the atmosphere in the monastery seemed silent.



JULY 7 1979

9.00 AM

Wayne Moore's family and Sabine Moore's mother with their three children namely Brad, Drake and Alvin Moore are together they are talking about a vacation to his ancestral castle which is located in Ayton North Yorkshire but only Drake can't go on vacation there because he is a journalist at the same time a very busy writer while his brother Brad is a young businessman who has been successful so he has time to vacation there with his youngest brother Alvin who is just in his first year of high school when it is July during the school holidays so they prepare for a vacation to the castle his ancestors especially Alvin who was very excited to feel a vacation to his ancestral castle that he had never seen. Two days later they immediately set off by car and left Westminster Central London along the way they enjoyed the scenery there after five hours of travel when they finally arrived there. Alvin got out of the car while running to the top of the stairs while Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Sabine were busy removing all the things then Brad carried the bag containing his clothes up the stairs of the castle as he approached Alvin then he started to open the door when he entered the castle the two brothers were stunned by the beauty of the building and its contents. Not long after that Wayne and Sabine's mother entered, they were all happy to have a vacation to Ayton Castle. At night they lit the fire and heard a wolf howl in the middle of the forest not far from the castle. From a distance in the darkness of the night in the forest, a pair of red eyes stared fiercely while his lips were grinning broadly showing his two very sharp fangs. When the lights in their bedrooms all went out, the demon began to enter by way of breaking through the walls of the big castle, not long after there was a heart-wrenching scream, Mr. Wayne's family had died in terrible circumstances, then after the demon took the life of the family, the Moores immediately came out of Ayton Castle. by way of penetrating the castle walls and what is even more strange is that they have no eye sockets with both black eye sockets and holes.

They all flew to the Ampleforth church where they were joined by Father Ray Parker and Father Oswald of St. Abbey. Cuthbert now the castle was silent again with the lights off and then mysteriously back on again.



AUGUST 7 1979

8.00 AM

Drake was surprised by his family who had not returned for a month from their vacation so he intended to follow them to Ayton castle so he immediately took a month's leave for all of this with the permission of his superior, Mr. Rudolf Parcivalis after preparing all his belongings then the next day he immediately went there by using the taxi that he had previously ordered along the way Drake remembered his family he really missed seeing them during the five hour journey so finally he arrived at Ayton castle but he was surprised by the state of the castle which was very quiet, it seemed that there was no life in it then after he paid for the taxi then he immediately went up to the top of the castle and stepped towards the door he was surprised to see the front door wide open where did his family go? It wasn't long before he was even more surprised that his family wasn't in there so where were they? He repeatedly called the names of his father, mother and two brothers but they all disappeared like being swallowed by the earth so Drake began to feel the strangeness of Ayton castle which he just witnessed he felt the darkness of the devil in the castle so Drake immediately brought back all his family belongings and hers to her father's car which was still in the castle grounds.

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