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The Rise Of The Werewolf Priest

Chapter 8 taxi drivers become followers of Darkwolf

Word Count: 1099    |    Released on: 13/07/2022




L 10


pupils were bright yellow while the driver did not pay attention to the two passengers who were actually humans who were different from ordinary humans he just kept going. driving the car until they arrived at the Ampleforth monastery then the two passengers got off the taxi suddenly from inside the Wharfedale forest there was the sound of a wolf howling lou

ed she looked at the driver with a strange look then from inside Pastor Appleton's study there was a very scary wolf howl once again the driver was surprised he felt this monastery was very strangely, his surprise hasn't gone away from behind the window of Pastor Appleton's study a shadow of a human slowly turning into a werewolf the changes slowly and gradually the human head has changed little by little then the human nose turned into a wolf muzzle then the driver ran into the room Pastor Appleton when he arrived inside he screamed as loudly as he saw the two priests had turned into werewolves without realizing it he stepped back towards the exit of the room when he turned his body to run away but his body was hit by a big tall body with black hair and a snout. k was a little long who was now blocking him he had panicked and kept shouting but all the werewolves from outside and inside had all attacked until finally only the driver's screams were heard and then just disappeared t

tanding at the window staring out the two of them watching the

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een watching us all a

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is the third leader of the Darkwolf, the ruler of darkness, all of his followers nodded their heads. Then they resumed their work while a young man from the North Atlantic named Thor Saxon was walking through the woods of Wharfedale he was hunting wild boar for f

illage to invite the villagers to join their church and will look for the village closest to this monastery tomorrow they will go to the village of Potto which being in North Yorkshire besides that their goal is also to attract followers who will become members who will be used as soldiers of the Silver W

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