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Whispers in the Wind

Whispers in the Wind

Paul Zunckel


Step into the evil world of Human Trafficking, where corrupt officials, unemployment, poverty, greed and power all play a part. A family is torn apart by abduction. A child taken in the dead of the night, a mother abducted and sold into slavery, and the world of the sex trade. The search for the child and woman moves from the banks of the mighty Zambezi deep into the African bush, to the under belly of Johannesburg, South Africa. Author: Paul Zunckel Publisher: EasyReading

Chapter 1 No.1


Step into the evil world of Human Trafficking, where corrupt officials, unemployment, poverty, greed and power all play a part.

A family that is torn apart by abduction.

A child taken in the dead of the night by force to serve as High Priestess for a secret African Cult who worship the jackal god and act as the middle man for the collection of human cargo.

Adele abducted and sold into slavery, and the world of the sex trade where it is all about greed. Join her on her journey into slavery, her misery, her fears, as she’s thrown head first into terror and must use whatever she has to survive, if she is to ever see her family again.

The search for the child and woman moves from the wilds of Zambia, to the under belly of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Join Piet van Zyl and company in their search for Debi and Adele as they move from the banks of the mighty Zambezi deep into the African bush veldt and the bright lights of the city.


The year is 2005

The moon sits high in the dark night sky as the paddles dip silently into the dark waters of the Kafue River; a mist rises from the edges of the river bank, cloaking the three men as they push the dugout forward cutting through the water towards their destination, and the completion of their quest.

Silently they bring the dugout alongside the bank, secure it, and slip into the dark bush like phantoms, heading towards their ultimate goal.

The safari camp is surrounded by a boma, and the central fire flickers in the playful breeze as it throws up sparks into the night sky. All is silent and still as the occupants of the camp sleep, dreaming about what adventures the rising sun will bring.

The shadows of the three phantoms slip into the camp and head towards a tent in the center, for in there lays their quarry. As one they move in and emerge with a white bundle draped across the shoulders of one of them.

They leave the camp as silently as they had arrived, and if it were not for the abducted young girl, no one would ever have known they had even been there.

The flickering flames from the torches attached to the rocky walls of the large cavern throw grotesque shadows across the open area. The air is thick with smoke from the two burning cauldrons on either side of a raised altar, a low humming and the sound of shuffling feet fill the area as a figure leading a Black Backed Jackal on a rope enters the chamber, followed by a procession of white robed figures. Their heads bowed as they enter the holy temple, they move towards the altar, eyes fixed upon the sacrifice secured with rope atop the smooth surface stained with the blood of others that have come before her.

Silence descends as they await the arrival of their high priestess and her handmaidens. Hopes are high for today a new High Priestess will be born when she lifts will lift the sacrificial knife up high and plunges the sharp blade deep into the bosom of her predecessor.

The hunters have arrived, and the chosen one is being made ready by her handmaidens to come forth and take her rightful place at the head of the Cult of the Jackal.

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