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Blood Spoor in the Dark

Blood Spoor in the Dark

Paul Zunckel


Suspense, Thriller, Fact fused with Fiction Modern Africa... ancient beliefs. With fear, comes power. Travel deep into the Congo Basin with Piet van Zyl, safari hunter, and Veronica Strydom, African culture expert, as they are drawn deeper into the web of superstitions and fear. Come face to face with The Secret Sect that has emerged from the dark past and now walks the night. Experience the superstitions, rituals, and witchcraft of the killers known as The Leopard Men, as history repeats itself in an orgy of ritual murders and blood lust. Author: Paul Zunckel Publisher: EasyReading

Chapter 1 No.1

Blood Spoor in the Dark


Modern Africa��ancient beliefs.

With fear, comes power. Travel deep into the Congo Basin with Piet van Zyl, and Veronica Strydom as they are drawn deeper into a web of superstitions and fear.

Come face to face with the Secret Sect that has emerged from the dark past and now walks the night.

Experience the superstitions, rituals, and witchcraft of the killers known as The Leopard Men, as history repeats itself in an orgy of ritual murders and blood lust.


��������There is no moon in the sky, darkness rules as the night creatures�� move about the jungle of the Congo Basin. Another creature moves among them.

��������The edge of the jungle opens onto a small clearing, a foot path leads towards the hut, the flicker of a candle can be seen in the window, and a shadow is thrown from the light.

��������The visitor watches and waits, he is patient as is the way of his kind. His patience is rewarded when the door to the hut opens and a woman emerges. She moves up along the path directly towards the watcher, unaware of being observed.

��������With a shriek of an attacking leopard, the watcher rises from the darkness and launches itself at her, the woman screams in terror, but help will not come as her family is huddled together, safe in the hut. None will venture out for fear of what is hidden by the darkness.

��������Day reveals the scene of her death; the ground and bushes around her body are covered in her blood, her badly mutilated corpse and the spoor around her pay testimony to her killer. The leopard has once again claimed a victim.



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Other books by Paul Zunckel

Mask of Deceit

Mask of Deceit



The perfect love. The perfect life. A bright future ahead of them, that is until fate and a case of mistaken identity steps in. Juliana’s world is turned upside down when her husband, Paul is brutally murdered in the darkness of an alleyway in Venice; she is raped and left for dead while the sounds of the Masked Carnival and the killers laughter fills the air. The only thing that keeps Juliana going is the memories of a perfect love, and her deep desire for vengeance. With the help of her father, the killers are tracked down, one by one and on the anniversary of Paul’s death, with the sounds of the Carnival in the background, the killers come face to face with the Mask of Deceit, and pay the ultimate price at the hands of a woman who is dead inside. With the words of her dead husband ringing in her ears. “Use the knife my love, put the animal out of its misery. Cut its throat.” Juliana moves between two different worlds. One that was filled with love, joy and hope for the future. The other filled with pain and death as she uses the blade on her path of revenge and thirst for vengeance. “There Paul my love, I showed the animal mercy... I cut its throat.” From the backdrop of the Carnival in Venice to the African bush, the world that Paul loved she moves like an avenging angel dispensing her brand of justice and spilling the blood of the men that ruined her life. Her appetite for torture knows no bounds as each one is taken to the very edge before being sent to hell. As each one dies at her hand she moves closer to closure but has she stepped over the edge from sanity to insanity... will the killing continue once the last is shown mercy and she uses the blade to show the animal mercy or will she heed Pauls call and join him once again. Author: Paul Zunckel Publisher: EasyReading

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