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Cynthia My Love

Tao seo was an ordinary guy who thought his dreams were his imagination but his dreams might be deeper than what he thought it was. Author: sweetanne110 Publisher: EasyReading

Chapter 1 No.1

Table of Contents


������In heaven, before the baby girls were allowed to come to the world, ten out of ten thousand baby girls were chosen and are called the royal babies.

������The royal babies have their own passage way which took them to the world. We, the junior babies were always eager to watch them as they head toward the world with the destiner at the entrance asking them ��Choose among this boys�� which all of us repeated after her because it was the same sentence she says anytime a royal baby is to pass the royal passage.

��������I choose him�� the girl will say, pointing to a boy among the thousands of boys pictures that shows immediately destiner stopped speaking.

��������It shall be so�� says the destiner after and all of us will clapped as she goes down and stopped when the next royal girl came to view.

������The royal day is the most important day in heaven to we girls and every baby prayed to be one of the royal babies but me. I do not have any interest in being a royal baby but to cut the long story short I was selected as one of the royal babies.

������When it was my turn, I walked toward the passage looking at the destiner's smiling face.

��������Choose among these boys�� she said and I looked up to checked out the pictures of thousands of boys.

������It wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be, checking out thousands of pictures at once but after a short period of time I said ��I choose him�� pointing to a boy that caught my attention but instead of destiner it shall be so which she says smiling at the girl, I saw her grabbed the frame of the passage and turned white in the face but I was oblivious to what had caused this strange behavior and after getting a grip on herself she said ��You have to work to get him, you will be the one to divine your destiny, be an heroine and it must be so�� with no grain of smile. Few clapped but I guess the rest were caught off guard as I was


and since I do not know what to say I slid down to the world, with my fate ringing in my ears.

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