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Beyond the rivers is not centred only on romance but goes beyond that . It touches the affairs of a true relationship and keys responsible for governing such a relationship . It takes us into a paradise first nursed in the mind of each lovers and the desires that overwhelmed them even before they speak . It tells of ecstasy of passion that runs deeper than the crossing of bridges nor the depths of many oceans . Jackson is a young lad in his late 20th when he discover that sex and money isn't truly love that 99percent relationship fallout immediately this two element are kept away . Jackson then try to practice this in his broke stage but the real truth is Jackson is broke but he crave after a lady who will be with him and together they could build a legacy . Will Jackson ever find what he seeks in this new age ? Knowing that the world has shifted in ideology or will Jackson desires be fruitless and will all the lessons be for nothing ? Will Jackson past surface and are there secrets Jackson has hidden never to be brought to light ..... This book is the game changer that has the and ability to educate and re-educate you will swept off your feet by it ecstasy of passion ...


Chapter 1:


" I can't believe you are finally leaving us. " Mom said, sounding sad.

" Mom, it's not like I'm leaving forever. It's just for a matter of time. I will really miss you guys. " I said pecking her cheeks then Dad's.

" Do take good care of yourself for me, okay? "

" I will dad, you too and mom. " I hugged mom for the last time before entering the passenger seat while Dad went to the driver side.

We zoomed out of the compound. We were leaving for the airport to New york, my dream home.

Why don't we start from the scratch...?

My name is Jackson and am an Agent, a graduate of the Airforce Force Academy, Paris France

Just two days after I had graduated, I was called to the Army department of pineville, Usa.

And that's just where I am heading to now.

New york has been my desire, my dream and it's really exciting to say I'm not just going there for a visit, but to make it my new home.

My family are the well known hunters in New york since the 18th century.

And it has been a passed down blood line that we chase after wolf's and it's our duty to hunt them down.

I've heard a lot about werewolves and I've read about them too.,

They aren't the easy going type and that's why I'm going for this job.

New york is a big city, so there's much population of werewolves there. I've heard about that too.

I know what you're thinking... Why joining the Military, right?

It's alright to say they aren't just Armies, but undercover agents ( wolf hunters in disguise ).

We got to the airport, dad helped me with my luggages. " Your mother and I thought of visiting you next month, what do you think? "

" I think that would be great. I'll be waiting though, but tell mom not to over think about me, okay? "

" She won't listen to me even if I told her, but I will see what I can do about it. "

I hugged him tight, " I love you dad. "

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