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A surrogate for the billionaire

A surrogate for the billionaire

Mercy Mmadu 1234


When his wife wasn't able to birth children due to some medical issues, billionaire Gianluca Di Vaio was forced to hire a surrogate mother.

Chapter 1 Davina Argentero

"Good morning young mast...".

"Any news?". Luca interrupted

Bocelli cleared his throat. It wasn't a new thing to him, to be interrupted by Gianluca Di Vaio. Heaven knows he was used to Gianluca's obnoxious attitude.

"Yes young master. There's a lady outside waiting to...".

"Send her in". Luca interrupted him again.

Bocelli shook his head as he made his way out of the office.

* * * * * * * *

"The young master will receive you now". Bocelli told the old lady who seemed to be be in her late forties. He didn't like the woman one bit. She seemed like a covetous person to him. He just didn't like her at all, but then again, he had never had any liking for the poor.

"Okay mister". The lady replied as she stood up from where she sat. When Bocelli began to walk away, she took that as a clue to follow him.

They arrived at a spacious room that... The lady was really amazed. This room alone was way bigger than the whole of her house. Well what was she expecting?. It's the Di Vaio we're talking about here. They were the second wealthiest and strongest clan in Italy. They...

"What's your name woman?". Luca asked interrupting her thoughts.

"Patricia Argentero sir". The woman replied.

Bocelli handed a paper file to Luca, who opened it and had a quick glance through it.

"Where's your daughter?".

"She's at home. If you want I can go and bring her right away".

Bocelli glared hard at her in an effort to get her to keep shut, but she ignored him. Ever since she found out that Bocelli was just a worker in the Di Vaio mansion, she has been acting indifferent towards him.

Earlier, she thought that he held a high rank in the Di Vaio mansion, but when she learnt of his position as nothing but a cleaner, she feared and respected him less.

"Bring her here tomorrow. You're dismissed".

"Sir?". Patricia called his attention. "Can I at least get some money from you?, You know I live faraway and I can't walk...".

Bocelli sighed in disappointment. He wasn't surprised at what she said. The poor were always after money after all.

Luca nodded at Bocelli.

"This way Mrs Argentero". Bocelli led her out of the office.

* * * * * * * *

"Where are you coming from?". Luke, Patricia's husband asked.

Patricia scoffed. "And what has that got to do with you?. Look mister, wherever I go is none of your business, got it?".

"Can you just stop all these nonsense Patricia?".

Patricia laughed. "Stop what Luke?. C'mon, don't tell me that you're tired. You started this remember?".

"I know, and am asking you to just forget everything that happened. Let's...".

"Forget everything you say?. You must be insane. I don't want to forget anything, so just let me be, got it?". She said cutting him off.

* * * * * * * * * *

Davina sighed sadly. She felt really bad that her parents were at loggerheads with each other because of her. Even though they weren't her real parents, it bothers her, after all they were the ones who brought her up.

"Hey you?". She heard someone say, and the next minute, she felt a warm liquid pour on her.

Without looking, she knew who it was. Her sister, Sabrina, the biological daughter of Patricia and Luke who was just few years older than Davina.

"What the hell are you doing here?". Sabrina barked.

"N... nothing". Davina stuttered as she stared at her drenched clothes.

Sabrina scoffed. "Nothing?. Have you watched my clothes?".

"Not yet. I'll wash it when am done with...".

A resounding slap landed on her face, cutting her off.

"You must be sick in the brain. Get your butts off that floor and go wash my clothes?".

Davina fought the tears that threatened to fall. She was not going give Sabrina the satisfaction of being sad and hurt. Sabrina was not worth her tears.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next day, Davina woke up feeling better than she'd ever felt in a while. She felt refreshed like she always felt whenever she wakes up every morning, with that innocent smile never leaving her innocent face.

She said her prayers like she always did whenever she wakes up in the morning. When she was done, she went to her bathroom and did the needful.

She heard a knock at the door just as she was about putting on her clothes. She hurriedly wore her clothes as she made for the door. It was Georgina, Patricia's youngest daughter.

Davina smiled at the teenager who she was just few years older than.

"Good morning Davina". Georgina greeted as she plopped down on the bed.

Davina smiled at her. "Good morning Gina. How was your night?".

"Are you heading somewhere?". Georgina asked.

"Mom wants to take me somewhere". Davina replied. She didn't know wherever Patricia was taking her to, but her subconscious was telling her not to go.

"Don't go". Georgina blurted out. Davina wasn't surprised at what Georgina said.

Ever since since she's known Georgia, she always tends to have these feelings whenever something bad is about to happen.

"Am having second thoughts too". Davina told her sincerely.

"Then don't go". Georgina said sternly this time around.

"I wish it's within my power. One thing am sure of is that mom wouldn't let anything bad happen to me, even though she doesn't like me one bit".

"You think so?". Georgina asked.

"I know so. Mom...".

The door bursts open revealing Patricia's scowling face.

"Aren't you done yet?". She asked angrily.

"Mom, where are you taking Davina to?".

Patricia scoffed as she glared hard at Davina with a look of ' didn't I tell you not to tell anyone about this?'.

"How's that your business?". She took her attention back to her daughter.

"I have this feeling that you're taking her to a bad place. I just ...".

"Shut up you little piece of shit. Now leave here this instant before I lose my temper with you". Patricia cut her off.

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