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My troublesome neighbour

My troublesome neighbour



🚫MY TROUBLESOME NEIGHBOUR🚫 ⭕Mr Bad boy, Mrs Gentle ⭕ Written by: Olamiposi Penname: Possywrites ♌ Prologue ♌ "Ryan, where are you off to again?",my mom yelled "Do I have to always report to you?",I yelled back "You don't talk to me like that,I'm your mother",she shouted. "Like I care",I said and ran into the street I'm Ryan,I'm 17 years old I'm the second child of my mother,I have an elderly sister,I so much despise her,she's too bossy. People say I'm handsome,I don't know,I don't care about what people say I live in my own world,I just wish I should clock 18 very soon,so I can start living on my own. Some people say I'm troublesome,duh!,like I care I'm every girl's crush,I don't know why they crush too much though. ❤️ Catherine ❤️ A young beautiful girl, every guys crush She's gentle,but got a hot shape 16 years old,full lips,blonde hair, deep blue eyes,long eyelashes,pointed nose,she's the true definition of beauty. What happens when Mr bad boy and Mrs gentle meets. Will they become friends?? Will they fall in love?? Find out in this stunning story Possywrites ✍️

Chapter 1 1.



⭕Mr Bad boy,

Mrs Gentle ⭕

Written by: Olamiposi

Penname: Possywrites

♌ Chapter one ♌

💧 Ryan POV 💧

"Ryan, aren't you going to school?",my sister said opening the door to my room

"I'm going",I said covering myself with the duvet.

"Then you should get prepared",she said removing the duvet from my body.

"I'm going whenever I like" I said kicking the air.

"Get up and get ready",she said

"You should just get married and stop disturbing me",I said getting up

"Idiot",she said

"Fool",I replied and ran into the bathroom to avoid getting beaten

After spending years in the bathroom,I finally get set for school,and made my way to the sitting room.

"Where's my food?",I asked

"Can't you greet?",my mom asked

"What's up buddy?",I said taking a cookie from my sister's plate.

"Are you referring to mom as your buddy?,are you alright?",my sister said

"Where's my food?",I said ignoring her

"Mom!!,this boy's issue is getting out of hand",my sister said

"We just have to continue praying for him",mom replied.

"You people should stop bothering yourself, except if you want a high BP",I said

"It's 9:57am already, better start going to school",my mom said

"It's not late",I said and stuffed my mouth with bread,and gulped down the tea.

I headed for school


"Hey Ryan,come here",the P.E teacher said.

"I'm already here", I replied and the other late comers started laughing

"You're going to wash all the toilets in this school", he said

"Am I the one that kill your concubine?",I asked

"What?,you this little rat,now to the toilet!", he yelled

"Then I will have to tell the vice principal that you're dating his daughter",I whispered into his ear.

"You this scumbag!!",he yelled

"What do you say?",I asked

"You can go to your class",he said

"You can't release him,what about us",the other students said

"You are going to wash the toilets",he said and I smirked walking to the class


"Honey!, I thought you are not coming to school today",one of the girls said

"Have you eaten dear", another one said but I ignored her

Just then the teacher walked into the class

"So today we will be talking about...", she was about to say something but I interrupted her.

"Mouth odour",I shouted from the back

"Ryan what do you mean by that?",she asked angrily

"I thought you were going to use yourself as an example for today's lesson",I said

"And what's that suppose to mean?", she asked

"You have mouth odour",I said playing with my nails.

Haha, everyone busted out laughing

"To the principal's office now!!",she shouted.

"No...never!",Sandra the principal's daughter said

"You saw what he did, right?", the teacher said

"But he wasn't lying",she fired back

"Enough of this,now let's continue with the lesson",she said

"I don't think I can continue with this class anymore",I said and walked out.

✔️ Miranda POV ✔️

"Mira,are you set?",my mom said

"Yes,but mom!,can I go and check on Ethan?,I asked

"No,i thought you already told him about us relocating",she said

"I'm going to miss him",I said crying

"And are you sure this guy is just a friend?",she asked

"Yes of course,he's my best friend",I replied

"You guys will be talking on phone,so there's no need to be crying",she said

"Okay mom"I said sniffing

"Now take your luggage to the car",she said and I left my room with my luggage and went out.

Finally we got to our new resident in seoul

The house is a big one,a bungalow

"Do you love it?",my mom asked

"Yeah,I love it so much",I said as we walked into the house.

"Ryan!!!!",I heard someone shout from outside

I quickly went to the nearest window to peep

I saw a cute and handsome guy wearing hoodie.

"What now mom",he said

"You just got back from school, aren't you going to do the house chores", someone who I assume to be his mom said

"I'm not a maid,if you need one I can help you with that",he said and made to leave then our eyes locked

I quickly looked away, looking back he was already gone

What an handsome human being,I thought

"Go and shower",my mom said coming out from the kitchen.

"Okay mom",I said and took my luggage upstairs

So I now have an handsome Neighbour,I hope we will become friends,I thought smiling.

💧 Ryan POV 💧

"Hey Alex", I said

"What's up",he said

"The sky",I replied

"I learnt you have a new Neighbour",he said

"So?",I asked

"Is there a girl among them?",he asked

"How will I know",I said

"Then let's go check it out by ourselves",he said

"I thought we were going to play soccer",I said

"Tomorrow is another day",he said and pulled me with him.

As we were close to the house,the girl I saw earlier and an elderly woman came out of the house

"Hello",alex greeted

"How are you dear?",the woman replied

"I'm fine ma",he said showing his teeth

"Let's get going now",I said

"Take a chill pill bro",he replied

"You guys can come over for dinner",the woman said

"We will come",he replied

The girl is beautiful,but I don't like her,she was staring at me like she's about to devour me.

"What's your name?",the woman asked

"Alex,and this my friend Ryan",he said

"You guys have a nice name",she said

"Thank you ma",he replied

"Let's go Alex",I said getting pissed of by all the ceremonies going on.

"We will come tonight",he said badding her goodbye

"Speak for yourself",I grunted

"Just act nice once in a while", he said and we headed for my house

"Why will I pretend to be nice",I replied opening the gate

"Coz that's my mother-in-law,I love the girl already,she's so beautiful and gentle",he said

"Beautiful moron",I added

"Hey!!!!,you don't say that about my girlfriend",he shouted

"You wish",I replied and left him standing

"You're too arrogant",he said

"You're not the first person to say so",I replied

"Welcome Alex",my mom said smiling

"How have you been ma?",he asked

"Fine dear,I wish my son is well behaved like you",she stated

"That's not true ma, Ryan is a well behaved boy ma",he said

"I don't know why you failed to give birth to a well behaved son",I said and went to my room.

"Ryan!",she called but I ignored her

"Did you see what am talking about",she told Alex

I hate it when I'm compared to someone

I locked my room and made my way to the bathroom,after taking my bath,I wore only trouser,I was shirtless.

I slumped into the bed and slept off


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