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When the boss is in love.

When the boss is in love.

Author Water


Helen Harold is a warm boy, born at the finish line. He is the young master of a long-standing wealthy family, with the largest position and wealth in Southeast Asia. Not only that, he also holds the position of chief executive officer of the family founded at a very young age. Possessing huge assets, elegant appearance, along with business mind as well as sharp intelligence. However, everything he did was for the Helen Harold family, making him feel extremely bored. It was thought that the path he walked was only straight, lined with roses without any obstacles, until he met the strong, and full of personality Amber Rose girl by accident. From here his life began to take a different direction, as well as new things he had never experienced before. After working together for a while, discover and overcome the darkest things. In the end, he made his secretary Amber Rose self-conscious and signed a love contract. From then on, they officially experienced the emotions when they were together. Dates that bring two people closer together, go on and on. However, when Amber Rose was really touched, it was also the time when they had to overcome obstacles because of their social status to be together.

Chapter 1 Fateful meeting.

When the boss is in love.

Chapter 1. Fateful meeting.

Helen Harold is the eldest son, as well as the eldest grandson of a family with huge wealth, as well as the most powerful in Southeast Asia. He was born with a golden spoon, stood far from the finish line, but was trained to study abroad.

On the first day of the year, the Sun Flower company suddenly posted a recruitment forum. Because it is a large company, the salary is also extremely good. So soon the people who came to apply for the job were unspeakably crowded, rushing to rush in. However, that does not mean that it becomes chaotic, disorderly as well as security. Those who come to apply for jobs, must strictly line up in the correct order. Otherwise, they will be kicked out by company security, immediately.

Early in the morning, outside the door of the company. A girl with a slim, attractive figure in her twenties. Wearing a pink dress on her body, with a pink bow on her head, wearing socks and pink shoes on her feet. The place where the girl stood was the door of a company of the Sunflower Group located. Holding a thick resume, behind the other door is her future and expectations, she took a deep breath to stretch her chest to regain her usual calmness. When the nervousness and anxiety flew away, Elizabeth Rose stepped in. Hidden deep inside the glittering eyes, flickering with every ray of determination.

At the same time because the young director and the company's assistant were in the elevator down the hall. Suddenly, the assistant's lips suddenly moved, a clear voice like the sound of water dripping from the corner of his mouth:

- The director doesn't have to go down here!

- Michael Alexander. It's been a long time since the company recruited staff, we have to go down and witness the interview of future employees to see how they are! This does not need to be reported to my mother, the general manager knows! And now tell me, who is responsible for the HR interview today?

The young director's stern, steely voice made the assistant hesitate for a moment. Fingers frantically flipping through the pages, eyes darting frantically at the letters written in the book. When the elevator door opened. The young director came out of the company's elevator with a luxurious black suit, shiny leather shoes, his left hand was in his trouser pocket, the demeanor of a general boss looked at the line of people standing tens of meters long. in the great hall. Suddenly from behind the assistant's lips suddenly babbled, a voice like a wild bird mixed with a little panic from the corner of his mouth said:

- Yes, Director. Today's interview has three people who are….!

- Say it slowly, go get me a cup of iced coffee with some milk! So that I can have a cup of coffee and listen to you!

- Wait a moment, boss, your coffee will be here!

- Go away and stay there and babble!

Being lightly reminded by the young director made Michael Alexander hastily put the file down on a nearby table with three legs and four legs and ran for his life and his life. Leaving Helen Harold standing alone in the hall, waiting for the coffee cup to come. Rolling his eyes once, he unconsciously noticed a girl dressed in banh beo who stood out the most in the line of people standing. The beauty is as clear as water and as bright as a mirror, inadvertently making the young director bewildered and staring at him forever.

Elizabeth Rose was standing in line when suddenly the phone in her pocket vibrated, signaling an incoming call. She quickly opened her pocket to take out her phone, her face suddenly brightened, when she saw the number displayed on the screen. Elizabeth Rose suddenly put on a warm smile on his lips, like sunlight. However, she did not notice that just because she took the phone, a photo accidentally fell on the shiny marble floor. When Helen Harold saw this, he did not hesitate to approach.

Meanwhile, Michael Alexander was still leisurely listening to the incoming phone call. Suddenly her lips suddenly babbled, a sweet voice mixed with a little joy from the corner of her mouth uttered:

- Hello. Dad! Yes, you don't have to call me all the time! I already know, Dad, don't treat me like I'm still a baby, okay? Yes, my little daughter is applying for a job at the company I want you to work for!

While Elizabeth Rose was engrossed in talking on the phone with her father, her enthusiastic and enthusiastic appearance didn't care about her surroundings. Until the young director approached, his back slightly bent, reaching out to pick up the photo on the marble background. Suddenly at this moment, a man standing right behind Elizabeth Rose used his rough hand to pat his toned buttock. Noticing that the dry hand touched her body, she unconsciously made Elizabeth Rose shiver in shock for a moment. She quickly turned around, with a clearly unsightly expression. At the same time, Halen Harold stood right behind. Suddenly, Elizabeth Rose lips suddenly moved, a hostile voice mixed with a little grumpy came out from the corner of her mouth:

- Is that you?

- It's me…..!

Before he could finish the sentence Helen Harold was slapped by Elizabeth Rose with his jade hands for a blow, on a handsome face like morning dew. Making the young director stunned for a moment, his hand reflexively raised up to touch the place where he had been slapped. Those eyes that sparkled like pearls in the depths of the deep sea suddenly opened wide, filled with wonder. Elizabeth Rose looked directly into the still bewildered eyes, with an exasperated look that scolded furiously:

- Pervert, brazen thing! How dare you grovel me in a crowded place like this? You don't look that bad, how could you do such a shameful thing!?

The young director got a slap, and was scolded for no reason from a pretty girl full of personality and strength. Suddenly losing face in front of the crowd, his lips couldn't say a word, he just quietly slipped away and left. Stay away from curious, attentive eyes. When he had gone quite far, Helen Harold stopped with a resentful look, at this time Michael Alexander walked over with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Seeing the young director in a daze, glimmering in a corner, he lost his dignity. It made Xiao Ba a bit bewildered, but he slowly approached. Suddenly, Tieu Ba's lips suddenly babbled, her voice as clear as the sound of water dripping from the corner of her mouth:

- Here's the director's cup of coffee with a little milk and ice!

- You see the girl in the pink dress, standing in the line? He informed the person in the interview room, no need to interview at all, and took her to work for me!

- That can't be done, Director! Doing so will affect the recruitment process this time, they will say our company is unfair and biased!

- Don't talk much, just do as I say!

- Yes, director, I'll do it right now!

Although quite dissatisfied with the young director's decision, the assistant did not dare to do it. After completing the survey, Helen Harold took the photo in his hand and walked into the back of the interview room while looking intently as if he was learning something, at this point Michael Alexander could only glance at Elizabeth Rose and scowl. There was a sneak peek, but Elizabeth Rose didn't know it, and calmly walked to the door of the interview room with a long line of people waiting for his turn. Despite the rigorous recruitment difficulties, hope remained in her steadfast eyes. However, every five minutes, a sad person comes out, and a cheerful person comes in, and the person who comes out doesn't stop lamenting:

- What kind of interview is it, the requirements are so high, who can meet it? yes!

Seeing this, Elizabeth Rose looked back at the person who had just come out, but his heart was full of fear. People standing in the queue waiting nearby saw this and also turned to each other and talked excitedly:

- I have a doctorate, will I be accepted? - I have a bachelor's degree. If I am accepted, you will also be accepted, the difficulty is not knowing what this company requires and what position it is. - I heard that this is the company of a large corporation that I just applied for, but with my talent, this company should absolutely not be wasted!

Meanwhile, the young director and his assistant were approaching the monitoring room, in which everything could be observed through the camera. Suddenly, Michael Alexander lips suddenly moved, a deep voice mixed with a little concern from the corner of his mouth uttered:

- Director, what are we going to the monitoring room for?

- We're going to the monitoring room to do something important, where we can see what's going on inside the interview room!

- Why don't we go there and interview the candidates?

- Xiao Ba, you are asking too many questions!

- I guess it's because of the girl in the pink dress, right? That girl is pretty, but our company needs someone with talent and qualifications, not just looks!

- She's not just cute and pretty!

- What does the director mean?

- Then you will know!

Helen Harold didn't say anything more with a mysterious smile on his lips, then quickly returned to his original ice-cold face and headed to the monitoring room. Just opened the door and entered the room, immediately the people present there hurriedly shouted:

- Hello director, hello assistant!

- You guys just do your job, I just came down here to have some work and then leave!

Everyone thought that the young director and assistant Michael Alexander came down to check suddenly, making everyone busy, running and running more carefully than usual.

Author Water.

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