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After witnessing the death of her mother being killed by her father, Daisy has since then become mute. Growling up, she was mistreated by her stepmother and bullied by her step sister. As if those weren't enough, she is signed into an arranged in her step sister stead. Only to find out that her groom is the powerful and feared Ceo. Devil Ceo has he is called, her groom was also disable, ( as he pretended to be unable to walk). Will their marriage work, will these two ever be compatible. Find out on MUTE.




" Happy birthday sweety," her parents chorused together. Daisy couldn't help but smile at them.

She was beautiful, too beautiful for an eight years old girl. Her ice coloured hair was styled into a ponytail.

Her blue eyes complement her hair, she was indeed beautiful. No one knew who she took after in hair color, her mom was brunette, while her bad was red head.

But yet, when she was born, her hair color was white, like the color of an ice.

Her mom had handed her birthday cake to her father, before hugging her, spinning her around.

" Oh my precious Daisy," her mother softly said. " You are as beautiful as the flower you were named after," her father complimented.

" Thank you Mom and Dad," she said. " Now go get ready for school, you will be having your birthday party when you get back," Her mother informed.

" I don't want a birthday party," the girl sharply said. " I want dinner, us alone in the house," she discloses.

" Your wish is our command, your majesty," her mother said, agreeing to this.

Daisy had rushed to get ready for school, she had been driving to school by her driver.

Even at school, she couldn't focus, for the first time, to the point she had pretended to be ill, just to skip her remaining class.

As she got home, she hurried to her room. Her driver had gone to wash the car, so he had stopped her at the gate.

Her attention was drawn by what seemed to be an argument between her parents.

Her mother kept crying and yelling. " No matter what you do, it won't change the fact that the company belongs to Isabella, not your mistress or the supposed child she is carrying," her mother yelled.

" Where is the will," her father asked. "You can't find it, only Isabella can find it," her mother defended.

" Well she doesn't have to know that her mother left the company to her, to her, her mother abandon her on her birthday with her lover, she won't know I killed you, she will always expect but would never find you, and I will watch her grow, killing her when she finds the will, the company would be mine," her father stated.

Stabbing her mother in the chest. When he turned to look around, he found a shocked Isabella standing there.

A loud scream came from her, before she fainted, losing consciousness.


Today was her sister's graduation party. Her father would be coming today, traveling all the way for her party.

It means less work, less maltreatment. As most times he is around, he usually brings guests.

The guests, who looked at her with pity and looked at her father like a saint.

After the incident, her father had covered everything. He told the media that his wife ran away, while he was attending to his sick daughter.

She wanted to take Bella with him, because she had willed everything to Bella.

She wanted to leave him for her lovers, but Bella had chosen to stay with him.

She regretted lying that she was sick, however she was happy that she got to see her father's real side, not growing up hating her mother.

The search for her mother only lasted for a year, more news trended, making everyone forget about her.

She has been unable to speak till there, it was a mental condition that never sticks to her head.

Her step mother was a devil, in fact both couples were the same. In front of her friends, she was an angel, taking care of Bella so we'll, like her elder daughter.

While her sister was in college, Bella was at home. She wasn't deprived from going to school, it was actually the opposite, she was through with University.

She was so smart that she graduated first class from business school. Her condition however, has made it hard for her to get a job, so she stayed at home.

Today was empty, her stepmother and father had gone to attend her step sisters graduation party.

It gave her time to park her stuff, her father had planned a vacation, supposedly for Jane last summer before college. He didn't do anything like this.

Come to think of this, her ever so busy father that didn't come for any of her school activities, made time for her sister.

The sound of her father had woken Bella up. She watched from her window how he drove in.

Her sister seemed angry, she was obviously yelling. Eagerly, she rushed to the door, placing her ears on it to hear what the conversation was all about.

This argument has been going on for days, she didn't really tell what it meant, but she knew the name Carter always pops up.

" You know that agreement will change everything," her father had reason.

" For heaven sake dad, it's Carter Davis, are you willing to sell me out for money," Jane yelled.

" But he is Rich," her father tried to reason. " And disable, it's enough you have one daughter with a disability, you shouldn't have an in-law with a disability too," she screamed.

She sighed, leaving the door, sitting on her bed. Her father would never defend her or scold Jane from saying those harsh words.

But if Bella just rolled her eyes at Jane, she would be grounded or yelled upon.

She laid her head, drifting off to sleep immediately. She woke up hungry, finding it was late at night.

She decided to head down to find out what was left for dinner, or maybe what was in the fridge.

Of course they would have dinner without her, she was not important, and there was nothing left either.

She didn't want to cook, so she went for the option of cookies and juice box, heading back to her room.

" Bella," her father called, which was a bit of a shock to her. " I went to your room to find you," her father went on.

This was new, her father looking for her, he was also nice, calling her Bella.

He didn't stop there, he walked close to her, taking the cookies from her hands.

He was holding a frame and some documents too. Those he dropped on the kitchen counter before seizing her food.

From the microwave, he brought her a mini cake, turning juice for her in a glass cup.

" I know you are curious about why I am doing this," he said as Bella nodded in response.

" I was at Jane's graduation party, and I realized what a bad father I was to you," he began.

" I didn't see your worth at all," he continued.

" Having a smart daughter with a master's degree, I was too blind to see your value.

" So I was thinking that you should join my company," he offered.

He looked at the cake, his face changing when he found out that she hadn't touched anything.

" Won't you eat up dear," he asked. Now this was just too much for Bella to handle.

Was this the same man that had threatened her in the hospital, that had never been part of her life.

" What do you want?" She had asked him through sign language.

However he didn't understand, he had never paid attention. She brought out her phone which she had used for the torch, and texted it.

" Oh, that was what that hand thing was," he said. " I need you to sign something and tomorrow you start your job," he said.

," I'm not agreeing to give up my mother's inheritance," she texted.

Her father had nearly trick in agreeing to give her father the will.

That's if she finds it, however she has always stopped him.

" That's not what this is about," he said. He sighed, drawing a chair and seating down.

" Don't you want to work with me, it has always been your dream to leave this company," he went on.

"This document shows that you accept your health condition, and can work fine without it, so I won't get sued in the future," he explained.

" Now this was the selfish guy she knew, it could probably mean the media had wanted my presence, maybe that is why he is asking me to work for him," she thought.

"I know we have had issues in the past, but I can't be having issues with all my daughter's," he said, his voice alone irritating her.

Taking the pen, she signed where she was supposed to sign. He carried his documents and went upstairs.

She rolled her eyes as he left, finally happy she would have a peace of mind.

Seeing her father had disposed of her cookies, she had no choice but to eat what he had given her.

She didn't notice that her father never really left, nor did she notice the black car that was parked in front of the house.

She was too tired to notice the servant carrying her stuff to the unknown black car.

She heard voices, her father coming down, handing someone the same document she had signed.

" Did she sign it?"a deep voice asked.

" Yes, she signed the marriage agreement," her father had said.

She still felt so dizzy when an unknown man came to carry her.

She finally lost consciousness. A voice woke her up, the male voice sounded angry.

" How did he not know that sedatives affect her heart," he asked with extreme anger.

She opened her eyes to find out that she was lying in an unknown room, by the looks of things she was receiving treatment in an unknown room.

" She is awake," someone called. A loud sighing could also be heard.

What was happening here, she didn't know. One minute she was at home and next she found herself in a strange room.

A strange looking guy in a wheelchair was in front of her. " Get the doctor," he yelled.

His voice has an authoritative tone that sends shivers down her spine.

Whoever he was, it seemed everyone was scared of him. They did what they were asked, some even gave excuses just to leave the room.

The doctor removed the IV tube, putting everything away before declaring her fit. He left after giving the wheelchair man a prescription.

"Wheelchair man, that's wrong" she thought as using some disability to address them was wrong.

She decided to look around to search for her phone, hoping she would be able to communicate with him.

" Hello," he said but Bella could only stare at him. She didn't even know if he would understand sign language.

" I'm talking to you," he said. " The least you could do is reply to me," he yelled.

" Your father sold you to me, so you don't have a choice," he went on.

After an angry look at Bella, he left the room, instructing no food and water to be given to her till the week elapsed.

Bella looked shocked, not understanding the mess she was in, how would she tell him about her condition when she didn't have her phone. Gosh she was doomed.


sorry about the mistake in the synopsis, it was a typing error.

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