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Miss.KITS Prologue Ashley KITS is an arrogant and rude girl. She thinks she can do anything because her parents are very rich. That's why she will make a young man named Ray BRAND suffer during the senior year, in her school "LES ÉLITES" for a very useless reason. Ray will promise himself not to forget it... 4 years later..... << But no dad you can't do this to me! >> Says Ashley annoyed << If I can do this to you. >> Said Mr. KITS with great calm << It is my right and I am your only child. So how can you deny me that? >> Says Ashley still pissed off << Go get a job in a company and manage to do 1 year in the company without being fired and then you can come and work here as an assistant or Assistant Manager that you want. >> Her father replied Ashley left her father's office very angry after this interview. But she knew that her father was adamant about his decision so she looked for a job and the real estate company "BRAND Immobilier" accepted her application. She left the house on her first day of work with her new PRADO car, thinking that she would show her father what she was made of, but once she got to the office, she was surprised to discover that the boss, the one she would be assisting, was none other than Ray BRAND. << You here! >> Said Ashley with a face filled with surprise << Sorry! Do you and I know each other? Or will my work be done on its own?... >> Replied Ray with a closed face << Sorry sir! >> Ashley replied softly at the risk of losing her job. These 1 year in this company will it be a hell of hate for Ashley or a hell of love?

Chapter 1 Ashley !

Miss. KITS

Chapter_1: Ashley

<< Goodbye dad! >> I say very happy to see my school again.

<< Have a good day honey! >> Answered my father.

And I get out of my dad's car and walk into my high school with a swagger of the queen that I am. What do you want? I was born a queen. My name is Ashley KITS, daughter and only child of her parents, my parents are very rich and I go to one of the very popular schools "THE ELITES" made for the rich of my class, there is no place for a poor person among us. The rich and the poor have nothing to do with each other, that's how I see it. My parents tried to have other children after me but it didn't work out so they gave up and now I'm unique and I have the right to everything I want. All I have to do is ask for it and I get it, so as I say, I am a queen.

I walk into the school with my queenly walk. As soon as I enter I see my two friends Annia and Sylvie waiting for me near the gate.

<< So a new year has begun girls! >> I threw to the girls with a splendid smile

<< Yes Ashley we still remain the queens here! >> Answered Annia

<< Exactly but this year we're going to go away and leave them the school. Ohh when I think of it so much has happened here. >> Added Sylvie nostalgically

<< Mmmhhhh that's right you're right. But all good things must come to an end so we'll continue our reign elsewhere. >> I answered her

The three girls walked together until they entered their classroom. Ashley is the leader of the group and the other two are often the ones who follow in her footsteps. They were sitting together and talking when a teacher came in. All the students stood up except Ashley, so the teacher said:

<< Miss what is your name? >>

<< My name is Ashley KITS! >>

<< Okay Ashley KITS stand up? >>

<< What right do you have to ask me to stand up? You came to do your class so do it quietly! >> Said Ashley calmly and serenely

<< Miss get out of my room! >> Firmly launched the professor

<< With pleasure sir! >> Replied Ashley as she took the door

Ashley had left the classroom and arrived at the corridors had started to shed crocodile tears until she went to the principal himself. The principal seeing her crying asked her:

<< My darling what's going on? >>

He called her that because he is a great friend to her parents so he considered her as his daughter.

<< It was the teacher who made me leave or I didn't do anything! >> Mentis Ashley

<< Are you sure you didn't do anything? You can tell me the truth you know >> said the director scrutinizing her

<< Well when he came into the room I didn't get up and that's why he made me leave! >> Ashley confessed

<< Why didn't you get up? >> Questioned her by the director while arching an eyebrow

<< But sir, he doesn't need me to get up before his class! >> Instantly replied Ashley not bothered in the least by his gesture towards his teacher

<< Mmmhhhh.... take and go back to class >> Said the principal knowing Ashley well

The principal made her a paper and she took that then went back to the room. The teacher having seen the paper let her in without saying anything more. And still walking with her queenly gait she went back to her seat.


<< Mom hurry, I'll be late, you know it's the first day of school! >>

<< I'll be right there honey! >>

His mother gave him his water bottle because he had the sport after the first class. And after giving him a kiss on the forehead she let him go. Ray comes from a poor family, and he is the older brother of only one little boy, in other words he has a little brother. Not wanting to take his baccalaureate exam in a public school, he had taken the competition made by the establishment "THE ELITES" every year to select the best. When they select you you will do the year without paying anything and they give you a sum of 400000FCFA (converted into FCFA currency) every month for your own needs until the end of the courses. Now you will have to pass the competition again to get to school next year or you pay, that's how the establishment "LES ÉLITES" works. Ray has passed the exam and has been chosen and he knows that the money he will have each month will do something for his family. So this morning is the first day of classes. He has just entered the school and looking around he confirms that it is really an establishment for only the rich but intelligence can bring the poor also in the places frequented only by the rich. Doing the scientific series he entered his room and fortunately for him the teacher was not there yet. He found a place in front of the room to follow.

Even if the establishment is made for the rich when even all the rich are not selfish like Ashley and then none of them can know that he is a poor so ....

<< Hi! >> Thrown to him one of the students who are in his classroom

<< Hi! >> Ray replied politely

<< Are you new? Because I've never seen you around! >> asked the latter curious

<< Yes I am new! >> Informed him Ray

<< Ok I'm Brian >> said the student introducing himself with a smile at the corners of his lips

<< Nice to meet you Brian, my name is Ray! >> Made Ray's return by answering his smile

<< Ok nice to meet you. I'm sitting here so we'll just hang out. I think we'll get along just fine! >> Added Brian still smiling

<< I'll be glad to >> Ray replied calmly

He had just finished their discussion when the teacher entered the classroom. Everyone fell silent and the class began.

A few hours later....

Ashley had just finished the first class and now they had gym, so she and her friends went to the girls' room to change.

<< Ashley you haven't left your habit that rhymes with rudeness to teachers from what I saw earlier. >> Annia reproached him

<< Don't tell me about it! >> Said firmly Ashley

Annia had not said anything more and they had taken the direction of the ground after having changed.

Ray with the help of Brian too had changed in the boys room and they were already on the field.

<< I want to go play until the teacher comes you come with me? >> Said Brian to Ray

<< What do you want to play? >> Asked Ray

<< Football, don't you play football? >>

<< Let's go! >> Said Ray, smiling just at his question

The two boys joined the others and they began to play. Without knowing it one of them kicked the ball, his kick being too strong the ball ended up near the Ashleys missing a little to hit Annia on her left foot. Brian went to look for her. But arrived there, Ashley had already taken the ball and refused to give him that.

<< Ashley I already apologized although the ball didn't even touch your friend so give it to me. >> Said Brian

<< Are you talking to me like that? Plus you pronounce my name! >> Says Ashley with manner.

<< Who are you to not pronounce your first name? >>

Ashley couldn't believe it after hearing that sentence! She wondered who could have said that to her the daughter of the great man KITS? She turned to look at the person and in front of her stood a very handsome, attractive young man in his sports outfit....

<< Who are you? >> She asked

It was Ray who had just spoken behind Ashley. And when she turned to look at him and after detailing him from head to toe asked him this question, he royally ignored her question and said:

<< Can I have the ball? Because the time to play is already passing! >>

<< You didn't answer me, who are you? >> Ashley replied, staring at him

<< It's not important. Just give me the ball. >> Ray replied.

<< Well for one know that it is important to me. And two, when I ask questions I get answers, I don't get ignored. >> Said she firmly

All that she said there was already too long for Ray so he looked at it one moment in the eyes and with an inexplicable speed, of his hand beat the ball in the hand of Ashley and that one fell. He picked it up and said as he left:

<< Thank you. Brian let's go! >>

Ashley couldn't even get a word in that Ray was already away with the ball. She shouted:

<< Whoever you are I'll get you, you don't have to wait. >>

<< For once someone stood up to you. >> Said Annia, bursting out laughing.

<< I have never seen him in the establishment but he is really beautiful! >> Said Sylvie looking in his direction

<< Beauty my eye. I am going to return to him this blow that he made me. >> Retorted Ashley annoyed

<< But he didn't do anything to you he just took back what was theirs. >> Said Annia

<< If the teacher comes say I'm sick, I don't feel well so I went home. He pissed me off I'd rather go home. >> Said Ashley as she picked up her bag after giving Annia an angry look.

And at once she left the field with her bag and called her driver who came automatically to take her back home

Sitting in the car, she was just thinking about this young man who made her this blow as she likes to say. Who is he? And he came to the establishment when? I had never seen him before. But all in all I will have information about him in the school and I will give him back his blow, he loses nothing to wait.

To be continued ….

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