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Midnight mist

Midnight mist



I was standing in same old neighbourhood park except there was some mysterious mist. The mist came from nowhere while i was to excited about my Birthday party to notice how it created. Every minute it got more thicker and thicker. After 5 minetes of walking i noticed some strange men following me behind. I started going faster and looked back and saw that they to was going faster. I started to run when i suddenly bumped in someone's chest. I immediately asked for persons help to get rid of men that where faloving me. But as i looked in persons eyes got scared of those......

Chapter 1 Start of everything

Who would have thought Elliana's Langley birthday would be the day her life would turn upside down?

She never thought that all she knew was a big lie and that everyone she knew wasn't what they seemed to be. But it all started the day before.

Elliana was sleeping on her bed when her alarm clock started. She stretched her arms and turned off her alarm clock. Then she heard her mom calling her "Elli sweetie come down breakfast is ready".

Elli was the nickname her closest people would call her. She stood up and brushed her brown hair that length to the bottom of her back. Then Elli looked in the mirror to watch her reflection and just for a mear moment she saw her eyes turning from crystal green to shining red.

But as it became red it quickly turned back to green. Elli put it to the fact that she just got up.

She got dressed, packed her backpack, and got down to eat her breakfast. "Good morning mom," said Elli.

Her mom's name was Cecilia Langley, she was a very loving and smart woman. She was a tall, slim woman with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.

" Elli darling eat slower you have plenty of time to get to

school" said Elli's Mom.

"I'm sorry mom but your pancakes are so amazing I just can't stop", said Elli. The pancakes were so fluffy with caramel syrup, that were dripping from the pancakes to the bottom of the plate.

" Elli darling I appreciate your compliment but please slow down " Elli's Mom giggled.

Elli did as mom said and chewed her breakfast. She thanked her mom and picked up her backpack. As she walked out her mom stopped her and said "you forgot something sweetie".

Elli was so excited to go to school that she forgot to kiss her mom goodbye.

She gave her a kiss on the cheek and goodbye they said to each other.

She always takes the path from the park to school, making her walk more interesting.

There were beautiful, cherry trees, rose bushes, and a pond with beautiful water roses. But in the center of the park, there was a statue of the wolf pack and a human girl. Elli didn`t understand why she was so charmed about it. Every day she stayed there

to read a book and watch the statue.

The park was so quiet and peaceful in the morning so Elli was going there to school and taking a walk at night.

Elli sat down on the bench and texted her best friend Emily "are you ready or do I need to wait again?

"Elli, I will be there soon I just need to put on my shoes". Okay, I'll wait for you in the park, but please come fast we can't get late for class again.

Okay, I will be there soon Elli. Emily laughed and ended the call.

After ten minutes Emily ran to Elli and hugged her.

Hi! Elli, what plans do you have for your birthday tomorrow?

I'm gonna give the invites tomorrow, my dad told me he has a big surprise for me.

"I just hope he and mom didn't go overboard with everything like last year with princess gowns and ponies," said Emily while laughing.

" I hope so too because the last time Brianna reminded me every day about the disaster party, she is so annoying," said Elli "why does she mess with you anyway?" Asked Emily. Elli was telling Emily about her

Brianna is Elli's rival from when they were little going into kindergarten. It all started on a day of kindergarten when there was a Halloween contest Elli and Brianna were both competing in the contest Elli's family was wealthy on the other hand Brianna's family was not so much. So they couldn't afford a good costume but her mom was working as a dresser so she sewed her a witch costume. When Elli walked in with a gorgeous witch costume Brianna got jealous. As expected Elli won the contest and since that moment Brianna has been trying to be better than her at everything.

"I never would have guessed that was the reason she hates you," Emily said

Elli was turning eighteen this year and she hoped for her parents to understand that she wasn't the little eight year old girl who dreamed about princes, ponys, and castles

But as they were going, Emily felt like someone was watching them. "Don't look back but I think someone is watching us so let's go faster", nervously said Elli.

And at that moment someone took Ellie's hand and pulled her into a van and before Emily could even turn around Elli was gone...

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