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Long gone love

Long gone love



Ruby fell in love with a Christian guy called Ayo. Considering the fact that she came from a Muslim home she had to behave Cruel to him not to notice her love for him. Including her other classmates find out the ending of this two in long gone love.

Chapter 1 Ist day of school.

Ruby heard her name from afar, she wondered who it was that called her she looked back and realized that it was....oh it was a dream she said to herself but why couldn't i just wake up after identifying the person's face she said. Thank you ALLAH for waking me up today she said.

Her brother came to her room and told her that it is time to go to school,she reluctantly stood up and went to take her bath, their apartment consist of one bathroom,one toilet and one kitchen.Ruby loved taking in the bathroom, she realized she doesn't even know the reason why she took long in bathroom, but she sure loved it. On getting to the bathroom, ruby started to act on the Korean movie she watched last night. Anhasimika, she said which means hello in Korea. She took so long in the bathroom, that she just had to brush her teeth, wash her hampit with sponge, soap and water and pour some water on her body. She suddenly heard her mom shouting "kini oniranu ara she ni inu bathroom",which means "what is this stupid being doing in the bathroom". She ran outside of the bathroom because she knew that another word from her mother, means she is close to doomed. She hurriedly wore her school uniform and ran downstairs to eat her breakfast. She loved eating her food slowly but this time around, she doesn't have such opportunity, she knew her mom was still going to nag her for taking long in the bathroom. she finished her food, and immediately ran to school. She hated the thought of going to a government school she wasn't sure new school was going to be good, she hated the school already before even before getting to the school because the path that leads to her school was rough and dirty. She hated the potopoto that one had to keep jumping before getting to school. Another reason she hated the school was that it was a government school she heard many rumors About government sch, but her mom was a single mom she had no choice but to endure. She remembered a friend of her's telling her that government school consisted of thugs that rape the girls. She got creeped out and immediately felt like going back home but she remembered when her mom told her, that she also went to government school and such things never happened.this made her felt relaxed because her mom isn't the type to lie about things like that. On getting to her new school, the time was 7:59. Oh God it almost 8:00 she cried out, she quickly ran inside and luckily, the assembly was just about to begin. She looked up and saw a banner that says optimistic high school. She laughed because she just realized the name of her school because of the HATRED she had for government school, she didn't even bother to ask about her new school name. The assembly began, and she noticed that an handsome guy was their head boy, she smirked and said to herself. OMG, he is so handsome. The Assembly finished really quick and she heard the principal telling SS1(art department) to go upstairs. The student hurriedly went upstairs and started pushing one another. She wondered why the student were being annoying and behaving senselessly, such could NEVER take place in modern high school she said aloud. Ruby waited behind and when the student were upstairs. On getting upstairs her classroom was on the left hand side, she was surprised to see that the class wasn't fill with chairs and tables, she was confused, then she saw some student sitting on a plank. A guy with fit physique came and demanded the plank from the short guy. He explained that he was the owner, ruby quickly sensed that he could be a repeater because he was the only one with old uniform. The short boy gave out the plank and asked if they could share the plank toghether, but the guy said that they can't because the sit wouldn't be enough. He collected the plank and sat down on it all by himself. Ruby sensed selfishness in him and she hated him already. While others managed to sit on the floor, ruby cried inside and wondered how a school could be like this, my instinct was right, this school is the worst she said almost crying. Few minutes later a woman came and said that her name was mrs salaudeen and that she would be their year tutor. After the introduction, the woman went out, ruby quickly followed her and told her the situation of the classroom. She told ruby to stay calm and to bear with it just for this month only. Ruby was left surprised. "Is this woman crazy or what?". So this is how the classroom is going to be for a month, she said to herself. She went back to the classroom and the girls and boys seemed pathetic to her, she Saw a girl sitting on a guy's lap, this got her irritated, because she was never used to this kind of environment, she wished that she wouldn't come back to the school tommorow, but it was almost impossible, she felt totured and hated everything about the school. No teachers were present in their class and she felt like going home, if possible she wish she could teleport to her house. She waited for the bell to ring but it seemed like that was going to take forever, she said aloud.she was Alone for a long time, because she wasn't willing to talk to anybody, she decided to go to the library, but she was confused if the library would be upstairs or downstairs, she decided to stroll down the passage upstairs, she walked for a really long time before she sighted the library, she got to the library and startedreaading, just then she felt a hand behind her waist she was so scared but she wondered why she couldn't scream.


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