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Wealth Writes


Setting:America** Meet Clara Scott*** She is 18,a young highschool girl attending a public highschool.She is poor and softhearted She has a beautiful but crazy best friend,Sophia,,,,they have been friends since childhood.They attend the same public highschool She works in a hotel in the evening in order to help her mother with money.She got a crazy younger sister,Mara. She has a crush on a famous popstar,,,,,every girl surely has a crush on him.She hasn't met him before but she is crazily in love with him Who is he??? He is 22,a young,famous and wealthy,,,,the only son of Williams family. He got millions of fans wanting to see and touch him.Although he is from a wealthy family but he became more wealthy when he started his music career He has two close friends,Mateo and Alex,,,been friends since high school He is Ryan Williams*** A situation which made Clara meet Ryan,she was so excited but something bad happened,,,although it was planned by someone who has always wanted to destroy his career and fame.He is so jealous of his fame and just want to ruin him. Who is he?? Do you want to find out who he is? Do you want to find out if he was successful or not? Then join me to read this interesting novel.....

Chapter 1 Clara☆

★Clara's POV ★

The school bell rang signifying it was the end of today class.

I sighed in relieve and closed the book I was reading

I stood up and packed my books inside my bag.

I picked up my bag and began walking out of the class with some of my classmates

I was almost stepping out of the class when pulls me back to the class.

Knowing it was Sophia,my best_friend I sighed and turned to her

"Sophy,what now?"I rolled my eyes

"Like seriously,you were just going like that without even say bye to me.Are we fighting?"she faked a frown

"Oh Sophy,I'm sorry.I have to rush to the hotel for my evening shift before the manager start complaining.I really have to go now,Goodbye Sophy"I pecked her cheek

"See you tomorrow"she shouted and blew a kiss as I rushed out.

I smiled and waved back,,,,rushing to the bus station to take a bus.

*Let me introduce myself*

I'm Clara Scott,I am 18 years old and a finalist in a public high school.

I stay with my mother and my little crazy sister.

My dad is late and I miss him a lot😢.

My mother owned a small coffee shop and she used the little money she gets from the coffee shop to cater for us.

I work as a junior waitress in one of William's hotel to support my mom.

My little sister Mara is 10 years old and still in a elementary school.

I love listening to music.Ryan William made me love it,,,,his voice,songs are just so amazing.

Trust me when you listen to his voice you love it

He is my favourite musician,,,,he's young,popular and wealthy.

The whole country worshipped him like a god as he was admired by many.

He's dreamy and his mere presence around ladies makes them collapse at times.

I love him so much.Yeah I love him🙃 but I heard one annoying thing about him_he is a flirt...

The bus stopped and I headed home to change my school uniform.

I got home and opened the door with the extra key with me.

I went to the small kitchen to drink somr water before entering into my room.

Well we live in a small two room apartment,,,one for my mom and one for me.

Mara sleeps either with mom or me.

I got to my room and changed into a simple blue gown.

I took my sandal and bag before heading out


I entered the hotel greeting my co_workers in the hotel.

I went to the worker's dressing room and changed into the my worker's uniform.

After that I went to the manager office to inform him about my arrival.

Well that is one of their rule to workers

*Whenever you come,you must inform the manager before you start working*

I knocked on the door and heard a thick voice from inside "Come in".

I breathed out and opened the door,,,entering in

"Good evening Mr Roman"I said

"Evening Clara"He said looking up from his computer.

"You can go and start your work now"He said resuming his work

"Okay sir"I bowed a little and walked out to start my work for the day.

★Ryan's POV★

I took a bundle of money from the locker and threw it to the bed.

The sl*t took the money and smiled

"At your service always"She said smiling

I scoffed

"I won't be needing you again,,,get out of the room"I snapped

She flinched and rushed out of the room

I rolled my eyes and faced the mirror

*Let me introduce myself*

I'm Ryan William,the most popular,young and wealthiest pop musician,not just in the country but in the continent as well.

I'm 22 turning 23 very soon,,,the only child of William family

Oops,my phone was ringing on the bed.

I moved closer to it and discovered it was my mom calling.

I took the phone and picked the call.

"Hello mum"I said

"Ooh my baby,I've miss you so much"My mum said from the other line and I chuckled

"Mum,I'm not a baby anymore"I said

"Whatever,when are u coming home,son?I and your dad are missing u"my mum said

"I miss you two too,I'm planning on coming this week mum"I said

"Okay,I'm expecting you son.Bye"She said and hanged up.

I dropped the phone and turned when I heard a knock on the door

"Sir Ryan,dinner is ready"The maid came in

"I will be there soon"I said

"Okay sir"she bowed and left

I changed my shirt and walked out of the room to have my dinner

★Clara's POV★

I got home and knocked on the door

"Who is there"I heard Mara voice

It's me Mara,open"I replied

She opened the door smiling

"Welcome sis"Mara hugged me

We disengaged and I walked in looking around the small sitting room

"Where is mum?"I asked

"She is in her room sleeping"She said

"Okay,how was school today?"I asked removing my sandal

"School was boring today.The teachers kept teaching nonstop,,,I didn't have fun at all"She said and I chuckled

"Do you go to school to have fun?"I faced her

She itched her hair and yawned which I know is fake

"I'm feeling sleepy,Goodnight sis"Mara said,,,walking towards mum's room

"Goodnight Mara"I said

I locked the door and went to my room.

I dropped my bag on the bed and sighed tiredly.

Today was really stressful

I changed into my towel and went into the bathroom to have my bath.


I came out and wore some cloths.

I picked up my phone and laid

I went through my phone gallery and smiled looking at his pictures.

Ryan's pictures

He is just too handsome

I kissed one of Ryan pictures and chuckled

I know I may not get the chance to see him again but my love for him won't change

I smiled and closed my eyes to sleep.

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