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A Highlander For Christmas

A Highlander For Christmas



Annabelle caught her fiance cheating with her best friend and her small town treats her like she is the problem. A mysterious relative sends her a letter saying she has inherited a Scottish estate in the highlands. Arriving at the estate she finds a run down house, some delinquent sheep and a kilt stealing Anatolian Shepherd. She must rebuild her home and her heart with the help of some cooky townfolk and Magnus the dog.

Chapter 1 And I Ran Far Away

Sitting in the coffee shop, I waited for my friend Jeremy to arrive with all the information I needed for my trip. I slid lower in my seat as some of the older women sneered in my direction, whispering behind their hands as if I didn't know what they were talking about.

My fiance was the one who cheated on me, and yet they were treating me as if I were the harlot that was the one who broke Scott's heart. He was the town's Golden Boy, he couldn't do anything wrong. In their eyes my best friend wasn't the other woman, I was.

The bell over the door jingled merrily and I heard more whispers. Living in a small town was a curse, everyone said it was a blessing, it was until you became the town's social pariah.

"Bugger off you old biddies, I know you're just jealous you have not seen anyone as fabulous as me." He slammed his bag down on the table making me jump and I sighed. Always the drama queen.

"Do you really need to give them any more fuel?" I sipped my coffee and looked at my other bestie, he was wearing a gaudy Christmas sweater and a sparkly scarf with a matching hat. He had small jingle bell earrings in his ears and glittery eye shadow on.

"Honey, since when have you known me to care what the people in this town think of me?" He waved to the barista who flashed him a big smile.

This was true, he didn't care about what people thought and that was what I loved about him. He handed over the paperwork for my Great Aunt Melinda's estate and the plane tickets. Sighing, I stuffed them in my bag and just wanted to get this over with. I already was lectured by my family and they didn't seem to understand that I was not as strong as they think. I know running away from my problems wasn't the answer, but I needed a fresh start, and across a whole ocean away from here seemed like the best option.

"You could always come with me?" I knew it was pointless asking him, but I had to put the offer out there. He snorted and waved his hand dismissing me.

"No, I will visit, I will definitely be there, especially if all those Scottish men look like they can double in Outlander." I stared at him as he started fantasizing about Sam Heughan, I didn't blame him but the boy had some strange fantasies that I didn't want to know about. I rubbed my temples and shook my head.

"You do realize that not everyone looks like that and well he is an actor." He scoffed at me and I knew my argument was lame. I needed him to focus though and if we kept talking about men in kilts I would lose him.

"Way to burst my bubble honey. Ok, so everything is there that you need I have a lawyer friend who will be handling everything in Scotland for you. If you need anything you can contact him, also Wuggie will be there at the airport to take you to your new home." Groaning I knew there had to be a catch, Wuggie was Jer's nickname for his little brother.

Last I heard he was backpacking across Europe and was living in hostels and tents. If Wuggie was involved it meant he was short of money or in trouble. It also meant I was going to have to babysit him for at least a month.

"I know that look and I apologize but he just needs a few weeks, and then he will be on to his next adventure." I stood up and sighed.

"Fine, it has been fun Jer and I am going to miss you." We hugged and I sniffed back the tears that threatened to spill. I would not give these people the satisfaction of seeing me cry. He hugged me tighter and sniffed loudly.

"Give them Hell kid and don't do anything I wouldn't do." I kissed his cheek and tried to embrace the new life that awaited me.

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