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Her Highlander Alpha

Her Highlander Alpha



"Goldilocks always has to choose the path that is just right." Branson sneered at Zephyr and turned his back on her. "Poor little omega, no, I don't think that title fits you." Allison slapped Zephyr and left her to huddle on the floor. It wasn't her fault that her family was exiled, her Aunt was the one to blame for the pack's curse. "Too bad you can't go back in time to fix it?" Zephyr stared at the man and he grinned at her. The primal part of her wanted to run. "Who..who...who are you?" He leaned in close and she was assaulted by the scent of the sea. "I can be your worst nightmare or your best friend. You choose."

Chapter 1 Outcast

"You are wanted at the main building Zephyr." The burly man was new to her and she has never seen him before. Blinking at him she wiped dirt from her hands and stood up.

"What is this about? I have stayed away from the pack, I have done nothing to breach their rules." She was a wolf too and they treated her as an outcast. Less than nothing.

He shrugged and waited for her to follow him to the Maxim Valley Pack's main building. Sighing she pushed her hair back from her face and followed him with her eyes cast downward.

"Why do they keep you around?" His voice startled her out of her thoughts and she twisted her fingers in her skirt.

"I'm not sure, they either believe I'm worthless, or too dangerous. It does not make sense to me." He scoffed at her answer and she sighed again. What did he expect her to say?

"I heard you are a wolf but you can't shift. So they feel obligated to keep you around." His tone set her teeth on edge and she ignored his comment. It wasn't her fault she couldn't shift. A local gypsy woman came to see what was preventing her from shifting and she said there was nothing that could be done.

"I'm an omega, well they said I was an omega. I think they just humor me." He grunted and she nearly slammed into his broad back. He glanced at her with pity and shook his head.

"I knew someone like you, they ended up killing themselves to spare the shame it brought to the pack." He turned on his heel and stalked off leaving Zephyr on the marble front steps of the main building.

Taking a deep breath she pushed open the door and was greeted by the Alpha and his Luna. She sank to her knees and exposed the side of her neck.

"Stand up. No need to stand on ceremony mutt." Allison's lip curled and Zephyr tried to reign in her anger.

"You summoned me?"Allison raised an auburn brow at her.

"Is that attitude you are giving me little omega mutt?" Her voice rang through the expansive foyer and Branson wandered in from the kitchen.

"No, I am stating the obvious my Luna." Zephyr could have smacked herself for the irritated bite in her tone.

"That sounded like she was giving you attitude." She hated Branson, he was supposed to be her mate but Allison bought a charm from a local witch and managed to seduce him.

Glancing at her rounded belly Zephyr felt sick, that should have been her.

"Come this way we need to discuss your living arrangement." Her heart beat against her ribs as she tried to swallow the panic.

Branson led them to his office and he gestured for Zephyr to sit on the small padded stool in front of his desk. He could look down on her and remind her of her place in the pack.

Allison slid in behind him and started massaging his shoulders. The seconds dragged on and Zephyr grew more nervous.

"We made an agreement with the Axis City pack and you will be married off to one of their betas." Zephyr's head shot up and nausea clawed at her stomach.

"You can't do that!" Branson stood up and slammed his hands on the desk making her jump.

"I think Goldilocks here just said you can't do something Alpha." Allison giggled narrowing her cat eyes at Zephyr.

"Goldilocks always has to choose the path that is just right." Branson sneered at Zephyr and turned his back on her.

"Poor little omega, no, I don't think that title fits you." Allison slapped Zephyr and left her to huddle on the floor.

It wasn't her fault that her family was exiled, her Aunt was the one to blame for the pack's curse.

"The decision has been made now leave." She scurried out of the office and back to her cottage where she slammed the door and slid to the floor.

"Too bad you can't go back in time to fix it?" Zephyr stared at the man and he grinned at her. The primal part of her wanted to run.

"Who..who...who are you?" He leaned in close and she was assaulted by the scent of the sea.

"I can be your worst nightmare or your best friend. You choose." She heard about the malevolent spirits that sometimes came to the mortal plain, was he one of them? She let out a bark of laughter and he tilted his head to look at her.

"I already live in a nightmare, I am an outcast." He knelt down in front of her and she looked into his turquoise eyes.

"Fret not little one, I too am an outcast." He held out his hand and she took it in hers.

Anything was better than marrying a sadistic wolf from the Axis pack.

"Tell me what to do."

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