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In the Heat of the Night:Draya

In the Heat of the Night:Draya

Rayne O’Connor


Draya has always been scared to fall in love. It don't exist, only for the close friends she called sisters. Now when she needed them most they got something going on. Like the music group "Who can I run to" was always her question to herself. Her answer -No one. Until Bryan. Will he prove her wrong and break down her walls or will he prove her right and she better off alone and happy?

Chapter 1 The meet up

Every girl needs a ride or die bitch.

Well, in this case as we all looking around the decorated table I have bitches. We all came from different paths but when we bonded it became unbreakable. We have been at this table before for many reasons over the years from little stuff to major depressing ass shit but tonight it was different. Fuck peace.

Me and Riley been friends sense college and because of the small world we lived in I worked for the pass decade with MJ who had a cool sister Stacy. We been to each other parents funerals reunions and fought like cats and dogs against our enemies. Which wasn't alot as I looked around the table. Who would hate us I thought lovingly. We were in the world where money didn't make us we made the money.

I've been a dancer and exercise instructor owning my own gym where I let MJ conduct her arobic and painting classes on my closed session days. Stacy was a free spirit young and free and loved teaching at the elementary school in our hometown. However, Riley was a trust fund baby never worked a day in her life. I guess that's a blessing since she is the only mother and housewife of the group who loves baking cookies and the head of her PTA at her son's school.

TONIGHT we came together to discuss revenge.

" So watcha' gone do Bitch," Stacy impatiently taping her freshly manicured nails against her chilled glass of Pinot. Stacy always drinking to calm her nerves but little can she admit it does the exact opposite.

I shook my head as I reached for one of the heated rolls in the middle of the table.

" Well for one thing, Cameron deserve to know his daddy is a deadbeat,'' grumbled Riley brooding over her glass of lemon water.

Everybody turnt shockingly at Riley. Everybody was so used to Riley being the optimist out the group, but not tonight. Poor thing. Her nose still pink from crying all day with a used to be perfect messy high bun. Merci-Jey was closer to Riley then the rest and grabbed her hand that was clinched around the watered glass. Having your heart broken can have your heart broken and your mind weak, but we refuse to let one of our sisters down. This is wear we come to vent support and move forward.

Riley looked at Merci and gave her a slow smile before bravely saying, " I'm good ya'll I just need to get outta there".

"Weell you knowww I'm ya girl if you need a quick escape plan." I volunteered jokingly waving my truck keys at Riley. " Plus a baseball bat named Boobie" I slipped in to make the table howl with laughter and high five each other.

After the waiter came and brought us our food, we quieted down and thoughtfully ate our food in silence. We knew why we were here, we just was gathering our thoughts to make sure Riley at the end of all this come out on top. After all that bastard Rashaad wasn't shit until he got Riley suckered in but hey that's my opinion and NOW is not the time to voice that. Looking back Riley was such a beautiful bride walking down the owl who would have thought that you can give your man the world and then try to leave you with nothing. This is so messed up.

I leaned back from my plate to glance at the girls.

Stacy was frowning at her tomato bisque like somebody spit in it , MJ was staring out the window; shoulders squared stiff in her denim halter top while poor Riley was looking at me.

What I'm supposed to say?

So I reached over the white table cloth to grab and squeeze her manicured hand to reassure her. It took 2 bottles of Mascoto and a 7-layered chocolate cake for us to figure it out and my phone start to blow up.

Trying to ignore my slowly exhilarating heart; me and the girls got up to walk out to our cars.

" Okay let me know when you and Cameron is on your way to my house, I have to stop by a client before I go back" I stated to Riley.

"Imma stick around y'all, I got to wait on Cams to-go order " said Riley stopping at the hostess stand at the opening of the restaurant to place her order.

Before we could protest leaving her by herself you can see it in her face she needed some ME time.

So I did whatever bestfriend do and said "Call me when you head home" and U-turned my way towards the door.

My phone rang again. "I didn't bring my car MJ can you give me a ride? Uber freaks me out at night", Stacy said jokingly while bumping and wrapping her arm around Merci's neck. MJ pretended to push Stacy away laughing " I don't fuck with no broke hoes" but they continued to walk towards MJ's Porsch truck. Stacy is always quick to go somewhere but never want to take her ride shaking my head. For a teacher's salary her little Nissan Maxima is nice with the big dash in it. I can't complain the spots we go to are always nice and I can check it off my bucket list.

"Alright y'all call me" I yelled out before dipping into my purse to grab my phone and keys to press the alarm to unlock my blue benz truck.

As I started to walk to my car my phone rang.

I looked down and swiped at the green button.

I was being irritated because don't call me multiple times and fee entitled that I should pick up the phone . But it was HIM and the thought process of even seeing him on facetime makes me tingle.

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