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Serena's Chronicles

Serena's Chronicles



Serena is diagnosed of glioblastoma. A disease that made her realize she hasn't lived her life yet. She's 26 and yet a virgin. She becomes aware that her whole life has been claustrophobic and uneventful. She decides to enjoy life while she can. Michael, an arrogant and anger driven personality comes to love this girl, even though their path seems so lonesome and gloomy. Vivian is the second Female protagonist, who's life is not also going as planned. Meet Klaus, Vivian's love interest, and Lisa, Vivian's roommate whose life is in danger because of a secret she has exposed.

Chapter 1 A hard reality 01

Its Sunday morning. Serena’s church activities comes first on days like this.

She was in the shower and singing on a high pitched voice, a habit that has always pissed off her roommate; Norah.

“Girl can’t I have a god-damn moment of peace?!” Norah yelled. But Serena continued with her song.

Norah was still sleeping, She grunted and covered her ears with a pillow.

“….That saved a wretch like meeee..!” Serena sang on and on to the chagrin of her roommate.

Norah slept off successfully again, Sundays were her only period of rest.

School activities had been very horrendous that semester and she has mapped out Sundays for recuperation.

Thirty minutes later, She woke up to the ringtone of Serena’s phone. It must have been ringing for a while now.

“Serena your phone is ringing!!” Norah called. There was no sound coming out from the bathroom.

“Serena I said your phone is blasting my ears for fuck sake!” No movement, everywhere was strangely quiet.

“Serena are you still there? Ena?” Norah knew that something was wrong. She got up from her bed and tiptoed into the bathroom.

“Ena?…alright I’m coming in now”

She gently opened the door and screamed at what she saw.

Serena was sprawled on the floor. Her nose was bleeding and she has obviously passed out.

“Oh my God, Serena! Serena!!” Norah screamed. Serena wasn’t still moving.

Norah ran out of the apartment and knocked on her neighbor’s door and requested for assistance.

Within minutes Serena was bundled into the neighbor’s car and was driven to the nearest hospital in Bronx.

Norah could hear her own heart pounding loudly. She was so confused and nervous. Serena had never passed out like that before.

Serena was resuscitated and series of tests was ran on her.

“Are you feeling okay?” Norah asked her as they waited in the doctor’s office for the results.

“I’m fine, really” She nodded and smiled at Norah.

“You scared the shit out of me Ena!” Norah said as she placed her left hand on her chest and breathed deeply.

“I’m sorry. I don’t really know what happened. I was singing and splashing water on my face, then I suddenly felt dizzy and this horrible headache started, I think that was when I passed out on the bathroom floor. Thank God you’re there” Serena explained as she sighed.

“Have you felt like that before?” Norah inquired.

“No, not really. But I’ve been having these headaches recently but not the nose bleed”

“God I hope it’s nothing. I hope everything is alright, when I saw you on the floor in that bathroom I was scared and…and..” She was almost tearing up.

“Shh…come here, I told you I’m fine okay?” Serena hugged her tightly.

“Are you pregnant?” Norah asked as she suddenly broke away from the consoling embrace. She was looking Serena in the eye now.

“Don’t be stupid Norah. You of all people knows that no dick has ever penetrated my God given…”

“-Yes I know” Norah said cutting her off.

“it’s just that…” She started saying but was interrupted by the entrance of the doctor.

They looked at the doctor’s face curiously as he sat on his rotatable chair.

The doctor sighed deeply as he flipped through the test result papers before him.

“Well, what’s wrong with her?” Norah questioned impatiently.

“God!, uhm..Miss Serena Williams, do you have any guardians? Like parents, husband or something… family?” The doctor asked.

“Why? How precisely is this related to my test results?” Serena asked as she looked at both Norah and the doctor.

“That’s what I’m here for. I’m her roommate, so I guess that should work” Norah commented.

The Doctor nodded and then sighed again before leaning forward with a serious look.

“You see, Miss Williams, your test results are very bad. I’m so sorry I have bad news here” He looked at their expressions.

“Okay, how bad are we talking about?” Norah asked.

The doctor rotated the monitor on the desk for them to see. Then he pointed at an object on the screen.

“This shows here that you have glioblastomata multiformes” He said and paused as he looked at them. They looked lost.

“Okay, So can you speak English please?” Serena said, still looking lost.

“Okay, It’s a malignant rapidly growing astrocytoma of the central nervous system and usually of a cerebral hemispheres” He looked at them again.

“So it simply means, you have a malignant tumor that’s spreading in your brain and it affects your spine and brain” The doctor concluded and then waited to see their reaction.

Norah froze on her seat and blinked a few times, Serena chuckled.

“So what’s the cure, I mean what’s the treatment for it?” Serena asked.

“that’s the bad side Miss Williams, I’m so sorry, but there’s no cure..”

“-What?!” Norah almost yelled.

“it only requires medical diagnosis and constant emergency care as it spreads quickly. The life span is usually twelve to fifteen months, that’s if you’re going through with the treatment” The doctor explained further.

Serena stood up and started pacing around the room in utter disbelief.

“And If I refuse to take the treatment?” She asked with her back facing the doctor as she ran her fingers through her blond hair.

“Well, the life span expectancy is within four months or possibly five” The doctor said calmly.

Serena burst into laughter to the amazement of the doctor and her roommate.

“Serena dear..” Norah stood up with tears welling in her eyes.

“Oh Gawd, this is so funny, don’t you think it’s funny? So you come here and tell me that that nonsensical object is spreading in my head and I have few months to live…oh please I’m outta here” Serena said and then took her bag and stamped out in a hurry as Norah and the doctor watched her exit the room.

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