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The protagonist wants to capture villainess

The protagonist wants to capture villainess

Sami sami


One second she was cursing the author of the novel and the next second she was dragged in that novel. By the time, she decided to accept her new life, she found she was the main villainess that suffered a horrible death from the hands of protagonist. Sia could only cry in her heart as she sat on the throne as the third leader of the sect and see the protagonist being bullied by his fellows. But she was not going to sit there and wait for her death but instead she decided to hug the golden thighs. The protagonist rose and she was sure that she could made protagonist not to kill her but did not realize that she hugged the wrong leg until she was dragged by the protagonist on to the bed. "Protagonist, what are you doing? I am the villainess not the female lead. You already have three thousand beauties in your harem, why do you even want me." She cried but the protagonist did not spare her nor he touched any other women. The story of the novel was changed and she could only cry bitterly.

Chapter 1 Transmigration 1

In front of a computer screen, a girl was sitting as she finished the whole novel "The master of hundred swords". She moved away from the screen as she scoffed loudly.

"This *** author. Does he not know how to write a book. ***

Even who read these kind of novels. Every female is ready to sleep with the protagonist and how can he make a harem of three thousand beauties.

Arghh, **** author."

She cursed the author and start reading the comments. It seemed like only she had such bad thoughts about the story because others were commenting like it was the best book of the year.

She scoffed and cracked her fingers as she was ready to leave a comment as nasty as the novel.

As she touched the keyboard, she felt a sudden pain in her brain. She fell down the chair she held her head between her hands.

The surroundings around her seemed to be revolving around her and she was in pain.

"System 101 is alive.

Does the host want to play a part in the novel to better understand it?"

"Arghh.." She tried to look at the owner of the voice but there was nothing in front of her except thick smoke.

"Does the host want to accept the role under terms and conditions?"

"Hm..." She moaned painfully but in response she heard a ding sound.

"Congratulations, the host has successfully entered the world of Master of hundred swords. May the journey be pleasant for the host."

Sia tried to look around but her head was spinning and she felt nauseated. Suddenly she saw dim light as the view became ear in front of her.

She was lying on a bed while staring at the ceiling which looked different than her room.

"Am I dead? Is this heaven?

No, I don't think I deserve heaven. Then this must be hell.

Wait, this does not look like hell.

Where am I?"

She was talking to herself and tried to sat up. Her head was still hurting but the pain was bearable.

"Hello, I am system 101.

Welcome to the World of Master of hundred swords.

I hope you can enjoy your stay here."


Where are you? Why can not I see you and what do you mean by Master of hundred swords. Am I dreaming?"

"No, you are not. You are playing a part in the novel...."

Before the system could complete what she was going to say, she was cut again

"You mean, I transmigrated in a novel."

"Yes." Sia heard a voice inside her mind and her body went numb. How can this happen? She must be dreaming, right?

"Please host do not panic or else you will get OOC warning."


"Out of character. It will deduct your points and once your points reached to 0, you will die."

As the system warned Sia, she start sweating.

"Let me explain the rules first. By getting hundred points, you can wish to go back to your world but if points reached to 0 you will die.

The total points right now are 10.

Your points will be deducted or added according to your skills.

Host can also buy different items from the shop which had different prices."

As the voice stopped, Sia threw her head in her palms. She did not know what to do now. But it was not bad as she read the whole novel and still remembered it.

She got out of the bed and looked at herself in the mirror. The next second, her jaw hit the floor.

The person in front of her was as beautiful as a flower. Her skin was delicate like a jade and her waist was so tiny.

She touched her face and couldn't stop herself feeling all over her face. She touched her lips that were red like roses and her cheeks had a pinkness on it.

"Hmm." She touched her chin as she thought for a second.

"It seemed like I am the female lead. It's alright. I think I can stay here and enjoy the luxury life."

She chuckled.

"The system needs to tell something about..."

Before the system could complete what she wanted to say, the door opened softly and a man entered inside.

Sia scanned the man who was wearing a blue robe just like hers.

He was handsome and taller.

She was sure that he must be the protagonist.

"I heard that you fainted during your meditation. You should not work this harder when you just broke into level seven of cultivation."

The man walked towards her and held her hand as he felt her pulse while Sia was stunned.

Level seven.

She was on level seven.

Wah, she must be really good at it.

"I.. apologize for making you worry." She apologized while the man touched her forehead.

"Are you alright? I can't believe that the third leader of Hwa sect is apologizing me."

"Warning OOC. The host needs to adjust to the character or else I will deduct your points from next time."

"Third leader, Hwa sect.

System, who am I?"

She asked the system as she could feel her hands trembling. It can not happen.

"You are Gege, the third leader of Hwa sect. The only female cultivator who had this high rank in this world."

The body of Sia went numb as she heard what the system was saying.

She was the main villainess that was going to die in a horrible way. Her limbs were going to tear apart by the protagonist and she was thrown on the streets to beg until she die.

She screamed inside her head as she could feel her life was going to be miserable. She looked at the man who was Wei the second leader of the sect and decided it was time for her to lose consciousness.

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