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When Billionaire CEO's only heir– Desmond was a teenager, he had a girlfriend which he loved so much. He lost her to a car accident by a reckless driver few months after the death of his parents. The memory of the tragedy hunts him every night. "Lo siento!" These were the driver's words as he sped off into the dark after he knocked Bridget down that cold night. Years passed, but this tragic memory never left him. Mara, 22 years old lived with her alcoholic father who suddenly developed the habit of drinking the night he lost his wife to a ghastly motor accident. Desmond's cold heart became warm again as he crossed path with Mara, but the storm was not yet over for the two as life had other plans for them.

Chapter 1 One

Somewhere along the street of Cherry Hills, Colorado. The street happens to be free tonight and the atmosphere is just perfect as two teenagers which seem to be on a date, stroll the quiet park enjoying each other's company. It is a perfect romantic scene just like it's seen in movies.

But then, the sweet and romantic moment is cut short as tragedy soon befalls the duo. The girl lets go of the boy's hand and suddenly, a vehicle hits her to the ground and drives away leaving her to bleed to death in the arms of her male partner.

10 Years Later...

The long summer holiday has finally come to an end. Desmond, 27 years old Billionaire's only heir, disguised as a music teacher gets himself out of bed feeling somehow curious what this new school session would look like.

Desmond, light skinned, tall and handsome, with a unique pair of lens for an eye. His eyes get ladies staring and day dreaming.

He had a teenage girlfriend, but lost her to a car accident by a reckless driver. The image of the incident hunts him every night.

"Lo siento!" These were the driver's words as he sped off into the dark after he knocked Bridget down that cold night. He saw the driver's face as light from other vehicles at a distance shone on his car. He has sworn to look for the man but had had no luck in finding him.

This night seemed to be the longest night as Desmond tried all he could to give life back into the lifeless body of his beloved girlfriend Bridget.

He had just completed a year mourning for his parents who were involved in a plane crash and now faced with yet another tragedy.

Years passed, but the tragic memories of his losses never left him. Desmond is all a woman needs in a man except that his sad past left him cold hearted.

Desmond works as a part-time teacher in an Elementary school where he teaches music. He always keeps a cold face, he hardly ever smiles. Sometimes students wonder how he plays the piano, producing such melodious sound accompanied with heart suiting lyrics.

Flooding into his head, were the memories of the conversation he had last night with his granny, as Desmond calls his grandmother. She is at it again. She wants him to get married and give her great grandchildren.

Desmond's grandmother, Madame Royce, had raised him on her own after his parents passed away. "I haven't found another Bridget" Says Desmond in response to her entreaty.

Leaving for work on the first day of resumption after the long summer holiday, he doesn't want to be late. Desmond locks the door to his room, heads towards the staircase and soon he was out of the mansion. His private cab was already waiting for him in front of the tall gate. He hopped in and it drove off. He prefers to maintain a low profile while working as a music teacher that is why he doesn't go to the school in any of his luxurious cars.

Desmond is loved and respected by all of his students.

He notices that he is the only teacher on sit. Actually Desmond is known for keeping to time.

Few minutes after Desmond had entered the reception to sign the attendance book, a blonde pretty lady in her early 20s walked in.

Lizzy was interviewed during the summer holiday by the school's principal. Today is her first official day at work.

"Morning handsome", Lizzy greeted Desmond as she approached him and waited for her turn to sign in.

Desmond is supposed to be caught up by her beauty but to her suprise, "morning" he gave a brief response too without even looking at Lizzy.

"Oh! Lizzy is my name and you?" Lizzy spoke with a breathe taking smile on her face. But got no response as Desmond already dismissed himself. He left the reception with out even looking back and with his earpiece in his ears listening to the music lessons he was going to teach the students.

She looked in despair for a moment and...

"snap out of it Lizzy" she said to herself as she signs in for the day and heads to her classroom.

Lizzy stays in the classroom with her students while Desmond and a few other teachers stay in the staff room.

The classroom was situated at the other side of the school premises, facing in opposite direction to the school record reception.

Desmond was already sitted on his seat in the staffroom. He kept a keen stare at Lizzy as she left the reception room.

"Exhales, thank goodness she isn't staying in the staffroom" said Desmond.

"Who are you talking to?" Mrs Peters asked Desmond as she walks into the staffroom unnoticed by Desmond. "Nothing ma'am, just thinking out loud" he replies and immediately comports himself. "How was ur holiday? " he added.

"Same as usual" Mrs. Peter replies him. "Don't let me bore you with my life. What's up? You like her right?" Mrs. Peters added. She was referring to Lizzy the newest member of Starlight Elementary School. Desmond had already shifted his focus to the music lecture going on in his head.

Mrs. Peters keeps talking, but at this point it was as if Desmond had muted her voice as he increases the volume of the audio lecture he was listening to.

Lizzy is not used to being rejected by guys because she always got whom ever she had interest for. But she is determined to capture the heart of the cold-hearted Desmond who seems to be different from other men.

Lizzy is a billionaire's only daughter and apparently the only heiress to Boston group of companies.

She lives a care free life spending and not minding how the money she spends is made. Her father sent her to this school to have a feel of how it is to work under someone, with the hope that it would make her humble and also help her to change her wayward life as she would soon be taking over her father's companies.

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