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Queensley Alfred


Etima is an undergraduate in one of the Nigerian university.Gerald,a doctor and a man she thinks she can love. Mfon is Etima's course mate and best friend. Their dreams are to get their certificate and become independent. Unfortunately, the ills of the year shatter their dreams right before their eyes. When their world started to crumble,they are drawn apart so much that their faces didn't meet each other's again throughout the year. And now as the pandemic gradually spreads amongst them and their government and the masses collide,only the survivors can reclaim their peace and rewrite their story.




In a twinkling of an eye Eti Ima legs were dusty again because of the arid December atmosphere. She bent down occasionally to rub her legs as the dry harmattan wind blew raising dust in the air. She even took a little bottle of coconut oil inside her hand bag because she didn't want to look like the season. Intermittently,she'd pour a little quantity of the oil into her palm and spread it on her skin. She still had the memories of the past christmas glued to her mind like a silky cloth on a wet body.

Two of the things she hoped for during that period was traveling to Igbesa in Lagos state to spend the christmas holiday with her elder brother and also getting a beautiful red gown yes she was in love with the colour red. She wanted to explore,she needed to visit divers places of interest in Lagos state and she'd all these written down on her wish list. At 22 she had only been to the southern states basically to lend a helping hand to her relatives. Mr Uwem her uncle who lived in Calabar had pleaded with her mother to allow her come over to his house for a holiday so she could help his pregnant wife with house chores. And Glory her eldest cousin once took her to Chobba in Port Harcourt where she spent two weeks with her looking after her little kids.

Her thoughts were filled with the unique things that would make the year's Christmas celebration a memoriable one. Though back in her home they weren't really affected by the spirit of Christmas, their family was different. They cared about the goods and the bads so much that her father in particular kicked against the way some christians celebrated christmas which he termed ungodly. How would someone be taking a so called girlfriend out in the name of celebrating christmas,he used to say then he would shrug and snapped his fingers over his head. Eti Ima was unbothered,all she cared about was her happiness and she didn't mind whatever way it would come. She was by the school gate waiting patiently for her friend to show up after she'd phoned her severally,she began to move up and down the place in agitation,her eyes were on her wrist watch again and then.They'd planned to get a few items for themselves as the merry season was around the corner. She had a way of pleasing onlookers,she had to be the best,the most beautiful and above all she loved praises whether they were genuine or not.

That morning was dry and dusty,most of the students who passed in through the gate had their legs or hands looking rough as though they had applied a brown powder or hadn't taken their bath.She peered at them in amazement and spat. So these people can't even apply ointment on their body,why is she looking like a maid, how much is cream,she muttered. The dark complexioned skin girl whistled behind her and started walking down to where she stood. Mfon was thin and tall and she had a liking for gowns and those were the majority of clothes stored in her wardrobe. Eti Ima's eyes were fixated on her,she watched with her head tilted as though she wasn't seeing clearly,then she gestured at her with her index finger to quicken her steps.

"Why are you shamelessly going about with a white face? No one applies a powder during this period mama. Please wipe that off". She handed her a face cloth.

"Oh!" She smiled "I didn't mean to make it obvious."

"Your excuses. Always vague."

"Oh that's no problem. I'm sorry I took time."

"You always do. When did you last talk with Benedict?"

"Hmm." Mfon exhaled. "Are you serious right now?"

"I'm sorry. I'm very sorry."

"Did you get a bag?" She ignored her apology.

"This is not too small." She took out a sac bag. "Is it?"

"That's okay."

They both made for the road to board a vehicle to the market.As they passed by the security unit,they waved at them and one of them requested for bread and moi moi on their return. Outside the school gate were traders scattered about by the fence even to the main road and keke riders with their vehicle queued in a single file. There were homeless little children who begged from those trooping in and out of the school gate and mad men and women moving up and down in dirty rags,some were resting under the big mango tree which had its branches grown over the the school fence creating a shade which passers by could stop to rest from the heat of the sun.Three labourers at different points were trimming the overgrown grasses with their machines.

"I was starting to think we'll raise a forest in that angle." Eti Ima pointed to where cows were tied to graze the grasses.

"They shouldn't have bothered,the cows and the men are performing the same task."

Eti Ima smiled and patted her on the back. They'd moved to a certain keke rider,he had a scar running from the middle of his forehead down to his left ear. Mfon whispered into Eti Ima's ear and at once Eti Ima left the man to the one standing next to him.

"Good morning sir."

"Good morning how body?"

"E dey. We dey go Itam market."

"A drop?"


"Na five hundred naira." He scratched his head with his keys and spat,a pulp, sticky and yellowish.

"Yuck!" Mfon held her chest and stroke it to suppress the nausea feeling building up within her. She turned her back on him with a frown.

"Sorry o." The man apologized.

"Will you accept two hundred naira?" Said Eti Ima avoiding his gaze.

"Oya four hundred naira. Una ko go?"

They turned to each other and retreated backward. Eti Ima searched for another vehicle that had two passengers already,and after they'd haggled,they got in and voluntarily choosed to remain silent through out the ride. Abigail one of their friends had warned them against pickpockets in the market. If you were going to Itam market you should be very careful with your bag else you would return by foot and empty hands,they didn't forget that. After they'd reached,they paid off the man and walked into the market. The smell of rotten fish greeted their noses,Mfon scuffed. They walked hand in hand like couples heading through an aisle. Eti Ima's shopping bag was clasped to her body,she was careful enough to fold the zipper inside as she moved with her eyes moving around the market. She was vigilant and very careful and wouldn't let anyone come in contact with her bag.

"Were you really going to get on that man's vehicle? Mfon who was really scared of the man with a scar asked.

"You are too fearful. What would you do if there were to be another war and that was the only available rider,would'nt you want to survive? Take risk..yesss..take risk. It makes you stronger. I stopped being scared after I watched my youngest aunt being killed right before my eyes in a robbery scene."

" What?"

"Yes two shots on the head pow pow!" She gesticulated with two fingers on her forehead. "And then I watched her liveless body collapse."

"I'm so sorry but you kept that to yourself why?"

"What's the point of always taking bad news around? It is in the past now."

"Yeah I know you always say that, always wanting me to brave but first you need to read meanings to anything seeming suspicious. Where the hell did he get such a mark? An accident? Definitely not!" She adjusted her bag to the front and felt it by pressing into the bag to confirm her cellphone was intact. Eti Ima remained silent, she didn't have to attempt convincing her,she was a female thomas or she had her head filled with her own ideas,they perceived situations differently.

They stood before a boutique,the seller was inside but they couldn't see her because the dangling clothes had covered the entrance. Mfon climbed in and clapped both hands together.

"Yes it's your size." Came the voice inside,the seller's voice. "The red gown is nice,a lot of people are buying red gowns today." She added.

She wore a pair of blue shorts that stopped about two inches below her knees and a white blouse that had sketches of palm trees printed on it. Obviously she had been bleaching,her green veins stood out on skin like a map, and she had colourful marks on her knuckles and toes. Eti Ima out of concern was quick to introduce her to the cream she was marketing,she told her about how effective it would be if she gave it a try. But the woman took offense on that and went into her shop angrily.

"It seems you didn't come here to buy!" She hissed. "Please kindly leave my shop, your eyes should have been on the dresses and not on my body." She bellowed even after Mfon and Eti Ima had long left her shop.

"You shouldn't have said that Eti Ima, you didn't not have to."

"But why, didn't you see how bad she looked? She is just an ingrate. She can go to hell for all I care!"

"Ah.. it is okay we have left her shop."

After they had seen the dresses hung on the wall,they decided to call the attention of the seller. As she appeared, Mfon screamed. She was surprised to see Lucy, her elder brother's ex course mate. She wondered why she should be selling clothes when she was one of the best graduating student in her set. Tony her brother was working so why should she not.

"Heyy uyai." Lucy smiled. "It's been a while, how are you?"

"I'm good how about you?"

"I'm good too."

"We need a gown," Eti Ima raised the hem of the dresses and examined them in a bid to stop further exchange of pleasantries between them or she felt that Mfon was not really ready to go deeper with her. "How much are these two?"

"They've got a similar design and obviously same size." Lucy took the dresses out of the hangers and threw it at them. "Put them on first, let's see."

After they had worn the dress,they stood before the magnificent mirror that reached to the top of the ceiling from the base of the room.Lucy walked in on them. "Don't take it off,it fits you so well my dear." She said as if the dresses were not to be purchased with money. After they had paid Lucy,they stood out on the busy road in search of a vehicle to convey them back to their hostels. At the security unit, Mr Itoro immediately stepped out and blocked them.

"Where's my bread and moi moi?" He feinged annoyance.

"Eh! We forgot it in the market." Eti Ima lied.

"Una ko go bring am." He started smiling. "Hunger dey o." He added and moved away from the gate to allow them in. Mfon waved out five hundred naira to him,he smiled and thanked them. Inside the school premises, students and hawkers were moving up and down. It was weekend,a Saturday,and some guys were on the field. Some were jogging, the dance team were also practicing in the other end near the school's community center while some were playing football in the mini stadium. Mfon stopped to peer, she was searching for Benedict but couldn't find him. Eti Ima dragged her away by the wrist. Eti Ima was courageous and strong,the last thing on her mind was keeping a male friend or she did not find someone she could rely on but for what exactly. She was working and though she wasn't getting all she wanted but yet she was satisfied with what she was receiving.

"Be like me. A guy can actually turn off your florescent and give you a lantern, I tell you. Stop this things and focus on what will bring food to your table."

"And what will bring food to my table?" Mfon asked amidst laughter.

"Education!" Eti Ima raised her brows to affirm it.

Mfon laughed at her for a while. And after she'd stopped,she told her about Lucy who was one of the most intelligent in their school but now sells clothes to survive. She further explained how tideous it was for Tony her brother to find a job. He had to bribe his way in though he had very good results.

" Ambitious people are usually optimistic,stop assuming that the sad situations of others could equally get to you. We are different,with different fates as well. As for me I'll make it."

After they'd reached their room, Mfon settled down on her bed while Eti Ima had to turn the fried potatoes they got on their way into a flat plate. They sat facing each other,a basin of water was placed by their side, and the plate of fried potatoes in their midst.

"Oh mine. Eka Nduke always has the best,her sauce is really tasty."

"That's why I frowned when you went in to big mama's shop,her sauce is gross!" Mfon held her nose. "I think she warms the old one everyday and turns it into a fresh one."

"That's what she does but her potatoes are always bigger."

"Oh yeah but that's a bigger shit." They both laughed.

Early in the morning, Patience the leader of youth fellowship struck the bell in the hostel for members of the fellowship to turn out for morning prayers. Eti Ima struggled to sit up on her bed,her feet were resting on the floor. The morning breeze was chilly,she stretched out her arm under her bed to pick her wooly blanket.

"Ouch!" She immediately withdrew her hand,a rat had jumped down from her box and brushed its furry body against the back of her hand.

"I bind you. It's too early please,I cover my self with the blood of Jesus." She allowed her palms to run freely from the top of her head down to her legs. She picked up a cardigan hung on her bunk instead and made for the door,she didn't mind calling Mfon,she knew she wouldn't even give her a listening ear or wake up even. Eti Ima was known to be a prayerful young lady,she could pray for hours and some even gave her a name. But when ever she remembered the death of her aunt,she felt she was a weak christian,she should have prayed and saved her aunt from being killed. Or perhaps her faith was still very small or fear had gripped her to her bone marrow so much that she'd forgotten how to pray.

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