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Chapter 5 THE NEW YEAR

Word Count: 2450    |    Released on: 01/08/2022


r mother. She turned to her father who was cleanin

ter. When will your s

pa and our exams is

at serious student y

urse p

y and not a man so rather she was being chosen as the assistant course representative. Females were not allowed to occupy certain positions even in the country except in rare cases. Gerald called her on the phone sometime, and she begged him to forgive her about lying to him that she was a family woman. According to her she was scared,she couldn't have had the courage to f

that reported to their campuses because some departments did not release their academic time table. Those students who were slim became fat and those

good mo

g dear how a

ine,I have a

ght g

rn to school this week. We can fully

nt Etima w


flyover when you arrive. I hav

om the market before I come back but defi

t of presentations to do,so this

hanks dear." She

wo drivers were arguing over who's car was supposed to take in passengers first,had it not been for the i

nent. That was something anyone should expect from drivers in a motto park, always engaging in an argument or at most a fight. Etima g

nutes when she saw her from a distance making horrible faces at a keke rider and as she approached her she would turn back to hurl abuses at

some of them

ome money to what I already gave t

if you are the reason

im he thinks I'm a politician." Mfo

ostel after visiting a few hostels to wish their friends a happy new year and also engage in a short chit chat. That night they both arranged the books and notebooks they needed for lessons.The following d

e in the new year so much that ice escaped from their mouths when they opened their mouths to talk.They arrive late for lectures becau

rring to another lady who


h a frown he raised his voice and moved closer to the d

id S

h none of you will write my test. I am a different lecturer,an

d I stop before those

jerky motions as though he was n

the British isles before the Anglo saxons." He s

I say inhabited the British isles be

" The stude

" He fumbled with his pockets. "Give me some minutes please." He stepped out to answer a call and the hall became noisy. A

s the last statement I made befor

he ordered her to stand to h

ooked at her from her head to her toes probably checking for on

tand up. Do y

s S

headphones in my class." "And you," Referring to the girl. "Pack your toys th

ctly under the rotating ceiling fan, even the students feared f

g lectures is not necessary but always remember to pay yo

not take textbooks or any other book to class,he lecture

onally and compelled them to do well as individual presentation would go a long way in fetching them their desired marks. A few minutes

ok out three textbooks one after another from her

." Mfon picked up one of the te

o the worry on their faces. She decided to be calm and after they had stepped out of the cafeteria, she saw more students in pairs, discussing and arguing,she watched a particular group of students chattering and running away from a girl with their face clothes covering their nose and mouth. All the while Etima was absent,the only thought in her mind was how he

de her got up immediately and covered h

ity them talk?" Said the guy who had a long bushy hair fro

oared. " God will

ause he was already looking into his presentation leaflet and he normally wore large spectacle

e you talking


thing about a v

are not current, don't y

t sa

avirus,a killer virus that has alrea

r chest,now her heart was beating f

that dis

Wuyan city in China." His gaze were that of surp

least I still remember the t

ading through the simplest unimaginable ways. Go and browse the internet you w

hall. She folded her arms across her chest. Then it dawned on her that something was really wrong,she hadn't paid attention to her environment. The hall was scanty and it was u

urther notice. We are sorry for keeping you for so long." She stepped down,she was equally confused. How would somethin

reading materials in preparation for their examination, Etima and Mfon had gone back to their houses to gather enough goodies to sustain them through

weeks warning strike by reason of their withheld allowances by the federal government. Every prepara

e,she mourned silently. The school was not totally empty because some students who resided far away could not bear the expenses of going back

erous it was and she always ended her advice by telling her a story of a girl who fell a victim to thieves at night along Aba road. She visited her grand mother often, she had a young cousin residing with her there together with the mother, the only remaining siste

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