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Forty night with him

Forty night with him

Olamide one


FORTY NIGHT WITH HIM Synopsis Mattew came from a very rich family,apart from his family wealth,he is extremely rich, Mattew is a demi- god. Mattew is a very arrogant young guy who thinks there is nothing money can not buy ,he believes money can buy anything due to the poor people he render help to. They always put on a smiling face whenever he gives them money and all his maids obey him even at the expense of their life,enough of the introduction. He walked into an expensive restaurant,he sat down gently on the chair ,pressing his phone when he noticed something on his trouser ."He jumped and his phone fell to the ground and got broken",I'm sorry sir,it was not intentional,the girl pleaded". "How could a commoner like you pour water on my expensive suit?do you know how expensive this suit is? No sir,I'm sorry she said again and again",she was about to clean his trouser but he pushed her away."don't touch me with your filthy hands,did you know this suit you ruin can feed you and your entire family for years? she stand up from the floor angrily,you can go to hell",she said and walked away. Mattew stared at her in anger,he removed his sim card from the damaged phone and walked out of the restaurant."He will deal with her in a way she will not forget in a hurry,she was surprised when she get home and she did not meet anybody at home,she was still wondering where they could be when she see a message on her phone". She quickly went to the adress sent to her ,she got there before the time given to her. They set her family free while Mattew asked them to lock her up. What happens when everyone finds out the billonaira is a gay? Let find out in this thrilling story .

Chapter 1 Please let me go


Chapter one


Johanna keep staring at the room,she was scared to the bone."What has she done? Was the question she keep asking herself",she should have continue begging him,now she is in trouble.

"How will her family survive without her? She is the only one working,nobody to turn to,she started crying when she remembered the house rent she is still saving up to pay".

She even forget to dropped the money in her back pocket before leaving the house,she bring out the money in her pocket and roll on the floor in tears. What are they going to eat now? She cried out .

Mattew watched her through the camera as she cried,he wonder what is wrong with her,not untill she bring out the money in her pocket as she lamented over her family,he find it funny ,he laughed as she roll on the floor,he lay down on the bed while he watch her act like a drama queen,it seems she liked the floor better,he mocked.

Two hours later,he saw her holding her stomach. He know she is hungry ,he ordered his maid to give her food. Alex dropped the food on the floor ,she tried to talk to her but the maid leave immediately she dropped the food. Alex !who know there is camera in her room can't risk getting sacked because of her. At first she neglected the food but she later carried it when the hunger became unbearable for her.

Mattew watched as she devour the food ,she was eating the food as if the food offended her,it made Mattew laughed the more,keeping her here will be fun ,he thought.

"He is going to make her an offer she will not be able to refuse,he walked inside his bathroom to take his bath ". He came out few minutes later to see Johanna trying to open the door,she was shouting for help, unknown to her,nobody can hear her.

He dressed up and went to her room,she sit on the bed immediately she heard the door opened. Mattew stare at her,he know she had been sitting on the floor since,how come she suddenly sit on the bed?

"Why are you shouting Johanna?I thought you know the reason why you are here? Your purpose here is to serve your purnishment,he said coldly". Please sir ,can i get my phone back?I need to call my family to be sure they get home safely.

My bodyguard took them back to your house to secure their safety,you have nothing to worry about ,she keeps quiet knowing fully well that there is nothing she can do about it again ,don't you know what your sin is? I do sir,it for mistakenly pouring water on your expensive suit at the restaurant. The way she said it make him more angrier at her,is that the only offense you committed? And for talking to you rudely.

Good girl,he said standing up from the bed. Your job in this house is to satisfy all my needs,when I say my needs i mean you will do whatever I asked you to do and get paid at the end of your purnishment. Her face lite up when she heard she is going to get paid at the end of her purnishment.

"What will i be doing in the house? you have to make sure i am okay,you have to make sure my food is well served",I must not ask you to do something twice,you must always be at my service,okay sir! she said bending her head.

The following day, Johanna was still sleeping when Mattew sent for her. She frown her face immediately Alex enter her room,she slowly stand up open the door to see outside the room,do you always stay here? How come you did not use to hear my voice? Just follow me ,I can't answer any of your question ,but why? she leave her in front of Mattew's room and proceed to her own department.

She knocked on the door slowly, come in,she entered his room folding the tip of her cloth."Why are you this rough? Why did you not change your cloth? It because I did not bring any cloth ,if you can allow me to rush home to bring my clothes.....okay,he said sharply. She looked up when she heard okay,he picked his phone and put a call across to his bodyguard,go and get some clothes for her,the bodyguard bring out his phone, snapped Johanna and left.

Johanna was surprised,did he think she will run away ? How will she run away when he practically know everything about her? This is so unfair on her path .

She kneel down in front of him,can you please let me go and see my family? Why?I don't know how they are doing at home, I just want to be sure they are safe. There won't be any need for that,I will have my guards check up on them,but sir,no but Johanna,you can now go back to your room.

She walked out of his room feeling dejected,she got to the room given to her and burst out in tears.

It hurt to be held hostage, Mattew watched as she hold her chest and cried again. He did not know why but he feel guilty,he pick his car key and walked out of the room while two of his bodyguards followed him.

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