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Forty night with him

Chapter 2 They don't deserve you

Word Count: 1150    |    Released on: 05/08/2022



n't dese

quickly called her parent to the living room to come and see the

viously scared".I am not here to do yo

ment for forty days ", really? The person who he assumed to be her mother asked with exc

ther and daughter exclaim with great joy except the father whose expression is unreadable."please kee

e you are her mother and you support me,I should at least tell you what I intend doing with her." She is going to be my sex machine for forty d

t sure this person are no

to him,she went back inside the house while Mattew proceed to the car",h

w hand over the letter to the bodyguard who read the letter and tear it into pieces in anger. Mattew watched him closely, don't

only one watching her right now,he know he will be so worried about her but there is nothing he can do about

ey proclaim her to be? He will have fun with her for that forty days and pay her off,she did not worth the stress

d gently,she was surprised because the person th

dyguard that snapped her the other day. Please how can i help you?John laughed so

smiled ,you can say no because i am just

me john. Can we be friends? She laughed,why do you want to be friends with me? I am just here for few w

our boss and he could not forgive him so I have to be here for forty days

."Are you the only child? No am not,I have a younger sister,sorry to ask ,like how old is she? She will be twenty two in four months time,wow she is n

en a bodyguard here for a long period of time,if I am not mistaken,for ten years now. You have

o,I should go now before the rest starts looking for me but I will always come a

ow has someone to call her frien

believe that her family for real,

m how happy she is but he could not reply her message on time because he was with someone better than her. Austin looked at his

e can she do than be thankful". She had always hate Johanna ever since her husband brought her home ,she did not ca

ke him regret bringing that home breaker into her home,now

wants , it non of her business ,of what use is she if not a sex machi

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1 Chapter 1 Please let me go2 Chapter 2 They don't deserve you3 Chapter 3 Off the light and strip4 Chapter 4 I like men5 Chapter 5 She is yours6 Chapter 6 I want to go home7 Chapter 7 Beat her and lock her up without giving her food. 8 Chapter 8 I am free9 Chapter 9 What are you doing here 10 Chapter 10 I can't come back 11 Chapter 11 Come outside12 Chapter 12 Dad asked me to see him13 Chapter 13 I have to go14 Chapter 14 Be my sex slave till i get tired of sex15 Chapter 15 She said no,I said yes16 Chapter 16 She is not my type17 Chapter 17 Not again 18 Chapter 18 Please release her19 Chapter 19 I lied to everyone20 Chapter 20 Hold on to what you have21 Chapter 21 I don't want you to work . 22 Chapter 22 Work for me instead23 Chapter 23 Don't employ her,she is my wife. 24 Chapter 24 You are getting late25 Chapter 25 I don't care,it your company. 26 Chapter 26 Let's get married27 Chapter 27 Now married. 28 Chapter 28 I want a divorce29 Chapter 29 I can't wait the list,well you have to30 Chapter 30 I'm sorry31 Chapter 31 Where is he32 Chapter 32 Let add sex to the contract then33 Chapter 33 I don't feel like talking to you34 Chapter 34 I don't know how to stop myself from touching you35 Chapter 35 Please stop36 Chapter 36 Who is he37 Chapter 37 Great is an understatement38 Chapter 38 Too tired to go to work39 Chapter 39 I want you to stay. 40 Chapter 40 Never had a girlfriend,just a crush41 Chapter 41 When will you leave42 Chapter 42 Why is he coming 43 Chapter 43 I will miss you44 Chapter 44 I'm fine45 Chapter 45 Keep a close eyes on her,i will be back soon.46 Chapter 46 I care about you47 Chapter 47 You should be looking elsewhere48 Chapter 48 He knows already.49 Chapter 49 Where is she50 Chapter 50 I plan ahead51 Chapter 51 For hurting her,you will die a painful death.52 Chapter 52 I suspected it just that I don't want to believe 53 Chapter 53 Is he dead54 Chapter 54 Arrest him55 Chapter 55 Still waiting for him to wake up. 56 Chapter 56 I love you 57 Chapter 57 I missed home. 58 Chapter 58 I love you Avery59 Chapter 59 He did not utter a word60 Chapter 60 Don't say anything61 Chapter 61 Looks like someone followed my advice.62 Chapter 62 I don't mind losing my job63 Chapter 63 You are invited64 Chapter 64 I love her so much.65 Chapter 65 Don't leave dad. 66 Chapter 66 He refuse to talk. 67 Chapter 67 I love my wife. 68 Chapter 68 Waiting for the baby's arrival. 69 Chapter 69 I am the happiest man on Earth. 70 Chapter 70 Finally with our baby.