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Neither She is a Damsel in Distress nor She need a Knight in Shining Armour Falling in love is easy, staying in love is tricky, But at the end of the day Anything Worth Having Is Worth Fighting For. ************* "Do you really think you can make me do this?" I asked in my most intimidating voice or the least I tried to. "Yes" And my dear friends I lost it "Who do you think you are? This is my life no one I mean NO ONE can make my decisions at least not any random stranger.So it's better you show yourself out before I completely lose it" and finally I looked straight into his eyes and God I never regretted anything more than that in my entire 22 years of existence not even when I accidentally spilled coffee over my haughty Principal. He got me captivated in those intimidating yet beautiful blue ocean. I knew at that moment I will never be able to look at the sky and stop myself from thinking about him. Determination,confidence,amusement is it admiration which I see? For whom?Me??? "I am Alexander Brown.And I am not a stranger atleast not for long.Yes I can make you mine or I can never guarantee whether you will get to complete your internship as a matter of fact even start it" My breath hitched, my eyes welled up but NO not in front of this handsome arrogant monster.No I can do better than that. So I asked what I felt right "Why?" "I need a wife,I chose you" ................................................................. Nathasha Brooke 22 yrs old, hard headed,strong hearted South Indian girl who fought through the odds for her dreams Life is going good for her with her Three siblings for life and a somewhat supportive family But then Comes Alexander Brown a self-made Billionaire The journey through two different cultures, language, family and above all two hearts. Will he give her wings or destroy it? Join the journey of Nathasha Brooke and Alexander Brown.

Chapter 1 PROLOUGE

"But how can you love someone who isn't whole?"

"Because you, like the moon, are not only beautiful when full;

for all of your fractions and phases and ivory white pieces,

I love you"


"Do you really think you can make me do this?" I asked him gulping down but in my most intimidating voice or at least I tried to.....


I waited, I waited for him to continue... silence....

And my dear friends I lost it

"Who do you think you are? This is my life. No one, I mean NO ONE can make my decisions for me at least not any random stranger."

I started almost shouting in a low voice, and I continued after taking a breath "So it's better you show yourself out before I completely lose it."

and I finally gained my courage and looked straight into his eyes and.....

God! I never regretted anything more than that in my entire 22 years of existence (at the same time I enjoyed it... maybe).

Not even when I accidentally spilled coffee over my haughty Principal.

He got me captivated in those intimidating yet beautiful blue ocean.

I knew at that moment I will never be able to look at the sky and stop myself from thinking about him.

Determination, confidence, a sense of inner deep longing and amusement. Is that admiration which is see?

It looked like a depth which I wanted to explore.

With thick dark brown hair, a couple of ones falling over his forehead giving his a rakish look which would get women lining up for him any time of the day, s prominent perfectly straight and narrow nose, strong jaw and the condescending tilt of his full, wide mouth slowly curving into a smirk.

Wait.... Smirk???

I didn't notice when he reached near me. It was a distance which was not a violating one but near enough for me to get intoxicated with the smell of him.. the smell which I didn't know I will crave in later part of my life.

Then I heard his voice, a baritone, a voice which was able to sooth my nerves but get me worked up all the same time. Then I slowly began to understand his words..

"I am Abhimanyu Shekhawat. And I am not a stranger at least not for long. Yes, I can make you mine or I can never guarantee whether you will get to complete your internship as a matter of fact even start it."

My breath hitched, my eyes welled up.

NO, not in front of this handsome arrogant Monster.

No, I can do better than that.

So I asked what I felt was right.


"I need a wife, I chose you."

"Are you kidding me? You, one of the most eligible bachelors out there in the whole world, you chose me, a simple girl who doesn't even have a degree in her name. Even though I love my body I know it's not the best out there. Seriously you want me to believe that?" I demanded pointing my forefinger straight at him.

Even though I was intimidated I needed answers, this is my life we are talking about.

"Yes." and there comes the well detailed reply.

"You will make me do this right?" Desperation was clearly peeking out through my voice. I knew he would make me do this, I can see it in his eyes, the determination.

"I want you to do this."

Confidence and a steeling sense of decision oozing from his voice and a little bit of tenderness??

I am not sure anymore.


And there marks the start of a journey of two souls from much sorted out dislike from her side and admiration??from his side.

The journey through two different cultures, languages, families and above all two hearts.

Will she be able to fly like she dreamt of ?

Will he give her wings or destroy it?

Join the journey of Arundhathi Varma and Abhimanyu Shekhawat!

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