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Be my fate

Be my fate



Change my fate was the wish Nilsa made but, these wish twisted her fate with that of a deity.......who she ended up falling in love with against all rule...... going again the rule one has to die for the other to live ...... what fate Nilsa has cannot be changed

Chapter 1 Her past

"on a Monday morning nilsa dressed up so beautiful as always for work waiting at the bus stop for her own bus to arrive, while waiting she saw some few students passing by and Nilsa remember how her school days was"


" babes you have no idea the kind of show off I will make off on Wednesday, I will make sure I make all the cute guys either wish I was their sister orrrrrr girlfriend (jokingly with a smile) Nilsa said

(taping Nilsa on the back) you should be thinking about ur future and not some random guys out there, Nil(how they call her instead of Nilsa)grow up a little, will you? Riele said

Riele really? Why are u always so serious about life . she's just trying to caught up some fun but Nilsa really you are obess with cute guy's" Cynthia said

" So you are not ? Nilsa asked

" not so ,but you better be carefully not to fall for a ghost " Cynthia said anyways my parents just called and they will be here on Wednesday

me too" Riele said what about u Nilsa???

" emm! I guess my dad will be here!

" you guess ? why so? You should call and confirm it,

"yes I will. So can I be excused ( standing up making her way out of the room,)( Nilas lives next door to her friends Cynthia and Riele, who are all on their final year in the university,just a count of two to three days only )

" why is dad not picking up the phone ( looking worried at the same time angry) I need to thank him for the money he sent,and remind him of the day, because he has to keep he's promise of coming to my graduation,he knows it's a dream come true for me ( Nilsa kept calling on again and again while waiting for her call to be picked her roommate came in who is also her bestie)

" heyyy baby girl what's with the face? Is something wrong? Lovely asked

" I have been trying to call my dad but he's not picking

"well maybe he's busy.

" nooo it's not possible he's always with he's phone and if he's busy he would've end the call or something." Nilsa said

"so what do you think?"

"he's ignoring my calls."

" hahahah why would he? Stop being ridiculous "

" he doesn't want to attend " Niles said

(smile) babe calm down your aunt said he's gonna come so just chill. < Just then Nilsas phone rang>

" Hey excuse me am getting a call from my auntie" picking the phone up"

" Hlo auntie....... Hope all is fine,......... Right now....... Okay I will be there, then she ended the call"

" Babes what's the matter?" Lovely asked

" I will have to go home"< she said getting her stuff>

" Now? Wait you mean today?" Lovely asked

" Yes"

" But why? Hey is everything okay, I mean we are celebrating our day off next tomorrow?

" I know lovely I will be back before then, i just have to go my aunt said it's important I come , maybe Nathan has caused another trouble again, she said we are having urgent family meetings and I need to attend" nilsa said getting her stuff all done

" Okay , that's alright"

" Take care of my stuff okay " talking her bag up

" Sure no probs... Just let me know if everything is fine and if Nathan has misbehave again just call me I will deal with him my self" lovely said

" Smiling sure babe I will, now you take care ok , and don't Miss me much" bye and she left after giving her a hug but reaching home Nilsa found a hug amount number of people at the entrance at their house, she was shocked and wondering what so many people were doing in there house," well it'sjust a few steps away and I will find out what's it's all about, or did Nathan create such a big mass she's thought to her sef" getting inside the house she saw her mom surrounded with alot of woman's, and her brother outside ,then she draw closer to him ad asked

" What have you done again Nathan"?

" Me? Nothing" he said

" So explain why are there so many people here, what's up? Are we having a family party or what? She said

" Nilsa , auntie is inside go meet her up"

" Why? You can tell me" she asked all curious

" Just go Nilsa" he said trying to hold up he's tears < Nilsa walked in passing her mom but she said nothing cause alot of people were around her she just passed and went to her auntie"

" Hey Nilsa" Miss Sharon stood up and hugged her tightly"

" Auntie what's going on here why are there so many people here? And Mama? Why is she surrounded like that?

" Hey baby have you eaten trying to avoiding her questions"

" Am good auntie"

" Nilas you should eat something " Miss Sharon insisted

" auntie am fine but why is she crying " nilsa asked pointing at the women beside them

" she will be fine"

" auntie why is everything so strange you you are acting strange, you called me for a meeting, so ?" And why is MA surrounded with so many dressed in black "

" nilsa you have to calm down, your mom need's you now?

" why auntie? Just why? Will someone answer me what's going on here? And daddy where is he?{ she shouted>

" nilsa your dad is dead" Miss Sharon broke the news

" what?"

" am sorry Nilas but....."

" sorry? Why are you sorry.. Because you are mistaken or what "( crying)

" nilsa{ miss sharon was crying to> it's gonna be okay

" Miss, hey Miss < someone taped at her at the buss stop>

" yes " nilsa replied

" are you okay ma'am? You are crying" she asked

"No am fine am OK thank you" weeping of her tears

" arent you following this bus" the lady asked pointing at the bus " it's going to leave soon"

" ooh yes yes it's my bus ,thank you " she said getting up and she went in and got a sit

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