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The Bad Blood of Innocence

The Bad Blood of Innocence



Ariadna Claire Marsella almost had a perfect family but suddenly her mom had an affair so her parents decided to devorce and her mom leave them without hearing any words .It was the saddest part of her life because she never imagine that their family will be like to the others and the someone that she thought that it will be part of her life until the end is also cheating and all of his other women is her best friend, she feels that the whole world has collapsed and it seems like there is no point in living because everyone she loves in life is gone. She decided to go to the other country and live there to forget all the pain she felt and then after a year she went back to get revenge who fucked up her perfect family and took back what was taken that was right for her. She's ready now to fight back not like the girl before who just forgive the people even if it's too much they did to her , she meet her ex boyfriend at the hospital along with her ex best friend seeing them together makes her anger and jealous she greet them both with her sweet smile "hi its been a while,how are you guys?dont you miss me?" the two just looked at her without any expression they both can't believe after how many years they will saw her "anyway i miss you both just wait for the gift I brought, you i will make sure you gonna hate me and of course my dear i won't forget you just wait i will get you back ,bye see you around" saying with evil smile while touching her ex boyfriend chest and kiss it in lips before she leave them both."I will be your worst nightmare and you'll gonna regret ".


A woman was walking in a dark place and there was no one but only her ,she shouted but she couldn't hear a voice she tried to shout again but she still couldn't hear herself she continue walking in a dark place and she heard a cries of children she was surprised when she saw a woman that they looked alike, she was even more surprised when the other children turned to her and it had no faces.

"help us" the childrens said who were crying over and over again that asking for help ,she covered her ears because her ears are aching from the voices she heard feels like she's going to be deaf.

She just looked at the woman with the same face of her and then it suddenly laughed at her and suddenly looked at her badly at the same time she pulled out a gun and ariadna's eyes widened because it pointed the gun to her and it was smiling at her.

"no" she just whispered to herself and suddenly she was shot.

"NO!" ariadna shouted and opened her eyes ,ariadna was sweating a lot because she thought she was really shot she just swallowed her saliva and sighed

"having bad dream again?" ariadna was surprised who spoke and it was her best friend tatiana, she just nodded and got up to take a bath.

When she came out of the room, the two of them immediately left the house and walked to the parking lot.

"Why are you in formal attire now?" she asked her bestfriend Tatiana while walking

"There will be a trial later" Tatiana said and got into her car

"Good luck, it's good that you were not given the role of a prisoner "She said and started to laugh to tease her best friend

"tsk stop it I don't want to wear a uniform like that lol I'm too pretty they will give me that kind of role like duhh I'll hit their head if they do" Tatiana said and started the engine

"so what is the case?" She ask and look at tatiana waiting to say something

"having affair" tatiana said

"woah that`s interesting so whose side will you defend?" She asks again in a serious face

"the one who's having affair " Tatiana said and looks disappointed

"ohw i see i guess it won`t be easy defending the person who committed the sin" She said and just looked out the window

"are you busy after your class? let's eat with my classmates they said they will eat outside after the trial around 2 pm" -Tatiana said and stopped the car and ariadna got out of her friend's car.

"okay just text me the exact address" -She said and closed the door

Ariadna walked into their school and the students looked at her again as she was used to ,she just ignored it because she was used to it so that wherever she went everyone would look at her and know her.

"Hi ari, good morning" her classmate Maikee greeted her, who smiled at her as she entered their classroom

"good morning" ari greeted her classmate and went to her table

"maikee did you already organize the file i sent to you?" She said and sit down then get her laptop

"yes master i already did" Maikee said and give the papers to ariadna

"By the way, sir sentillas isn't coming today, he said let's just focus on our project" Maikee said

"okay lets go outside and finish this" She said and stood up

"Seriously?" Dhana said, her group mate

"why, don't you like it? then don`t, we can kick you out in the group" ariadna said with a serious face

"pssh this bitch" dhana whispered but she heard it so she looked at dhana with an angry look

"okay that`s good idea let`s go" Dhana said and bring ariadna things

They went to the garden of their school and finish their project

"finally it`s works well" Maikee said and show their system project to the group members

"good job guys waah i thought we can't finish that today" Ariadna said with a smile on her face

"So can we leave? Since we're done with the project" Dhana said

"maybe you have a date so you're in a hurry hayst" Ariadna said and put her belongings in the bag

"tomorrow don't forget to come in early okay let's present first" Maikee said and wore his eye glass

"Don't be late if you don't want to be remove from the group" Tatiana said

"okay" their group mate said

"bye be careful ,see you tomorrow" She said and waved to them

Maikee followed her and she was startled when maikee spoke.

"Hey what are you doing? " She said to him

"Walking with you am i not allowed to walk with my cousin? " Maikee said to her

"Your the one who said that I didn't say anything tsk! " She said and continue to walk

"Are you going home already? Come with me to buy a gift for mom" Her cousin said and grabbed her arm

The two got in the car and maikee drove

"I didn't say yes to go with you" She said with angry emotion

"Hey don't look at me like that tsk I don't know what mom wants as a gift so I brought you because you're a woman and you know the taste of women okay, don't worry ill treat you a food" Maikee said but ari's face is still mad

So she just stay silent until they arrive at the famous shopping mall where maikee's mom always buy there.

"What do you think I can give to mom?" Maikee asked her but he was shocked when he didn't see ariadna.

Ariadna is looking of jewelries and bags all of them were very expensive and are beautiful.

"Ari? "

Ariadna was stund when she heard a mans voice, it had been a long time that she hadn't heard that voice so she turned her back and she wasn't mistaken in her suspicion.

"I'm right you are hahahaha long time no see ari" the guy said while smiling

ari looked at the man holding the woman's hand so she looked next to it and it looked like the man's girlfriend, they looked at each other and it just smiled at her so she also smiled at the woman and looked at the man again.

'we meet again' Ariadna just said to herself

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