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DANGEROUS ATTRACTION. ( An eye for an eye)

DANGEROUS ATTRACTION. ( An eye for an eye)

Munachi gift


" He took the most precious thing in my life (her parents) . He made my childhood meaningless, he killed my parents when they did nothing wrong ' she stared at the window, her eyes full of rage . ' I think it's time to pay my parents killer a visit' she picked up the phone and put a call through her secretary. ' make all necessary arrangements for my flight to Australia ' she said in a stern tone as she sipped her wine . Elizabeth Montero, the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Montero. She watched her parents being killed in cold blood by his best friend. ' An eye for an eye' , she promised herself. She made it her sole aim to destroy every happiness in his life . ' Mrs Clark, is the file for the meeting ready?'. ' yes sir' ' make everything ready in the boardroom. I will join you soon '. Theo got into his car and drove in a frenzy to the direction of the company. Theo Gesler, The CEO of Lorentz company. Makers of fashion wear. He is well endowed, calm, cool and decent,with a male model physique. His blue sea eyes sparkled like moonlight. He has a gleam with delight in his eyes. He has a devil-may - come look and a cute smile . Golden brown curly hair, which made him look like a movie star . Defined cheekbone, he is adventurous. He has a deep voice that melts away sadness whenever he talks , a broad shoulders that could be compared to that of a soldier. For a handsome guy like him , everyone expected him to be a playboy but he was the opposite of that. He drove the car to the driveway and alighted looking smart in his designer black bead embroidered Italian tuxedo suit, holding his briefcase, walking majestically to the company but stopped . His attention was drawn to a car that drove into the company. A beautiful lady alighted from the car. Who could that be ?.

Chapter 1 One

' You can't do this , we have been friends for a long time ' Mr Montero said with fear written on his face .

' I'm sorry Joe but you gave me no choice, if you had agreed to the damn contract this wouldn't have happened ' A man said pointing his gun at Joe .

' How can you expect my eleven years old daughter to get married to an old man that fits to be his daughter all because of money' Joe yelled.

Even if he was scared, he couldn't watch the man say such trash in front of him.

Elizabeth watched everything from the corner where she hid herself .

' Okay , since you don't wanna agree , then there is nothing for your family on this earth again. Goodbye Rosanna and Joe , I'm gonna miss you guys '.

' Nooooo , please do------' Joe couldn't complete his words before he got shut, not once but severely.

'Noooooo' Elizabeth jacked up from sleep panting heavily like someone who just fought a war.

She calmed herself after some minutes of hard breath

She walked to the bathroom to wash her face . She stared at her reflection in the mirror, her eyes cold blood. She keeps having this same dream everyday .

She walked out of the room and went straight to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and brought out a bottled water

She gulped down the whole content craving for more water .

' Elizabeth, you are awake ? , It 's quite early, what's wrong darling? ' Nanny Pamela asked, looking worried.

' You had the same dream again?' Elizabeth nods her head gulping more water .

' Are you okay darling?'

' I'm okay . I just don't know why i keep having the same dream. It's been long already nanny, why do i keep having the same dream?'. ' or maybe it reminding me i need to take revenge ' Elizabeth sighed

' No baby, don't think about revenge. You can't pay evil with evil ' nanny Pamela cooed.

' if only you knew what i have done to make sure i get revenge ' Elizabeth thought to herself.

' Okay nanny, i need to take my bath and get ready for work'

' it's still quite early '

' i know nanny but i can't sleep anymore ' she walked up the stairs heading to her room.

She entered her room and jammed the door.

' I'm sorry nanny, I have gone too far to turn back now ' she sighed entering the bathroom.

She laid comfortably on the bathtub feeling the warmth of the water.

Minutes later , she was all dressed up looking good . She was dressed in a short tight blue dress ,her hair packed in a ponytail. She had just little makeup on , putting on her high heels and her designer Louis Vuitton bag.

She walked downstairs.

' Nanny I'm off' she said heading to the door.

' won't you have your breakfast ' nanny Pamela yelled but got no response.

' Gosh' nanny Pamela sighed, going back to her morning chores.

Elizabeth slid into the car , putting on her seatbelt. She asked the driver to move.

The car drove in a frenzy, a few minutes later the car was in front of Allison texture company. Elizabeth came out looking beautiful.

She walked majestically into the company, everyone who came across her made sure to bow down their heads or that would be the end of their job .

No one dared to look her in the eyes.

Anita, her secretary, was quick to sight her , she ran towards her bowing her heads.

' Good morning miss Montero ' Anita greeted but got no response.

' Get me the files i asked for in the next five minutes or you'll lose your job' she replied bluntly.

She pressed the elevator button made for her alone, no employees are allowed to use the elevator.

The elevator finally got to the tenth floor, she came out and walked straight to her office.

Anita let a swoosh of air pass through her before she pushed the door open.

' Good morning ma'am ' Anita greeted her again.

No one wants to get on her bad side , so everyone working for her is extremely careful.

' Are the files i asked for ready?' She ignored Anita's greeting.

' Yes ma, here are the files ' she handed the files to her , Elizabeth collected the files, giving her a go ahead stare.

' And about Mr Gesler, I didn't get anything useful other than his company is the best in Australia, there is nothing about his family '. Anita said with her head down

' Okay, send a message to them that we would love to partner with them , is that understood?'

' Yes ma'am ' she responded with her head still bowed .

' Now get out ' she bluntly said .

' Yes ma'am ' Anita hurried out.

Elizabeth stood up and walked to the window, she sighed as a brick of tears dropped down her eyes. The pain she felt could not be compared to the hatred she has for her parent's killer.

She is willing to take his happiness from him even if that means getting rid of his whole family and making sure his company crumbles .

' Mom, Dad, i miss you so much . Please come back to me, ' she cried.

It has been sixteen years since the death of her parents but it felt like yesterday to her.


The whole place was buzzing with noise, the atmosphere was filled with joy . Laughter could be heard from every corner of the house .

' It's time to cut the cake, ' Mrs Montero said, gathering the whole kids together.

' Elizabeth , why don't you make a wish ? Sarah said .

' I will aunt ' Elizabeth closed her eyes for a while before opening them.

' What did you wish for ? ' curious Mrs Montero asked.

' It's a secret mom, i won't tell' she stuck out her tongue.

' Come-on, tell your mom ' Mrs Montero tickled her.

' Mom , that is not my ticklish spot and also , i won't tell you. So don't waste your precious time ' Elizabeth smiled victoriously.

' That's not fair ' Mrs Montero whined , showing Elizabeth her cute puppy eyes.

She looked so pitiful but Elizabeth wasn't ready to fall for her mom's tricks. She knew her mom too well.

' Stop trying mom , that won't work on me . Aunt, when is Eric coming?' She faced Sarah, ignoring her mom . Mrs Montero feeling defeated left.

' He will be here soon , why dont' you cut the cake now ' Sarah replied.

' No aunt , i will wait '.

' The kids are waiting ' Elizabeth looked at them feeling unbothered.

' I don't care, i will wait till Eric comes back. Keep playing kids, i won't cut my cake till Eric shows up ' she shoved them off.

' You don't have to do that , I'm right here ' Elizabeth turned and saw Eric coming toward her .

' Eric ' Elizabeth yelled running to him .

She hugged him tight.

' Where have you been, i have been waiting for you ' she said, holding him possessively.

' Okay , that's enough. You don't have to be clingy to him , Eric is my son, I'm the only one that can touch him' Sarah pulled Elizabeth from Eric looking angry.

' come on aunt , don't be a child. You can't possibly get married to him and also he has someone he wanna get married to. Right Eric ' she tossed her hair to the back, making Sarah laugh at her silliness.

' Yes mom , I'm gonna get married to Elizabeth ' Eric pecked her cheeks.

' Yaay' she jumped in excitement .

' Okay , Time to cut the cake' Mrs Montero said coming out of the kitchen.

' Kids gather around, Eric is here now .we can now cut the cake ' Sarah and Elsa had to laugh at how silly Elizabeth behaves.

The whole kids came together. Elizabeth held Eric's hand and held the knife in great enthusiasm as the kids chorus LIZZY. They cheered happily as Elizabeth drove the knife down to the cake .

The kids began giving her the present they got for her .

' Here ' Eric stretched forth his present .

' What's that ? ' Elizabeth asked, staring at the little box .

' Why don't you see for yourself ' she opened the little box , revealing a wristwatch.

' Why a wristwatch?' she asked, staring awkwardly at the wristwatch.

' It means even if we are far from each other with time , we are gonna meet again ' eric said , putting the wristwatch on her wrist .

' That is so thoughtful, thank you. I will keep this close to my heart ' she stared at the wristwatch.

' Happy birthday sweetheart ' A man yelled

' Dad' Elizabeth yelled, giving him a tight hug.

' Sorry I'm late , I got this for you ' Mr Montero gave her a key.

' why do i always get strange gifts' she muttered.

' Huh, what key? '

' This is a car key ' he said.

' Woooow, thank you Dad' Elizabeth jumped in excitement.

' Jeffery, I told you not to spoil this girl,' Elsa said in a scolding tone.

' Don't mind her dad, she is jealous ' Elizabeth chirped in.

' Huh, meeee!! Talk to your daughter Jeffery, ' Elsa said in a pissed tone.

' That's enough, I love you both' Jeffery pecked their cheeks.

' gather around, it's time to take pictures together ' Sarah yelled.

They all came together smiling broadly.

' say cheers everyone,' the camera man said.

' Cheers ' They said in unison as the camera man took pics of them.


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