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My Luna And The Devil

My Luna And The Devil



Elena Brandy, a pregnant lady, lives a happy life with her husband Leo Denver. After having a serious car accident, she gets to find out a shocking revelation about her family. Elena not believing this high level of treachery and bretrayal at first, seeks for answers. She’s left with a broken heart and a strong desire for revenge. Help comes in the form of a tall, gorgeous hunk of a man named Andre Aragorn an Alpha who rescued her from the accident. Andre had lost a sister and had seen her as someone who looked like her sister. He is determined to look after her and help her with her revenge. Elena takes up a new identity, ready to get her revenge and this will change her life forever.

Chapter 1 After wedding

Elena's POV It was becoming exasperating how Leo treated me these days. I know he was trying to be protective, but to be honest, I had had enough! “I'm pregnant Leo, not sick." I rolled my eyes and walked to the sofa slowly to take a seat. I looked at him and so his arms outstretched as if to help me. I shook my head. “Don't blame me. I can't have you falling down. We are expecting a child together. You need all the care you can get." I wanted to argue that walking around was good for the baby, but I decided against it.

I took out my phone then to respond to some messages, as I relaxed on the comfy sofa. “I'll be more careful next time. I promise." I said while looking up at him from my phone, noticing that he was still staring. My stomach growled loudly. I looked at my husband to see if he heard it. But he seemed oblivious to the sound as he closed his eyes and hummed a familiar tune. Ever since I got pregnant, my hungry feeling spiked to the roof. And it was only 7 am! "Leo, what's for breakfast? I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." I said, as I rubbed my stomach. He opened his eyes and stared at me with humor in his eyes and his lips twitching into a smile. "You're always hungry my dear. You could eat a horse and still be hungry an hour later." He joked, "Ugh! Here we go again." I said feigning exhaustion, pounding a fist on the arm of my sofa. “You can't blame me, can you? I no longer feed as one but as two! And besides you put a baby in me. You have no right to come at me about eating so much, okay?" I said pointing at him, as he still kept an amused expression. “You should treat me better you know?" I said pouting and folding my arms over my chest. He walked over to me and stood behind my sofa, he then wrapped his arms over me and gave my forehead a peck. He smelled so nice and I found his hug comforting and I relished in it. I smiled closing my eyes. I was just attracted to how simple he was and I found it attractive how he always cared for me. He started massaging my shoulders gently. “Mhmm!" I moaned. “Do you still wanna go see your family?" He asked. I sighed deeply, enjoying my massage. “They will be so excited to hear the good news. It has also been awhile we saw, so... I really wish you could come. It will actually be so good to have you there with me. No pressure though..." I said raising my hands in surrender, as his hands stopped doing it's magic on my shoulders. I looked up at him as he stood over me. I sighed again. This time not in satisfaction. ”I understand that you are busy and I'm not trying to be insensitive." He came over and sat the arm of my chair. My mum and sister had been asking to see him but unfortunately, other plans always came up. I was trying so hard to make him tag along but he didn't seem to want to bite. "El baby, I promise I really want to come with you, but things are not that easy. You know that right?" He asked as he went over to wrapping the gifts we picked out for my mum and sister. I loved that about him, how he always took seriously things that mattered to me; how he was so willing to help out even without being told. He carefully wrapped the gifts, treating them with immense care. He was so meticulous, I knew no one would have done it better. "Whose hungry?" The tray landed on the table and we both turned. Cindy stood by the dining table and served the food. She was my best friend and she always looked out for me, like the angel she was. Back at school and even now, her curvy body and charm always made men drool and curse at the effect she had on them. She was always flooded by many guys, who all sought to win her or to get the least bit of interest from her. She was just simply stunning and never had a need for anything as it always came to her at free course unhindered. "Aww... Didi" I called her fondly with amazement in my eyes. "Thanks for this. I was really hungry." I went over to the dining table and took a sit. Leo followed behind me and stood just a few feet from the table. "Wow! There's bread, scrambled eggs, tea and grits. I think I'll have everything else except the grits", I took out a plate and helped myself to the food placed before front of me. Then, I took out five slices of bread and put them on the plate. "Thank you so much Didi for putting in the effort." I said with a smile and I munched on my eggs. The flavours filled my mouth. I was just so good. "Come on. It's nothing." She said waving her hand as though it was nothing. "You guys are family. You've sheltered and fed me. I do this so I don't feel guilty about eating so much of your food." She said sitting and taking some food for herself unapologetically. I laughed. Daisy had been extremely helpful and so sweet since she began staying with us. She had called me to ask if she could stay with me and my family for a while until she was able to get her own place. I consented, because I knew she wouldn't want to stay with her mum, even though she stayed not so far from my house. It was so nice having her around. I turned to look at Leo leaning against a pillar watching us intently. "Why are you over dear babe? Your meal will get cold." He joined in and we all had our breakfast, gisting and laughing. As we ate, Leo's mum stepped into the room and the joyful air quckIy turned thick. She walked to the coffee machine and brewed herself a cup. The smell of coffee beans filled the air and soon she was holding a steaming black cup of coffee. She inhaled it first and then drank before turning to face us. I did well to avoid eye contact with her, and ate quietly. I wasn't realy Claudia's favorite person. I tried to respect her as much as I could as she was Leo's mum. But we barely saw eye to eye in things and she had never hid her displeasure about me being Leo's wife. Thankfully, his loved covered for it. She walked to the table and sat down, joining us in our meal. I finished my meal and got up to do the dishes but my husband wouldn't let me. So I thanked Daisy once again and got to finish wrapping the remaining items. Soon enough the others joined me and we finished the wrapping. I took and excuse to go get dressed and I stood at the mirror to look at my stomach. Ever since the pregnancy, I have formed the habit of rubbing my tummy alot. I smiled at my image. I was beginning to show and had added a bit of weight. Leo had said that pregnancy looked good and me. I guess he was right. "El you're gonna be late." Daisy said while knocking my bedroom door. I checked my time and it was 9:30am already. "Uh-oh" I opened the door up for her and held up two dresses. One was a purple flowery knee-length gown and the other was blue and a bit tight but had a peplum at the waist. "The colours first are a no-no for me. They seem too dull. But I think it's best you go with flowery patterned dress. Unless you want your dress to give the news away before you get the chance to." She shrugged. "You're right. I wasn't feeling the blue anyway." "You're still getting dressed? What took you so long? Leo seemed tired of waiting for you. He has warmed the car and he's just standing around, looking sad because he doesn't wanna rush you." I smiled, remembering how I had spent a lot of time in front of the mirror. "Okay okay. It will just be a minute." ~~~ It was wrong timing but I suddenly felt weak and tired. I yawned as I drove to my mum's house. Maybe it was the food, because I ate heavily and right now a rest was all I needed. I just needed to get to my mum's place first of all. Or maybe it was the pregnancy giving another of it's symptoms. The screeching sound of a vehicle hitting on brakes brought me out of my dizziness. I swerved immediately, noticing a vehicle had halted by the side of the road, because I had almost collided with him having closed my eyes for just a moment. "What was that?" I screamed in shock. I tried applying brakes but it didn't work. "Son-of-a..." My heart was damn right ready to jump into my mouth because of how hard it was beating in my chest. I put my hand there trying to steady it. I looked out the window and waved my apologies to the man who drove the other vehicle. He had turned beet red in anger and was staring daggers at me. I drove off immediately as fast I could, to avoid any confrontation. "Thank you goddess!" I sighed in relief. I drove off to a safe distance, all the while looking for a safe spot to park my car and take a nap. That was what I needed. A short nap. This has never happened to me before and I didn't want it happening again.I tried applying the brakes again but they still did not work. "This can't be happening." I was perspiring a lot and my heart was yet to steady itself. I was so scared and I didn't know what to do. I started horning for incoming vehicles, because I was driving in top speed and couldn't control my brakes. I tried evading other cars as much as I could but for some reason, the road seemed so busy today. The drowsiness was still hitting me hard that I cursed a whole lot, not being able to handle the situation as I should. I saw a free turn by the left and went for it, almost clashing with another vehicle. I realised that I had made a mistake when I saw that I was headed towards a cliff. Ofcourse, I tried reversing but it seemed the goddess had turned her back on me because the gears did not respond. My baby was more important to me at the moment so I tried to get help. Shutting my eyes, I tried summoning my wolf, but my body felt to weak to even do that. Leo. He was in the best position to help me right now. I tried mind-linking him but he didn't respond. I did so again and again until I realised it was of no use. I was shaking so much as I took out my cell and tried dialing him. It went straight to voicemail. "What?!" I tried again but still voicemail. I dropped a message for him, wondering what was going to happen to me and my baby. I felt alone and cold but I tried to be strong because of my child. My car was fast approaching the sea and I could do nothing about it on my own "Help!!!" I screamed weakly, even though I knew that no one was close. "Somebody please help." I cried in the loudest voice I could muster. It was as though the more I screamed the faster the car sped towards the sea. Tears streamed down my eyes as I shut them finally resigning to my fate. I felt a bout of pain in my legs and my chest as I bumped into the steering. But, the car didn't stop moving. In a flash, I found myself inside the sea, with no strength whatsoever to push the door open nor to swim, had I succeeded in opening the door. I knew I was close to the end. A smile appeared on my face as I recalled the good old days when all three of us were in school; my husband, Daisy and me. We'd always hang out after classes at restaurants or cinemas. One time, we went to an aquarium and saw the colourful, large and wild fishes. With the sounds and water surrounding us, Leo proposed to me. It was the happiest day of my life. I remembered running to tell Daisy about it and how she hugged me so tightly as I broke the news to her. I was going to marry my friend. It was the dream of every girl, especially when that man was one loving and sweet as Leo. The love of my life. "Didi honey, would you do me the favour of being my bridesmaid?" I had asked Didi a few months before the wedding. She smiled at me and nodded and I felt so happy. I trusted her more than anyone else I knew. I was delighted to have her by my side. After the wedding, she had to leave to study abroad. We agreed that she'd stay for a few months before that, but for some reason, she left earlier. She left no notes, no messages, nothing. We were supposed to be best friends. I couldn't understand why she did what she did. But I had bigger things to worry about.

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