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Lilly md


My name is Miracle. I got that name when I was fourteen. I can't remember my family. I can't remember my friends. I can't remember anything from the past. Do I even have a past? Where was I born?. Who are my parents? What did I like? Did I prefer dresses or sweaters? Was I a girly-girl or a tomboy? I Lost everything the moment I came forcefully here. I didn't ask for this nor did I want it. I came here to loose myself. I came here, because I got kidnapped. Everything I had known, everything I had forgotten came up to surface and tried to swim when he came into my life. He, the one who saved me.

Chapter 1 One

"Tell me! Tell me who you are!" he said while I felt my back burn. He was whipping me. No tears were falling down. No emotions. No screams. I got used to it. This, this was normal. "I'm Miracle" I whispered back. My voice didn't reach any higher tone, because he knocked all the air out of my lungs. My hands were tied and I was lying om the cold floor. He kicked me with his foot. " didn't hear you! Answer me!" he yelled again. I took a deep breath filling my lungs. "My name is Miracle!" I yelled. "Miracle! Miracle! I'm Miracle!" I yelled, trying to please him. Immediately he stopped kicking.

He grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me up. He looked me in the eye. A pleasant look was all over his face. "Good gir!" he only said. He grabbed me by my arm and walked away down to the basement. He grabbed the chains and put them around my hands and ankles as always. "Rest and be ready for tomorrow" he said while walking away. I heard him locking the door and let out the breath I was taking. I turned around on the floor so that my back didn't touch the floor. I was looking at the little window. It was small and covered with dry mud. How many times did I scream from there for help. No one. No one was around. Maybe there was no one. I mean, maybe we two were the only ones alive on the world. The only human beings. That was what he told me.

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