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Vivian, also know as the 'Expert', is on a mission to eliminate and kill the Alpha member of Barren City. With a disease that she said was a miracle, she could not sense pheromones at all, making her an omega who would not easily submit and lose to the alpha with a deadly aura. She is the executor because her small body and information about her being an omega make him not suspected and even considered weak. Until one day he thought Xavier was his victim, he was an alpha who was on the white list in the Fonatsiya Tower syndicate. He was a good person, even if Vivian just about to kill him before. And when they met again, it turned out that Xavier was a lecturer at his current campus. Because of that, they became close, and perhaps a feeling of comfort began to grow between them. But is that the right choice? After all, Vivian is an assassin from the Bouwer organization. And Xavier was the one who almost died because of Vivian. Would he not hold a grudge at'all against her, against a woman who was part of Bouwer, a target of various parties, including his own organization?

Chapter 1 Help

That night in Barren City, it was as busy as ever. Merchants passed by, parents enjoyed the breath of fresh air that was very rare during the day due to air pollution from vehicles, and of course some teenagers, girls, and boy came out to make memories with friends, lovers, or just mourn loneliness.

In a city that has changed, which was once at the past is a very dangerous place that could not be freely occupied by Omegas and where slavery was often sold by heartless people. In a city where power and government belonged to the Alpha only. In a city where a beta cannot become a leader, but they can feel safe enough not to be oppressed.

Over time passing by, as the government changed and many syndicates disagreed, they fought back and wanted freedom for an Alpha, Beta and ofcourse for Omega who always been the victim. Barren City, a place that used to be a broken city has turned into a better city, and after so many years the new generation no longer feels the oppression of the strong on the weak.

"Uhuk uhuk!."

But still, no matter how well times develop, no matter how good the government is. What made this city what it is today is because of the good actions of its inhabitants.

But... not all of them will be born to be the pure selves, right?

"Why did you bring me here?"

The girl looked fearfully at the two Alpha males who had forcibly brought her to a place where people rarely passed by. The three of them gathered in an alley that had quite a large garbage can in it, making the odor from it waft out and the air not so nice when inhaled.

"Come on, beautiful, the two of us are just helping you, wasn't it you who came to us earlier?" said one of the men who was wearing a white t-shirt and an open shirt on the outside.

"That's because you asked for help finding the way!"

"Hey beautiful, we just asked to be shown the way because we're on vacation and don't know where this is, but didn't you hold our hands and easily show off your not-so-big breasts to us? We thought you were playing." said another man who was wearing the same style of clothing but with a different color of the t-shirt.

"Sorry? I'm never show my breast just to anyone! "

"Besides," the man laughed mockingly, "it's your fault for innocently following us to a place like this."

"That's right, your parents never taught you how dangerous an Alpa can be, hehe."

They continued to laugh, but continuously released and produced pheromones to frighten the Omega girl even more.

"Please not with those pheromones, it's very dangerous for me!"

The girl held her mouth she didn't want to breathe in the pheromone-filled air of the two people in front of her, she was disgusted because she could see the pheromones floating to the air and slowly spreading almost filling the space that was not even more than two meters wide...

"Hey beautiful, it's not good to breathe like that, you should breathe properly so that you don't suffocate later."


She was forcefully told to breathe in the contaminated air.

"P-please stop. This... this is against the law, this is against the laws of this country, I can forgive you if you don't continue this please." The girl pleaded, she joined her palms together, trying to let go of this place.

"Please... I don't like it, I don't like seeing your aura entering my mouth and nose."

The man who first engaged the woman in conversation snapped at her quite rudely.

"Ha! What do you mean by that? Do you mean our feromone is disgusting? Admit it, you as an omega must really like this and are just holding back from losing control, right?"

"So you guys won't let me go?"

"Of course not, we should at least have fun together. If it's like that, even you will have a hard time telling me what happened to you because of embarrassment."

The girl looked down, she was no longer holding her arms and looked down not listening to the two men's words at all.

"You guys are bad people." Said the girl

"Hei don't take it seriously, we went to this town to have fun, so both you and I will forget the time passed, we won't be going to this town again anyway."

Is this what people often say about the dangers of being an omega?

The girl clasped her hands tightly, restraining herself. Now she was visibly trembling, making the two men in front of her smile while stealing glances at the girl.

"Hmm you don't look too well, can I help?"

The girl did not answer at all and still looked down.

"Hehe looks like you can't help yourself, admit it pretty, once you accept what will happen you will enjoy it, we promise to do it one by one we will satisfy you. Or... if you don't mind we can do it together right?"


No answer.

"Hey answer me."

The man already looked pleased, he glanced at his friend and his friend nodded. his friend now advanced and approached sis girl, he intended to carry her.

"Au... I see, you just obey."

The man breathed a sigh of relief. "Ahh dear there are so many patrol officers here, so we can't do it here."

"What do you mean, are you intend to do it here? you disgusting bastard." The man looked at the street, fortunately, there was no one in here, and that woman are pretty stupid. Why did she just follow them to a place like this?

What a stupid woman.

"Hey, you're no less disgusting than me yourself, give me your keys, I'll get the car and we'll take her to the nearest motel."

The man extended his hand, asking his friend for the keys.

"Where?" he was still busy looking at the street, oh shit.

"Hey hurry up a patrol officer is coming here." The man turned around and found his friend already asleep on the ground.

"What the hell?"

Instantly, he could feel the pressure on his neck. The girl was already at his side, pressing a stun gun against the neck of the man who was confused about what was happening now.


The blue glow of the electric current was visible, the man was hit by the electricity and was shocked that the electricity was aimed directly at his neck, making him instantly unconscious at that moment.

'You and your friend are both disgusting.'

Vivian looked disgustedly at the two men.

"Ah I need to call a police officer."

Vivian just walk away but she remembered the two men saying something Vivian went forward and crouched down, hmm well... where was that thing?

Vivian reached into the pockets of the two men.

"Ah here it is!"

It's a good thing they weren't lying, people who go to strange places to have fun usually have quite a lot of money Vivian put the money in her pocket and took the other man's money. After she was done, she threw the wallet into the trashcan and patted her shirt as it was dirty from sitting on the ground.

"Okee now that's I'm done, I'll just gonna... AAAAAAAA HELP."

Vivian screamed very loudly, making the night that should have been quiet full of her screams, and soon she was crying her eyes out.

"Please! huu... huu... SOMEBODY HEEELP."

Vivian keep crying out loud until some police came.

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